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Forums Mini Shops OVER!! thanks Guys<3

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 00:49:12 )

Overall Interest 4/5
  • She does not look happy, at all. It definitely adds to the interest of the image, since there is emotion to it!
    Accuracy 4/5
  • I got one little nitpick. Her eyes are a biiit bright. But that's more a nitpick than anything, lol.
    Overall Impression 5/5
  • That posing can't have been easy! I know I would have struggled with it, lol.
    Overall Effort 5/5
  • Your effort is certainly visible! Especially considering the fact that the posing, with her leaning forward like that, is not something that is easy to pull off (imo, of course), definitely nails a few points!

  • @Djinn:

    Overall Interest 4/5
  • I love how he's sitting there reading! It's so in character for him~<3
    Accuracy 4/5
  • Nitpicky, just like with Dawn above you. You missed the 1 inch leather band choker.
  • He also has a preference for not denim, unless doing 'hard labour'. He wouldn't wear denim when just lounging about and reading.
    Overall Impression 5/5
  • The posing may be simple, but it's well done and looks natural!
    Overall Effort 3/5
  • ....The 3 is purely because of the cursor in his pants. ^ ^; You could have saved instead of screenshot it.

  • @Kent:

    Overall Interest 4/5
  • I absolutely love images with an interact of some sort, even if just something simple like cooking! (Well, I mean, simple in the sense that it's not super detailed or something... I know drawing cooking can be difficult, and I'm not trying to downplay that)
    Accuracy 4/5
  • I feel like I'm nitpicking everyone. ^ ^;; sorry! You're all too good!
  • Anyway.... the score is the score because his hair ain't quite right. The dark red should be black.
    Overall Impression 5/5
  • Foreshortening on the hands/arms? YOU'RE BRAVER THAN I! (Seriously, I've been drawing for over a decade and STILL avoid crap like that, lol)
    Overall Effort 4/5
  • You can tell it's sketched, and probably a 'simpler'(?) result of an image, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad!
  • The amount of erasing and redrawing for those damned hands has to be quite awhile! So yes, effort is definitely visible!

  • @Synthetic Nature:

    Overall Interest 5/5
  • I love the posing and how she looks ready to just smash whomever put a toe out of line with that halberd. Absolutely love that.
    Accuracy 3/5
  • I really didn't want to mark this down, but there's one ... small (XD) detail that is omitted here.
  • Mira... is a dwarf. She really doesn't look it here.
    Overall Impression 5/5
  • As I said before, she looks ready to smash someone - or slice, I guess it depends on how it hits - with that halberd is bloody brilliant.
    Overall Effort 3/5
  • Deciding to take on a character with a visible braid, definitely counts!
  • But her hands look a little... awkward. Specifically her left (the one that is up)
  • I love the halberd though, definitely. And her hair. And her expression.~<3

  • All four of you, thank you so so much for entering!
    Since there were only four, and I hate telling people not, you all get an item =)
    I mean, the rest are just goin' for art anyway

    I really do love and appreciate all four pieces~<3
    And I'm definitely willing to talk about an item, or two, or whatever, in exchange for more art from any of you (and anyone else who happens to be reading this!).

    I should do that, no?


    Dawn: 4+4+5+5=18/20
    Djinn: 4+4+5+3=16/20
    Kent: 4+4+5+4=17
    Synthetic: 5+3+5+3=16/20

    Overall interest: She's just standing there, however, given her expression, and how she's holding the paper, that's the most dynamic 'standing there' I have ever seen! 3/5
    Overall Impression: I can see there's some perspective at work here, and it translates pretty nicely, with her upper half how it is, in comparison to her lower half. 4/5
    Accuracy: What can I say? The details a spot-on, right down to her scars! 5/5
    Overall effort: I can see the effort put into it. The pose, the colouring, the shading, it's all there! 5/5

    Overall interest: While sitting might not be very 'dynamic', it certainly captures Vincent after his nomadic days. And the position he's in, as well as his body language really sell it. 4/5
    Overall impression: The image itself doesn't really pop, but with an activity such as reading, paired with the individual, that's not surprising. So well done on showcasing how he tends to prefer things to be quiet around him when he reads. 4/5
    Accuracy: You got the stubble! His eyes are the right colour, and even the earring we're seeing is the right colour! Only thing is that he probably wouldn't wear jeans while reading. 4.5/5
    Overall effort: Oh yeah, I can tell effort and time was put into this. Good work with the light source as well! 5/5

    Overall interest: A nice head-on perspective, as well as showing using tools from the perspective. I like it! 5/5
    Overall impression: It's nice to see Ash's passion of cooking being showcased. A very warm image to be sure. 4/5
    Accuracy: This pretty much captures how he would cook in a a more professional setting. The bags under the eyes, the small smile, that's him. Hair could be a little darker, though. 4/5
    Overall effort: And I can see the effort that was put into this as well! Lines could stand to be a smidgen cleaner, though, I suppose. 4/5

