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Forums General Chit-Chat Anyone here live in/are from Texas? Questions!

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 18:47:56 )

*edit: I'm not blindly moving. I just want opinions or conversation, I wont make a decision based on this though so please don't see me as that rash lol ;;;;

I've been coping recently by focusing harder on my future plans and trying to solidify them a bit. And create some backup plans while I'm at it~
I want to move back to Texas so I'm trying to research decent areas to try!

I lived near Houston in Sugarland and Missouri City, TX for almost 4 years when I was in my late teens. Not everyone's favorite place to live, but for me it was truly life saving experience. The people I met there and the experiences I had were incredibly important to me, and frankly they showed me how to really cherish life no matter what happens. They know they mean the world to me to this day.

BUT I don't want to go back to Houston area :vanora_xd:
That is a cherished place that I feel like I shouldn't touch again. It already served its purpose and by going back and seeing how much it must have changed, I don't want to ruin my memories of it. I need them to keep me going.
Like, I passed that level of the game, onto the next.

I prefer to live suburban, but also would be starting cheap until bf and I really get ourselves established into our jobs in whatever place we move to. I've been looking at College Station and read that its a good place to be, but I'm not sure how credible the sources are? Or how to really know before actually seeing for myself. I'll probably hit up an airbnb to check it out first before I make final decisions.
Anyone here know much about the place though?
Or anywhere else in the state. I just want to leave Colorado/mountain lands and live at sea level again, above all else.

Also, have you ever moved yourself to another state?
Did the process go smoothly for you or was it difficult to get a home or job?


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 23:24:32 )

Haha no need for lectures :vanora_sweat: I'm not a fool to jump blindly into a foreign place only cause the internet said it was neat.
I'm doing this properly.

I only asked for opinions to help me narrow down places I had in mind. I look at reviews, crime rates, cost of living/taxes and other stuff as things to consider based on word-of-mouth, but always I would visit before I straight up move somewhere.

I can see where I sounded like a child rushing into something though. That was just me explaining everything in enough vagueness that I don't end up writing a book about how exactly I'm planning to move. The adulty details of jobs, money and travelling is boring to ramble about in depth.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 00:43:16 )

i lived in lubbock, tx for a year back in '09... i really hated it lol but there were reasons that didn't have anything to do with texas
i can say, though, that i couldn't find good mexican food there, the weather sucked pretty much year-round, and the streets + road construction was ridiculous... and it was still a dry county at the time, yikes
i've driven through the... top? of texas and the eastern parts were really pretty but i don't know if i'd live there
i also moved from az to wa, lived there for five years, and then moved back to az... finding a job was kind of hard in wa, but i loved the area so much that it was super worth it v: but then it just got too expensive to live up there so i came back to az

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 01:28:00 )
@jolly: I know an old friend who lives in Texas. I could ask her if there are some good spots to get a good house in decent renting pay if it helps. Will mention you if she gave me her response.
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 01:36:27 )

Its okay, you're fine. People always give me a hard time cause I guess when I'm excited and speak vaguely about things, it comes off as naive and rash. On the other hand, when I ramble on about my plans and ideals, people ignore me or tell me they're bored of hearing about it.
But I've been planning this off and on since 2012. You should've heard me back then :vanora_xd: THAT is when I would have needed a good lecture or two on what reality is. I was more desperate than I was logical, for personal reasons, but I was also a "kid".
I did give up on my dream to move a couple of times, otherwise I'd have more money saved right now (I wont go anywhere without enough saved). I tried to like colorado more, but my entire soul is just falling apart here. There are so many traumatizing memories here and I physically don't feel good in this high altitude. All around, I'm done with it.

I would happily share my details with you if you don't find it boring though. I just spewed the whole thing out a moment ago to my bf just to make sure I haven't forgotten anything to consider/save up for. I am a big planner ;v;

I've considered arizona before, actually. But I'm trying to escape altitude and live back on sea level <3
I'm originally from florida so coming up to colorado was a big shocker on my body lol I could never physically adapt so my health just kinda... depletes. Slowly.

