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Forums Role Playing Place of Refuge (Lucifera&Kairie 1x1 roleplay)

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 07:20:50 )
Thread for 1x1 between me and Kairie.

Name: Xander Elryk
Age: 25


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 07:22:57 )
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Name: Kiera Balliol
Age: 24
Appearance: Kiera

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 02:57:16 )
Xander huffed, jotting down a patient's blood pressure and vitals for the doctor. The clinic he worked at was small, known only by word of mouth in a very select community. the doctor was alien, and his wife, human. And with how the world was at that point, it was good to be kept that way. After all, humans weren't taking too nicely to aliens becoming citizens. Thus, they had to ensure those whose families weren't strictly human had a safe place to seek treatment.

Moving to the front where the receptionists were, he put her chart down for the doctor to take, and sat down in his seat to begin his odd and end office work. He knew it'd be a long day, and possibly night, with how things were going though. With all the protests and riots from the humans, a lot of aliens had been coming in wounded, or in need of some sort of help. Thus, his hours were often a bit longer than he'd like.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 03:49:22 )
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Spinning in her chair Kiera's gaze couldn't quite focus on the computer in front of her. Data entry was her least favorite part of her position but there was no way she would be able to avoid it at the rate she was going. The girl stopped her spinning as one of her coworkers returned tot heir desk her face perking slightly at realizing it was Xander. "Hey there! How are things going?" Perkily giving her coworker a smile she gave her screen only one more glance before looking back towards Xander. "How is everything going with the patients?" She asked, hands moving to her keyboard as she typed a few quick things.

Seeming to become a bit more serious she sighed eyes gazing over the data she had been avoiding. "It's getting bad out there from all these documents I'm being given, but it doesn't seem like too many are coming in with life-threatening injuries." Commenting more for herself than anything she sighed knowing it would be a long enough night at work let alone adding any additional hours at her personal side-job. "If we manage to get our breaks around the same time want to go grab some coffee? Since I think we'll both be here for a good portion of the night." At the question Kiera began typing away quickly, eyes drifting to Xander every few seconds as she waited for a reply.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 05:55:27 )

Xander sighed, rubbing his face with his hands before his fingers went to work on his keyboard. "They're going." He said, clearly tired and ready to go home, but he still had a few hours ahead of him yet. "Patients seem to be doing fine for now." He said, trying not to get too detailed. After all, no one wants to hear about the nitty-gritty he had to get into throughout the day.

When she mentioned none seemed to be coming in with life-threatening injuries, he simply gave a small chuckle. Most of the more serious situations weren't handled by them initially. Most were treated at the hospital and sent to them for recovery. "It's been okay. There's been a few that came from the hospital that are in the recovery rooms. But all in all, I guess we're having a moment in the eye of the storm." He said, not wanting to jinx it. "And sure. I could go for a pick-me-up... Probably should ask the doctors and nurses if they want anything." He said as both owners of the clinic were doctors, and there were few other trusted nurses that worked under Xander. "I'll see if they want to put in some requests? It'd give an excuse to get some fresh air." He suggested, deciding to go against the idea of waiting for their break. He needed one as soon as possible, his brain was slowly turning to sludge and a nice walk would do him some good.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 06:45:32 )
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Picking up on Xander's energy level Kiera winced slightly, maybe it hadn't been the right time to be so energetic. "That's good that they seem to be doing well, at least the ones that you've seen." She responded fingers moving at the keyboard in front of her. Eyes lifting at the mention of being in the eye of the storm she gave a soft sigh. "You could definitely say we're having a moment here." Kiera agreed another small sigh escaping her lips.

Closing the folder at her desk she opened the next eyes drifting to Xander momentarily. "Sure that sounds like a plan!" She said smiling before continuing. "I'll finish up this folder real quick and get my purse together and ask the receptionists if they want anything while you ask the doctors and nurses. Since some fresh air right now would be good, and the caffeine will be extra good." Smiling at the thought of a hot drink she went back to typing at her keyboard quickly, excited to get done with the current folder to get some caffeine in her system.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 07:09:13 )

Xander nodded. "It is pretty good. I'm thankful that there are fewer casualties. But we've seen how this has ebbed and flowed. It's always worse after the silent moments." He shrugged. He didn't want to make it seem as if he was overly invested. But he was. The idea that many of the aliens, some he had known during his own travels to the planet, had ended up in situations where they needed to come to the clinic. Some situations were mild, others scared him. But over the years, he'd tried to become less attached. The last thing he needed was to be, well... His parents.

