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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 14:13:48 )

Alice noticed how quickly he left and she got a little worried. She went outside to hear him ranting to himself."Not all of the World is against you....I'm still on your side..."She watched him punch his own nose unsure of how hard he punched himself. "Yeah im ready to go since we've got the needed supplies til we get to the first town....are you okay?"She expressed her concern as she held the map. She walked down the library's stairs and once her feet were on ground she opened the map inspecting the route. She didn't like the idea of going through some of these places...but it was for her people so her life was not that important at this point. "The first place we have to cross through is the.....Curious root's Garden...Curiousing but i have a feeling it's enhanced....oh aside from all of this..i believe i should ask you something if the time does ever come to meet that....."She looks at him."I'd like to know your greatest...fear.....and i'll explain why i want to know this..."She looked alittle uneasy now.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 06:40:06 )
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"Just peachy." Vicran replied to her question deciding to ignore the first part of her reply, since it didn't appear that Alice cared as much that they were going to be in deeper trouble than they had originally thought. Turning his gaze towards Alice as she commented on where they were going and his greatest fear, he couldn't help but just stare at her for a few moments. His greatest fear? That was a loaded question, though one he didn't mind answering depending on the situation. "Depends on what type of fear you're talking about. Everyone has a greatest fear on how they'll die. Then things they fear in life that logically won't kill them. Which one are you looking for?" Turning his body fully towards her he put his earlier frustration to the back of his mind and instead focused his full attention on the elf in front of him.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 17:44:37 )

Alice thinks for a moment and looks at him,"I guess i'd be talking about the one that you fear that could or could not kill you."Her body language said that she seemed nervous, tensed and curious. She was worried about the fact they were going to travel pass the most dangerous areas but the first stop was the easiest to go through...well when it was just her. She kept walking,"I'd suggest we walk while we talk....we'll get there sooner."She could smell them, the horrible smell of beer and sweat, from miles away. They seemed to be getting closer and she was feeling troubled.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 06:58:17 )
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Vicran studied Alice as he followed after her, silently agreeing that walking would be the ideal way to get to the next destination considering he didn't see Nightmare anywhere. Following besides Alice the drow noticed that the other seemed worried, but it wasn't his place to pry, at least yet. "For the one that won't kill me? That's a harder question. Would it be a bit cliche to say spiders? I don't mind the outdoors or most bugs, but spiders? They're the one bug that I can't stand seeing or being around. I don't even have the ability to squish them." Shuddering a bit at the thought he shook his head to clear the thought of spiders from it before looking back over at Alice, not wanting to think any longer on the subject. "I think it's only fair you share yours now?"

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 14:15:49 )
Alice,"There are three people that scare me.....ones the elders tried to get me to marry before....One is a minator, one tinkering dwarf and a..human........I put them under a title of Them because they've tried repeatedly to kidnap me and other things...."She shivered and she looked behind her. "the human is the one in charge...and he's the worst of all three of them. they may be the ones following us."She seemed clearly uneasy. "That's kinda why i seem so optimistic about this."She motions the two of them. "This time they at least choose the right type of race...and someone who is easily likable in my opinion.."She sighs softly but begins to smile. "we'll encounter them at some point...i would just keep an eye on me especially if that human uses a spell to lure me."

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 21:29:39 )
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Vicran's gaze sharpened on the girl as she brought up the people who were following them. The drow seemed tense as he took in the information, eyes moving behind them momentarily before focusing on Alice once more. Studying the girl for a moment more, the male moved an arm around her shoulders and pulled her a bit closer. "The elders never quite seem to understand that marriage isn't the answer to everything." Shaking his head, Vicran's eyes hardened a bit at his next words. "Though if the three try anything they will quickly come to regret it. I am not about to allow any harm to come to you." The words were no idle threat for the three following them, nor was his declaration of letting no harm come to Alice a lie.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 19:37:07 )