    Overall interest: Mira's holding her trademark weapon is always a treat, especially when it's over the shoulder like that. 4/5
    Overall impression: Her expression shows that she's looking down on someone that had just been looking down on her. And the head-turn seals it. 4/5
    Accuracy: You got her hair down nicely, her style of dress suits her, and her eyes are great. Sadly, the lack of piercings on her ear'll cost a point... 4/5
    Overall effort: Come on, it's clear that effort was put into this. It's clean, the shading is nice, and the sheen on the weapon is great! 5/5

    Dawn: 3+4+5+5=17
    Djinn: 4+4+4.5+5=17.5
    Kent: 5+4+4+4=17
    Synthetic: 4+4+4+5=17

    Dawn: 17+18=35/40
    Djinn: 16+17.5=33.5/40
    Kent: 17+17=34/40
    Synthetic: 16+17=33/40

    DAWNPAINTERZ gets first pick!
    KENT gets second pick!
    DJINN Gets third pick!
    and finally
    SYNTHETIC NATURE gets last pick!

    Thank you all SO so SO much for entering!

    A huge thank you to @Anarchist Beauty: for all of the work she's put into the banners for here. Thank you so much darlin'!

    PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT an official Voltra contest. I know I'm a mod, but this is a personal contest that I am hosting.
    Yes this is a second attempt for an art contest. 
    Yes I love getting art of my characters.
    Yes, I'm a bit of a whore for art. 
    Yes, I think the prizes for this one are better! 
    Yes, the prizes are different! 
    Yes, I'm just reusing the same banners from Ana. LOL
    Read on for more information~<3
    A L S O
    If you want to bring people around here, here's a couple things you can throw in your sig or posts.
    If you put it in your sig/post for a week, you'll get a free 5k volts from me as a thank you! 
    (You can only claim that once)



    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 00:59:34 )

  • First and foremost, don't badmouth people, hey? I mean, seriously. Let's keep this fun and fair.
  • Sketches ARE allowed, but there's gotta be some shading to it. Even if minimal.
  • Backgrounds are totally not necessary, and their inclusion won't necessarily mean you will rank higher.
  • I think this one is a bit of a no-brainer, but don't claim my characters as your own. They're my babies. well, mine and @Colin:'s
  • The end date MAY be altered. By that, I mean that if enough people message/post saying that they would like an extra week, then I may be willing to concede. This can only occur ONCE, however
  • Please don't bash my characters. Some are works in progresses, others are close to my heart for one reason or another. I realise their profiles aren't perfect, that some may fall into the 'mary sue//gary stu' category, but I adore them as they are, and they are ever growing and evolving.
  • Please DO ask questions about them! If there is something in someone's profile that you would like more information on, please ask. I'd rather the knowledge is out there, over being hidden in my own head where it cannot be useful for art purposes!
  • You'll be cool with me posting it to their pages, of course. By that token, I'm cool with you posting it places as well, just link me~<3
  • You may enter multple times, but you can only win once.
  • These rules may be edited/altered at any time. Please keep an eye out - I'll usually add a post stated that a new rule or a rule edit, was made though.

    Yes, I realise like 90% of those didn't need to be said, but it's always better to say them than to leave them as an assumption

    Yay! You won!
    What's that mean? You get First Pick of almost any RIG, EVENT, or SET item!
    I have doubles of most. Not all, but most.
    So I can guarantee I have most of the rares - Alicorn? Yup. Virtuous Guard? Totally. Soulcaster? Yes, I do!

  • Report

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 01:01:42 )

    I will accept entries through April 24/2020
    The winners will be announced April 30/2020

    Now, there is a form for this, for my own sanity.
    Entrants will be farther down in this post post, as will the form be.

    This could probably fit in with prizes/whatever too, but I'm mentioning it here for ease. (I'll probably put it below too, for that matter)
    If you draw someone with NO art (meaning not even something I've done) then you get a free 5k along with a chance for one of the prizes. Yay?

  • Overall Interest Image A has them just standing there and has really nice quality. Image B has them holding something and has worse quality than A. Image B would 'get more points' because the pose is not just a generic boring 'splat, there you go'.
  • A C C U R A C Y is a huge thing. Every single character has a 'details' tab. Pay attention to it more than the images.
  • Overall Impression Now, this does NOT strictly mean quality. It means that if you try something that is difficult, and the fact that you are unfamiliar with it shows, you will acquire bonus points for the effort.
  • Overall Effort, of course If you just slap something down and don't put effort in, and it shows, then yeah... that's not the most likely to win. Sorry ^ ^;;
  • Payment. If you pay me you're more likely too;.. Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that, ooops. > > YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!! (Lol. I am of course not serious with that last one.)