"I'll be back in a second." He said, locking down his computer, he went around asking if anyone wanted anything, checking in on a few of the odd patients he had under his care to make sure they were comfortable and let them know who to call for while he was away, before going back down the steps, tossing on a light coat and his messenger bag, tucking his phone and a piece of paper with odd and end requests on it.

"Ready to go?" He questioned, clearly in better spirits at the idea of leaving the place for a little while.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 07:46:34 )
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Nodding in agreement to his words she gave a small wave as he left to go take the orders. Quickly finishing the folder she was on she grabbed her phone and purse before going to the receptionists desk and asking if they wanted anything. After getting their orders she headed back to her desk to wait for Xander. Kicking her feet out from her chair she jumped upa s she saw him appraching their desks again. "I am!" Kiera chimed, appearing to be back in a good mood.

Stuffing her phone into her pocket and slinging her purse strap over her shoulder she gave a content sigh as she took the lead out of their small clinic. "I can't wait to have a bit of caffeine in my system. It makes the long days a bit shorter to have that burst of energy." Grinning Kiera had a small bounce in her step as she glanced over at Xander. "Get a lot of orders from everyone else? I'm sure almost everyone wants some sort of caffeine fix during all of this." She added thinking about the few orders she had.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 23:33:51 )

Xander smiled faintly, seeing her excitement and energy. He did envy her spirit, and was only sad he couldn't bring himself to share it just then. "Awesome, we should probably get going then." He said, adjusting the strap of his bag and following her out of the clinic. The night air wasn't too cold, but had enough of a bite that he was thankful for his jacket. He couldn't help but notice how truly quiet it seemed the night was. Sure, there was the odd siren in the distance, but there were usually so many more. It felt heavy...

"Do you need caffeine to have a burst of energy?" He teased playfully, giving a bit of a chuckle. "Sometimes I think all the empaths in our clinic need is a sampling of your energy. They'd surely be bouncing off the walls." He joked, trying to be in happier spirits. "There weren't too many. The doctors, obviously, ordered quite a bit. Dr. Gillian wants quite a bit, which makes sense. She hasn't been eating well the last few days and has had even longer nights than I think we could ever relate to... Most nurses just wanted a small pick up until the shift change." He said, his brow furrowing as he attempted to remember everything on his list.

"How have you been during all of this, by the way? I forget to ask, what with everything..."

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 07:05:20 )
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Feeling the night air Kiera breathed in deep before letting it out again her smile seeming to grow a bit. "I do!" She replied, sticking her tongue out at the teasing. "Without caffeine I wouldn't be able to stay up half the time I do! And I could only imagine how my mood would drop at work if I didn't have caffeine before hand." Throwing her hands up in the air the smile stayed on her face at the mention of the empaths sampling her energy. "If only I could give them a big of my energy. They wouldn't need any caffeine that's for sure."

Laughing softly to herself, she nodded at the mention of the others wanting quite a bit."I'm sure this little run will give everyone a little bit of a boost to get them through the rest of their shifts. Something like this will definitely help." Listening to the sounds around them, a small frown graced her lips at the sound of sirens int he distance.

"I've been doing fine!" Replying to his question Kiera focused her attention on him. "Unlike you guys dealing with the majority of the problems I just put in data for the receptionists or show patients to rooms if needed, or whatever other odd tasks need to be done. Not like it's hard or putting everthing directly in my face." Frowning she gave a small sigh. "It's all horrible, I wish there was more I could do to stop everyone from getting hurt." Realizing she ahd trailed off she shook her head and forced a small smile on her face once again.

"What about you? How are you doing, I know you deal with the patients more directly so it has to be hitting you hard."

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 03:14:43 )

Xander moved with her through the street, going towards their typical watering hole. They were lucky enough to be near an area with a variety of restaurants that weren't anywhere near the downtown area, after all, that was where all the problems were happening. And he wouldn't have even remotely suggested going outside if they were there. Especially at that time. "Careful what you say, they might find a way to steal some." He joked, knowing that was the last thing anyone would do. But it was a dark joke in the midst of reality.

