I dont know how to handle this situation, I'm having a hard time emphasizing with it, but I try my best to sympathize.
When I met my bf he seemed to be in this picture perfect family relationship with his dad and step mom. Things were simple. TOO simple. I knew there was disorder somewhere that I couldn't see, so I thought I had braced myself for when it finally showed itself.
Then my bf decided to move out of his dad's house and live with me. That's when everything exploded and even my bf saw for the first time that something wasn't right with his family. His dad lost his mind at us. He put me on this pedestal (figuratively) in front of that whole family to shame me, insult me, make me out to be a horrible untrustworthy slut, and just overall preaching against me like I'm the devil himself. Never have I felt more humiliated and angry than I did that day, and I can never forgive that man. But I still have to act decent around him out of respect for his children, because for their sake and cause I love them, I also want to stay in their lives.
This man also turned against his own son that day, told him he hates him and will pray that things will go wrong for him because of these choices. Like, I'm no priest or anything, but I'm pretty sure that isn't how praying works????
Anyway, it has been several months. We dealt with that back in september.
Every time he visits his dad without me, the man is always trying to manipulate my bf into coming back. Saying he "shouldn't be living with strangers" and that I only have bad intentions, ect ect. He's always trying to control my bf's every move, EVERY decision he makes.
Lately its health insurance. My bf isn't 26 yet so he was still on his dad's health insurance. Out of the blue, in the midst of this pandemic, his dad KICKS HIM OFF OF HIS HEALTH INSURANCE LIKE YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN NOW BITCH!
I can empathize with the scary feeling the first time you realize you have no health insurance. So I get my bf to relax a bit like its okay, maybe his dad lost his benefits, maybe it wasn't malicious and he couldn't legally put my bf on any new insurance plans cause he isn't living with him. But we'll work things out with our job and see what we can do.
His dad
is prying
spamming his phone
trying to force him to buy insurance immediately, from a specific company just cause he said so
and this company is acting sketchy AS HELL and we cant afford it rn anyway
my bf almost got suckered into it cause of his dad's forceful attitude, before I noticed and halted his phone call right away like NONONONO
He put the call on hold, unsure whether to believe me. But when he picked up the call again, and explained our financial concerns, the agent is like "well do you have a friend who can give you money?"
This shaaaaaaatters my bf, cause he realized I was right, this isn't a good option. He broke down just knowing that his dad would murder him for not going through with it. We tried our job, but they cut our hours too much so we cant get health benefits through them either. Hourly retail, fun.
And now his college classes have also been cancelled until june at the earliest.
His dad and step mom wont leave him alone. But they have him so whipped and abused for so long, that he can't bring himself to tell them to leave him alone, or let him deal with it, or just to ignore them for more than a day. I feel like he has this heavy instinct that there's a really big consequence to standing up for himself. He doesn't want to lose the family that he still loves so much but they're tearing him apart emotionally on pretty much a monthly basis since we moved.
I'm the type of person to stand up and tell someone to shove off when they cross my lines.
But even the smallest situation, like not answering someone's question until a few days later and being like "my bad I was doing something and then forgot until now"
My family will be like "its fine I was just worried about this thing, did you get it sorted" or whatever. Like normal humans.
His family would probably break my door down over it lol There's a drastic difference and I have such a hard time giving my bf any sort of advice, cause I just have to be honest with him. What I'd do is not what he'd do, and that's okay, but that means all I can offer is support. And that my whole family would protect him too.
But, with his passive approach, will this ever stop?