Alce felt his arm around her as she was brought closer to him. ""She smiles cheering up as she believes and trust him on his declaration. "I'll make sure to have your back...after all they are quite tricky.'' She pulls out the map looking at it before looking at the path in front of them to where a garden spills open. "Ah we're here in a splick of time."She went back to her usual self as well on guard. The three alice mentioned were far ahead of them not behind, as it was going to be an ambush. The Garden was tall with plant life and smells of all kinds, creepy statues as well and animals too. Alice put the map away smiling at Vicran,"Shall we go through the first place to our little mission?"She used the word little as she meant it was nothing to large to handle.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 07:13:50 )
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Nodding at the mention of them being tricky, Vicran had no doubt that the three together would be tricky but he wasn't about to lose Alice to the three of them. As they reached the garden the drow pulled his arm off of Alice his hands moving to where his weapons were. Letting his hands hover near them he continued walking into the garden. "We might as well, besides beating up some people might improve my day since I didn't get a chance to fight the elders earlier." Silver eyes browsing the garden as he entered it, Vicran's attention was on high as he walked.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 03:16:14 )

Alice giggled,"You'll get no fun beating the elders up in the slightest..believe i've tried they use spells and run for it which is odd...because they run pretty fast from me.."Her normal wildness returning as she smiled giggling. She was on high alert until she heard a certain griffin cry. she froze as they was walking through this garden."Lily?....what is she doing-"The cry got louder as Alice's motherly instincts kicked in and she bolted to the crys. The three who had gotten lily had a trap set for alice if she ran to her own what she considered her non elf child.
ALice took no time to spare as she sprinted quickly jumping over the small bush walls and plants to run to her entangled baby griffin. Her heart full of panic and worry forgetting who was after her. Lily's cries were loud and only directed for her mother,Alice. The human was hidden by a spell as he watched Alice run into this open patch in the garden and slide to her knees cutting these vines off her griffin. He used a spell to make sure she couldn't see them just yet.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 21:55:07 )
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Vicran gave a small shrug at that, still feeling like he had pretty good odds against the elders. At the cry in the air, Vicran froze eyes darting around as he tried to figure out where it had came from. Silver eyes snapped to Alice as she darted off, Vicran's hand just missing her as he reached out to stop her. Alice was out of view almost instantly causing Vicran to curse softly. She had just told him that there were three people after her and she was running off into what was more than likely some sort of trap in this garden. If it was the three Vicran wasn't sure, but it wasn't a good idea to run off.

"Alice come back!" The drow called out, still cursing under his breath as he took after her although he was slightly more careful than his companion as he took out his dagger eyes watching his surroundings as he followed after her. Jumping over bush walls he kept his eyes on his surroundings as he finally saw Alice and the griffin in the distance causing him to curse once again. "Alice watch your surroundings." He called out, hoping that the other elf would be able to hear him.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 03:56:08 )

Alice nods to Vicran only hearing alice come back as she freed the little griffin cub. ALice mumbles oh dear volkans who did this to you my sweet child. She got up noticing something off as she felt being watched. she shivered feeling a breath on her neck and she dashed over to vicran. The male human used his arcana magic to use a mirror realm spell. ( we'll pretend this is a real thing) This spell allows only the caster to drag someone or something into their hold while portraying the figure of someone.(practically a glass version of the person they are wanting to take) Alice seemed worried as she handled the little griffins wounds with one hand. this griffin was injured horribly on it wings, and legs.

The human stepped out clapping slowly grinning as his voice was deep like his black raven hair and dark blue eyes,'Well well well So nice to see you again my love.."Alice froze thinking uh oh. alice didn't like anyone calling her that unless they were married. The human bows several feet away from the two elves.He flashes his grin at them,"Allow me to introduce myself and my companions. i am Din farshore ."The minotaur and dwarf appear behind vicran and alice. Alice is clearly tensed but not drawing her weapon,she's studying the other two for a moment planning a quick route out of this. The minotaur seemed angry and was huffing as the dwarf was looking more polite and pervy. (ooo finally fighting scene.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 08:03:52 )
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Looking at Alice as she ran towards him he felt a little better having her closer to him rather than across the clearing. Gripping his dagger tighter, his silver eyes moved as the human stepped out of the clearing causing Vicran to involuntarily moving slightly in front of Alice. As the minotaur and dwarf appeared behind them Vicran shifted slightly so all three would be in his field of vision.