"That may be all you do, but you still get to see and hear about it all. You are still there. even if you're not technically dealing with patients all too hands-on." He said, hoping to let her know that she carried probably as much weight as the rest of them. Even if it wasn't directly. "There is nothing we can do, other than seeing if time will fix it. Human extremists bore way to alien extremists... Now there's almost a civil war brewing. I'm more scared of what will happen if alien extremists go too extreme." He said, knowing that his kind had many advances over humans at the moment. And if pushed, they'd use those advantages. And it wouldn't be pretty.

"I'm dealing with things day by day. So far I've been blessed that none of my kin have come to any harm. And in terms of patients, I try not to connect too much. If I did, I doubt I'd be able to get out of bed. So I guess the small disconnect I have created allows me to be less emotional than most." He answered honestly.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 06:16:59 )
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Laughing, Kiera gave a small shrug of her shoulders as the dark joke. "I mean if I could give it to them they wouldn't even have to steal it. Though if they attempt to steal my coffee there will be consequences." Grinning in a joking manner the girl gave a soft laugh after the words. "No seriously though, if I could give them some of my energy I would without hesitation. Anything to help someone else out."

"That's true I guess. I didn't look at it quite like thtat before." Scratching her cheek Kiera gave a smile at the thought. "Thanks for that Xander, you know contrary to what I originally thought you're a lot more optimistic than you seem." Teasing the other, her smile faltered a bit at the mention of extremists next. "That's true, I think it is only a short amount of time until civil war takes completely over. I don't know what will happen when it begins though, and I don't think humans at least are thinking this whole thing through." Sighing she shook her head, not wanting to dwell on the thought for too much longer.

"You know I envy you. The ability to not connect? A really remarkable thing, it's why I couldn't do what you do. I get way too connected to people and things, and if I was in your position? I would either end up not leaving the clinic ever, or never leaving my house because I would lose hope, or be too depressed to. And that's just on a work front, that's not even counting every day interactions!"

Throwing her arms in the air she opened her mouth to say more, before her eyes locked on the coffee shop as it came into view. "We're almost there!" Kiera practically chirped, seeming to bounce out of the serious mood a bit.

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Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/23 06:56:13 )

Xander couldn't help but laugh at her joke. At this point he knew how sacred coffee was to everyone in the clinic, not just Kiera. "It's very generous of you. You're far too giving." He jested, even though it was true. the poor girl would likely be taken for granted and walked all over with the attitude she had, but it was refreshing in comparison to the negativity in the world. he almost wanted to protect that seemingly innocent naivety. But it would have been a disservice. At some point, there'd be a crack in it. But for now, he'd stay silent.

"I'm not optimistic. I much prefer facing reality. the clinic, without you, couldn't run. Everyone is important. Don't discount yourself." He advised, before hearing the slight change in her tone, looking over at her as they came up to the place they were going to order from, opening the door for her. "Being a nurse is hard. During my clinicals, I worked in a cancer ward. They do the typical, don't be alarmed if you come in to see and empty bed. People can pass at any time. But they never warn you what it's like to actually be there when someone goes, or to see the beds emptying not because of remission. It's sad, and it's rough. And if I got too overly invested... It'd not be healthy. It's different to care, and want to help. But if you neglect yourself to do so, you're not helping anyone."

Walking inside, Xander took out the little piece of paper and began ordering from his end, taking out the work card and waiting for Kiera to put her part of the order in before paying.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/25 08:10:22 )
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At Xander's laugh Kiera couldn't help but smile glad to see that his mood seemed to be improving if just for a short bit. Her smile faded quickly as he mentioned reality, thoughts moving to death as Xander talked about his clinical. Moving her gaze away from Xander and the coffee shop they were coming upon, her gaze moved to the people around them before back to Xander. Though Kiera didn't say anything additional regarding what he had said once they entered the coffee shop and he started ordering.

