-brushes off the dust- I’m in need of a creative outlet so here I go.
I am a semi-lit to literate role-player.
I can do fast paced and slow paced role-plays.
I work 4O-6O+ hours a week and use role-playing as unwind time.
I can do plots, I can wing it.
I am not opposed to playing either gender
I do tend to lean more towards female OC's/Characters
I don’t mind playing multiple characters through out to help with story development
I don’t have current role-play samples but could dig some up if need be.
I like gothic/Victorian, horror, supernatural ( really into witchy things), other worldly, spirits; ect:
Some fandoms I enjoy:
Penny Dreadful
Kingdom Hospital
Jessica Jones
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
Any idea you throw my way we can work with.
Kinda want to try to work a roleplay around a song
I’ve had awful luck maintaining a role-play partner so fingers crossed that this sticks.
I get life happens- trust me just let me know if you need a break or even if you want to scrap the idea altogether and start over.
I am a semi-lit to literate role-player.
I can do fast paced and slow paced role-plays.
I work 4O-6O+ hours a week and use role-playing as unwind time.
I can do plots, I can wing it.
I am not opposed to playing either gender
I do tend to lean more towards female OC's/Characters
I don’t mind playing multiple characters through out to help with story development
I don’t have current role-play samples but could dig some up if need be.
I like gothic/Victorian, horror, supernatural ( really into witchy things), other worldly, spirits; ect:
Some fandoms I enjoy:
Penny Dreadful
Kingdom Hospital
Jessica Jones
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
Any idea you throw my way we can work with.
Kinda want to try to work a roleplay around a song
I’ve had awful luck maintaining a role-play partner so fingers crossed that this sticks.
I get life happens- trust me just let me know if you need a break or even if you want to scrap the idea altogether and start over.