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Forums Role Playing A Magical Arrangement 1x1

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 07:51:54 )
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As Cynthia continued on his mothers thought Drexel wanted nothing more than to disappear. Eyes shifting to the male next to him as his grip loosened and at his words the male couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped his lips. Looking back at his mother who was clearly looking them down the man couldn't help but give a small shrug.

"A lake doesn't sound horrible, and I'm sure Cameron will tell me all about it on the way there." Speaking the first few words slowly Drexel as he felt his mother's gaze on him. Squeezing Cameron's hand slightly he gave a smile to Cameron deciding to see this meeting through to the end. Though the thought occurred to him that it could possibly be months of freedom if they were to move hours away from his mother. "Hopefully we don't have to wait too long to move, the vacation house sounds amazing and it a new environment to work in sounds fun." Throwing on the praise, Drexel noticed his mother seemed to be happier at those words.

"I'm glad to hear that, I've already managed to send a message to your father so he's already starting things on things at home. It would be my dream to get you to move in as soon as possible. Besides there are so many other things we need to start thinking about and planning." Clapping her hands together, the woman seemed pleased with herself before holding out a hand to Cameron. "How rude of me though, I'm Sadie, it's a pleasure to meet you."

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 22:55:52 )

The shorter male seemed to shrink as the conversations continued. He did not want to move so abruptly, he hated sudden changes, which is why when his abilities kicked in spontaneously when he was twelve, he barely showed his face at school the rest of the year. Cameron began to pep talk himself, 'do it for mom... she has wanted this for so long, she deserves this kind of happiness again... I will see everyone again...' A pretty loud sigh left his lips and he raised his head and looked up at Drexel, giving a small smile back.

"Well I think it will be nice too, it will give us a nice chance to settle in together. Figure out how we work as a couple and plan for the future." Cameron could taste the acid in the back of his mouth. He turned his head away as soon as he was done talking and reached his hand out to shake Sadie's hand, "it is nice to meet you too, I look forward to getting to know you more," he offered her a genuine smile, unlike what he had forced out to Drexel.

Cynthia was a very emotional mother, very tenderhearted and loving of all. So seeing Cameron with someone he would spend the rest of his life with caused her to take out a handkerchief and dab lightly under her eyes so her makeup wouldn't run. "We can get you two on the road by the end of the week! Or even tomorrow! We are prepared to get this into motion as soon as possible."



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/6 08:50:40 )
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Attention drifting from their mothers to focus on Cameron, Drexel couldn't help but notice the smile Cameron gave Sadie vs the smiles the other man had been giving him. Putting the thought he had away for later, Drexel gave Cynthia a small smile but didn't bother to say anything as his mother took over the conversation.

"I think tomorrow would be perfect! It isn't as if you have much that needs to be packed Drexel, and whatever you couldn't pack I can of course send or bring to you at a later date. Since I do plan on stopping by and checking on how things are going." Clapping her hands together after she finished shaking Cameron's hands, Sadie's eyes glittered as they went over the two men.

Shrinking a bit Drexel gave a quick nod to his mother. "I can definitely be packed before we need to leave tomorrow if that is the plan." Saying the words simply he withheld a snarky comment knowing it wouldn't end well for him if he tried to argue. "Doesn't that sound great babe?" Stressing the unfamiliar term his eyes moved to Cameron to see if the other would agree to this arrangement as it got more and more serious.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 03:50:39 )

Oh how Cameron wished he could slap the Drexel upside the head. Why would he even go that far?! 'It is okay Cameron, you will be free soon, you might have to live with him but the vacation house is big!' He took in a deep breath and tilted his head upwards and gave Drexel a kindhearted (but still forced) smile, "of course hun." And here comes the taste of bile again as he suppressed the urge to gag.

"Then let's get you both home and make arrangements! Cameron has a car, you can take that if you would like, though if you want to drive separately so you have two vehicles that is okay too!" Cynthia looked and Sadie, "this means we will have to start planning for a ceremony too! I remember after my husband and I were arranged we had our wedding only four months later. It was fast but it was amazing. Our family vacation home would be a perfect place for it too~" Cynthia could feel her heart swelling.



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 06:58:52 )
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At the word 'hun' Drexel couldn't help the frown the crossed his lips. Sure he had played dirty first, but he couldn't believe that Cameron managed to quip back at him. Opening his mouth to insist on seperate cars, Drexel didn't get a chance as Sadie jumped in. "Drexel doesn't really like driving so he should ride with Cameron." The woman replied smiling a bit smugly at Drexel. "Come on honey, it'll be a good chance for you guys to connect as well."

Looking at his mom Drexel kept the frown on his face receiving a quick glare from her before he went back to a neutral expression. "Sounds good to me, it'll be fun to have a whole car ride with Cameron." Pulling his hand from Cameron's as his mother grabbed his arm a smile plastered on her face.

"Goodbye Cynthia, I'm going to get Drexel home now so we can talk to his father and get everything together tonight. We'll be seeing you both bright and early in the morning. Then we can also continue the discussion of when we want the ceremony, I'm sure it will be amazing." Smiling at both Cynthia and Cameron, she gave a small bow. Feeling a squeeze to his arm he gave a small bow as well giving Cynthia a smile. "It was great meeting you, and I can't wait to get to know Cameron more. I'm excited for what tomorrow brings."

Smiling even wider, Sadie nodded at Drexel's words as she turned her attention to Cynthia. "Well we will talk later, I can't wait to share the news with our family! Please have a good night you two."

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 23:55:38 )

"We will be in touch Sadie! Since it takes about three hours to get there we should send them off at four in the evening at the latest. We can talk logistics over texts and call tomorrow morning." Cynthia walked over to Cameron's side and hooked her arm in his. It didn't take much to make her son bow, she had taught him to use his manners no matter what because at least it would leave a good impression.

Cameron bowed, straightened back up afterwards, made eye contact with Drexel very briefly and glared before he turned away with his mother. He had no idea it would turn out like this, he was also amazed how quickly his mother and Drexel's had teamed up.

Throughout the drive home Cameron had sent messages to his friends about how he would be gone for who knows how long. They got back home close to 10:30 at night. He walked into the house behind his mother, said hi to his dad, and went straight to his bedroom because he might as well start to put his belongings together. This is what Cameron did until about 2 in the morning. He was finally able to crawl into bed at this point and sleep through the rest of the night.



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