"And let me guess, you mean no harm you just want Alice to go with you right?" The elf spoke sharply his eyes going between the three men. He had no doubt he'd be able to take any of the men on solo, but three variables meant he had to be a bit more cautious. "Aren't you tired of chasing someone who doesn't want you? It would be easier to go after someone else don't you think?" The only benefit that Vicran could see from this fight was that he knew who the three men wanted, which meant he just needed to see how they would go about getting Alice.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 15:42:12 )
(sorry for taking such a long time.also everytime the name Din is written it's just the humans name)

Din chuckled,"It's not just alice we're wanting it's something she owes us but none of us are chasing someone who belongs to the three of us."His hands glowed a blue. Alice sighed then started to mumble loud enough only for vicran to hear,'' vicran if you can get the human out the garden and knocked out..i can handle the other two...i may have us seperate so i can lead them off....''She stuck close to him but changed her footing looking at the nearby paths. She clearly had a plan now. DIn continues,"After all you two will just end the same and you'll be the heartbroken one with nothing to feel anymore because of those Elders."His grin grew as the blue grew slightly lighter.

The minotaur and dwarf were clearly not after Alice for the same reasons. the minotaur scrapped his foot against the ground and it caught alice's attention. The dwarf was twitching and trembling his eyes never parting from alice. Alice took a breath counting slowly her eyes focused elsewhere,her ear slightly lowered. She waited for Vicrans yes or no,but regardless she was gonna lead at least two of these guys away and return to help vicran.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/6 08:31:21 )
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(no worries!)

Vicran's eyes moved to Alice before his eyes looked back at the human eyes narrowing at the thought. Vicran was clearly not happy with the idea and unsure if it is what he wanted to do. "Heartbroken and unable to feel anything? Sorry drows are already known for not feeling anything and I doubt the elders could make that any worse." Replying to the human with a bit of anger seeping into his voice as he looked back at Alice.

"If you think that is the best plan then I will go along with it." He whispered softly back to her letting out a soft breath. Shifting a hand he dug in a pocket of his bag as he grabbed something, keeping it enclosed in his fist. "I suppose you want the human alive." Vicran muttered to himself already forming a small plan of his own.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/6 15:13:03 )

Alice listened to DIn growl but she lightly nodded ,mumbling softly,"best not to shed blood this earlier.....just handle him how'd you like..."She shifted her feet more noticeable now. She took one deep breath setting lily down and lily limped off away from them. DIn," just're not the first drow she's been with. "He noticed alice took off and the minotaur and dwarf took after her. She led them away as if it was a game. Din tsked, and he seemed amused.

The minotaur and dwarf were right on Alice's heels with her every move until she got them deeper into the maze. The minotaur gave off a angry huff and the dwarf was muttering in a nerdish almost like voice. 'everytime.....looks like we're lost ran...' Alice was watching them up in a tree nearby that was in the maze. She looked over at din and vicran seeing Din isn't attacking yet but more of talking. as din is slightly talking he's doing a spell of convincing toward Vicran.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:52:37 )
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Nodding as he watched Alice run off, Vicran turned his attention back to Din a sigh escaping his lips. "And why does that matter to me?" The drow asked simply as he raised an eyebrow. "I don't have the attachment you humans have of needing to be the one and only, or the first one to do something." Keeping his fist closed, he shifted the dagger in his other hand as he moved forward towards Din.

Silver eyes were watching his opponent as he moved towards him, before gesturing towards Din with the dagger. "So why don't you tell me why you want Alice, you say it isn't because you want her but want something from her? We might be able to meet in the middle depending on what it is you want." Vicran said stopping a few feet from Din seeming genuinely curious as to what the human thought his reason was for wanting Alice.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 03:21:18 )

Din chuckled," well alice promised herself to me in exchange of the safety of others like her beloved animals and elvenkind."He chuckles and seeing the approach. he allowed himself to lower his guard to intensify his spell effects."but sadly she got cold feet and ran away as usual.See her family has disowned her once before and she's been trying to earn that title back....after she stole my book and few of the others positions. "

Alice felt the tree shake as she gripped onto the branch as the Minotaur shook it. She squeaked and waited the shaking out. She was dizzy and shaken up. The dwarf muttered something as Alice got down.Alice,"..aye....why you'd be shaking me up? i did noth'ng to you boys can we just do plan B as always please...."She leaned against the tree still spinning in circles. The minotaur grabbed her pushing her arms the her sides and huffed as he walked her out the back entrance. She even thought it was odd, until she was able to realize they wanted out and away from the human too. She let them go off and returned back to area where vicran was. she's abit dirtied up but smiling oddly.

Come join me at my lil

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