Taking out her paper while Xander was ordering, she smiled at the barista as she listed off her own order then when the receptionists wanted before putting the paper away once she was done. Digging in her bag she moved to the side as she let Xander pay taking out some cash from her own wallet and handing it over to to the her coworker. "For the orders I took." Putting a small smile back on her face Kiera took a deep breath letting the smell of coffee enter her system.

Feeling a buzz from her pocket she pulled out her phone, eyes moving over the screen she did a few quick taps, eyes widening a bit as a frown settled on her face. "It looks like it is picking up again, I guess it is a good thing we went to get coffee now since we might not have had a chance later." Sighing as her phone buzzed a few more times she put her phone back into her pocket deciding to ignore it. "I'm sure everyone will appreciate this pick me up for tonight." Giving a light slap to her cheeks as she took a deep breath forcing a smile as she could tell their order was coming together at the counter.

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Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/5 00:37:05 )
@Kairie: Xander arched an eyebrow and smirked slightly. "Don't worry about it. The clinic has a budget for this sort of thing." He said, going to the counter and slowly helping to bag things to get them ready to go. Once everything was gathered, he took the bags he could carry, leaving the last one for Kiera before turning to leave.

Heading back to the clinic, He could hear sirens in the distance, and slowly the number of them was growing. Their brief moment of peace was over. He was sure they'd have a rather sudden flood of patients within the hour, but for the time being, he focused on getting things back to the clinic.

"Sounds like a busy night now."

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/6 09:24:27 )
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Grabbing the last bag Xander left her Kiera walked next to him back to the clinic, her mood seeming to have dropped fully at the sound of the sirens in the distance. Looking at Xander briefly as he mentioned the busy night she gave a small nod.

A small sigh escaped Kiera's lips as she shook her head as dark thoughts entered her head causing her to frown a lot more. "Why can't this all just end." Muttering the words to herself she shook her head bringing the bag slightly closer to herself as they made their way back to the clinic the sounds of sirens continuing around them. "It sounds like it will be a long shift for everyone tonight."

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Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/7 04:42:01 )

He smirked over at her. She was one of the few humans Xander knew that seemed to be a beacon of light and acceptance to him. A small little ray of sunshine in their otherwise seemingly depressing little clinic. Getting back, he opened everything up and helps her hand it out. for a while, everyone had enough time to take bites of food here and there and down their coffees. But soon, the sound of screeching tires outside broke the quiet, and Xander was helping the injured aliens in, the EMTs who brought them in the back of a disguised black ambulance. It may have had no sirens, but it was for all their sakes. Regular ambulances had been targets previously by the same monsters as had injured the people coming in.

To say the night was miserable was an understatement. Xander was helping get things mostly settled well past his scheduled shift, and it was quite early in the morning before he finally was packing up to go home, looking into the office to see if Kiera was still in, or if she'd already left.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/7 08:05:34 )
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Once they were back and had handed everything out to everyone, Kiera went back to her desk enjoying her own coffee as much as she could as the night got busy. The girl spent most of her night either at her computer or doing small errands throughout the clinic for others in the clinic to try and lessen the work load that everyone was sharing. The girl was still typing at her computer into the early hours of the morning, not thinking about the time or how long it had been past her shift.

Letting out a big yawn, the girl rubbed at her face as she squinted at her screen once more. Just a few more minutes and she'd be free to go home. Completing the last few things she needed to, Kiera threw her arms up in the air in relief, leaning back in her chair as another yawn took over. "Done." Mattering the words to herself she pushed herself up from her chair as she gathered her things she kept her jacket in her arms as she threw her bag over her shoulder before heading to the door.

As she was headed for the door Kiera gave a small smile as she saw Xander, waving a hand at him. "Morning." The girl said another yawn escaping her lips as she covered her mouth. "You getting out of here now too?"

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Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/29 08:06:53 )
@Kairie: (sorry, been a bit out of it but gonna try and push some replies out before work starts this week)

"Hey. And you bet, I'm dead tired and I want out before there's another event." He said, letting out a tired breath. "I'm in need of the rest, though knowing how my life goes, I won't get much." He shook his head slightly, realizing his sudden pessimism coming through. "Sorry. Just really tired. Anyways, I was going to head out. Was wondering if you stayed all night or if you'd have left already." He said, not knowing if she'd need a ride home or if she took the bus. He didn't want to assume either way.

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