Started as a small vent in another thread cause I didn't think it'd blow up this much.
My mom, out of nowhere, decides no one is allowed to eat unless they do so with the family, at the table.
Okay, weird since we're all grown ass adults on different schedules, but whatever.
Except that I'm supposed to be in self quarantine right now since there are 2 confirmed cases among my coworker/friends. One of which we know for a fact my bf was at work with recently before they found out.
I've mentioned this to some of you before but, I literally cannot risk my family getting sick with this virus. They make fun of me and act like I'm some crazy extremist, even while they literally have a PHYSICAL LETTER in their hands, from my little sister's doctor saying that if she contracts this, she WILL die. No if's or maybe's.
My parents lie all day about their own health as well. They wont even tell me what their doctors say. My dad had a seizure two weeks ago and they say he's the healthiest man ever. Bullshit.
So what if I'm a bit paranoid about breathing risks across a dinner table to 3 people who would suffer way more than I would if I caught it.
But when I ask why the sudden rules, did something happen ect. my mom absolutely lost her shit at me and my dad threatened to kick me out if I don't shut up and just obey. Said they're just waiting for me to move out and idk where this is coming from, I haven't done anything to piss them off? There has been no fights, no issues to my knowledge. I guess its just that time of year to get sick of my existence again. I guess they did try to kick me out last year too, just cause I'm "too old". It was the week of my birthday, go figure.
I'd love to move out but frankly, I can't. There's a reason I moved back in in the first place, and it wasn't out of choice.
But now I'm probably going to end up relapsing into anorexia again cause I'm not allowed to eat at all. They've put a full ban on me eating after they've gone to bed too. They're being VERY thorough about this and it's so abnormal. It's so controlling that even if I wasn't in quarantine, my instinct is to just say no, stop being ridiculous. Any time I eat at the table with them, I get harassed anyways. So I stopped doing that way back in highschool. I'm 28 now and still didn't even eat at tables when I DID live in my own place Dx