    Please keep in mind that the winning images will be decided between myself and @Colin:.
    We will also score every image, with a reasoning for the scores, so people know!
    If you guys would be interested in that, of course ^ ^;;

    @Amber Lynne: Art Contest? Let's take a crack at this!
    [b]I am[/b] Who are you?
    [b]My Credit Preference is[/b] Here's where you list what link you would like me to use for the TH image submission! I want to credit you lovelies~<3
    [b]I'm hoping for[/b] Let me know what item you're hoping to claim if you win!
    [b]I wish to say[/b] Got any comments? Leave 'em here! Well, comments or questions, or whatever.

    Here's what everyone wants to see!

    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ

  • Report

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 01:12:31 )

    All right. All right.
    I know. You're intrigued by the prizes and want to see what kind of characters you've gotta draw for an entry.
    You want me to just get on with it, huh?

    Fine, fine fine. Here you go.

    My characters, sortable Please keep in mind you can only pick one keyword at a time. Not... not sure how to make it that you can pick multiple. ^ ^;; I'm not much of a coder, and this was done using a website template as a base. Lol.

    so there are all my characters. Yay?
    Each of their profiles have a relationships tab. If I missed something here, chances are it's listed there!

    some of these references are not accurate, and accuracy IS part of the winning conditions.

    Any character from the above link (or in my signature!) is valid to draw for this contest!
    To pare down that 50+ character selection, here are a few specifics I would appreciate art for!
    Please click the images to view their Profile page, which should have a good amount of information for ya! (If you need/want more, please don't hesitate to ask~<3)


    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 01:15:53 )

    Got a question pertaining to my characters or this thread?
    Ask 'em! Lemme know what you want to know, and I'll be sure to answer it!
    Well, I will, or @Colin: will!

    None yet!

    None yet!

    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 01:35:44 )

    Come enter for some epic prizes!

    I'll get screenshots of the invo for the prize pool shortly~<3


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 01:52:15 )

    And the prize pool has been added!

    (Y'all can hang out and chat in here too =) )


    Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:03:20 )

      Your FAQs post has a missing code because the [center] is just out there. xD
      It's bothering me LOL


    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:08:54 )
    /shyly comes into the forum/

    Why hello everyone, so wonderful to see you all

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:09:16 )

    @Valefor: YOU. SAW. NOTHING.
    > >

    @Mandy amour: Hey there darlin'!


    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:13:39 )
    @Amber Lynne: hello stranger ;p I feel like you and I havent spoken in years! XD what about you? Hahha

    Also just wondering for this contest are you accepting any styles of art or only particular? (It might have been stated and I overlooked it somehow xD) like example my voodoo doll style?

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:15:37 )

    @Mandy Amour: Absolutely any styles~<3
    ^ ^
    (Also, your voodoo work is win. Just sayin')


    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:24:26 )
    @Amber Lynne: well if that's true then I may just have to enter this contest with one of my little creatures! Besides the other one could use a friend ;p am I right? Hahaha

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:26:36 )

    @Mandy Amour: ... I still need to upload that.


    friends for everyone ~<3


    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:29:54 )
    @Amber Lynne: is that the goal now? A voodoo doll for each of the characters? XD I feel like I could be busy for some time if that's the case Haha

    Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:34:14 )

      @Mandy Amour: Hello!! How are ya?
      I'm doing pretty well.

      @Amber Lynne: You're right...I totally didn't see anything. 8D

      And congrats on the thread opening! *throws confetti*

    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:38:49 )
    @Valefor: I'm glad to hear it! I'm doing well myself. Keeping busy for the most part. Trying to not go mad in this quarantine! Haha.. did you have a good weekend?

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:40:54 )

    @Mandy Amour: Lol. Nahhh
    It's more a case of whenever I can get one, I will =)
    If you open a shop, you'll have a regular client ^ ^

    @Valefor: Impulsive decisions FTW
    I just have a mountain of items that I wanna unload, so I figure this is a good way to do it =)

    My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

    Ping me. always
    ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
    If you do art, PM me

    Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:45:41 )

      @Mandy Amour: Saaaaame! I thought I'd be okay with staying home since I'm kind of a homebody and it doesn't bother me much. But damn, I realize that I do like getting out of the house even for the most mundane things like getting groceries or even communing to class. xD

      My weekend was pretty good. c: Can't say I didn't much though. ^^; I've never gotten so much art done these past two weeks than in my entire life LMAO
      And how was yours during this chaos? xD

      @Amber Lynne: Ah, yes. Impulsive decisions. It's what makes the world go 'round. xD
      Eyyyy everybody benefits from this! You get art and they get items! xD
    (ง •̀_•́)ง

    Donator — V.A.G Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 02:49:27 )
    @Amber Lynne: I might. I need some more time to think about that. XD I feel like an actual shop would make me feel like I have to be devoted to it and I dont know if I'm ready for that yet but hey if not I'm sure I'll hand out some freebies xD

    @Valefor: I'm trying to get through it honestly. I still get to leave the house and go to work all week so I'm lucky in that respect. But in agree I enjoy the most mundane things that's I'm now not allowed too and its killing me inside. Plus people.. I need people friends, family and I dont have that. Well I have phone and internet but the physical part of seeing them i dont. Not adjusting well that's for sure o.0

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