That would be awesome! I'm moreso looking into what suburban cities have a decent reputation, or what do others personally like. I like looking into recommendations and seeing how plausible they might be, and if I'd end up visiting it or not (then if I could get work there or not). Texas is SO BIG its kind of exciting to talk about for me :vanora_xd:


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 03:15:27 )

oh dang... rough D: the city in wa i lived in was about sea level i think... too bad it's so friggin expensive. ); i wouldn't really recommend arizona though unless you're on a very small budget v:

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 04:24:00 )

Florida wouldn't be my first choice. The crime was so bad there. Growing up, I always kept my head down, but no matter what I'd still run into life threatening situations. Mostly involving people that I never even knew. It has been over 10 years since then, but I know the crime and population has only gotten bigger since. Nice for family visits but I can't see myself feeling comfort there. Unless I lived on the more expensive beach towns, but then I have floods to worry about lol Still, its an option if I found good paying work.

Aight, book time. This is why this isn't in original post >>

First and foremost, I have to finish my education. I have about 6 months left until I graduate, then I can apply for my massage therapist license. To work in Texas I still need to take a class on CPR and one additional test, but otherwise I'm good and dandy as far as the legal requirements go.
While going through all this, I'm also researching cities in Texas that I might find ideal. I understand I need to visit them first, but I also understand I need to go where work will take me, and that's where I confuse myself on "what do I do first?"
Do I seek out jobs first and if one shows interest, I visit, THEN proceed with plans? Or do I seek out comfortable-sounding cities, visit them, and then apply to jobs?
The latter is what I was planning to try first. Makes the most sense with timing but I also end up spending more money travelling to see places that may never end up with a job opportunity.
I also currently think a lot about how hard would it be for a massage therapist to get a job from out of state. What makes me more worthy than someone local, that they would wait the amount of time it might take to get approved for a home (Last time I got an apartment it took them a month to let me move in)? Or do I have to move at the speed of light, or stay at a hotel and hope all works out. Timing makes me paranoid, but that is something I can ask my mother for advice on as well, since she's done this a million times.

Also while I'm researching and saving, my bf is also waiting to graduate with his welding degree in April, next year. We are a little worried though, since a lot of welding jobs require you to have about 5 years of experience and his schooling only provides him with 2. It's a good option if he can get into something but he also has a lot of experience with landscaping and that gives him another decent-paying job to look for. He enjoys it possibly more than welding anyway.

All of our job options we will be looking for work within our current area (as soon as we graduate) for more experience and more money saving while we await the opportunity to move anywhere. Especially me since I graduate in September, so a lot sooner.

The idea that I would move before him and set things up is insanely hypothetical. Its something my mom always recommends that we do since that's how they handle their big moves. Like if I got a job offer and I run down to accept it, and he helps me pay for the home with his job here in colorado, until he gets accepted in a job down there too. But there's so much risk with this one, like if he never found a job and we ended up living separately for an entire lease. I doubt that'd happen with landscaping/welding work but, you never know lol The more I think about it the more I'm not sure if it's the best move.

Not sure if I mentioned saving but... yeah, still got to do a lot of that. I already calculated how much money it'd possibly take to travel there initially, with deposits, fees and all that good ol' fun stuff. I currently have enough for that (although that may change in a year), but I still have to save more. I gotta make flight tickets and airbnb/hotels for scouting out places and also have a good bit of emergency funds. Also, for if I did get settled, funds for changing out my license and plates. All the little things. And yes, the always-forgotten food funds.

Too much is up in the air at the moment since we're still trying to complete our education. Can't do anything until that's done. I mean, he can work, but we're currently in a quarantine.
For now I'm trying to research various places in the state and see what might be worth looking into, and what might end up a rotten mistake. Things like crime rates, word of mouth, layouts/location, taxes and cost of living overall. And what resources we would need beyond just a home. I can start setting a realistic bar for where my goal is, so I can work towards this big move.

I can just hope and pray that I don't run into a brick wall and end up unable to move at all somehow. My time in my current home is limited and I dont want to end up stuck in colorado through my 30's.


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 04:27:08 )

I'm not sure what the taxes are like in WA, but I think CO is pretty close to being just as expensive to live. Hence living with my family even when I DID have a full time job lol If I get good enough at massage therapy, I'd probably be fine here, I just... don't want to lmao


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 15:50:50 )

That seems like a really good way to go about it actually. I always forget that renting a car is an option! Expensive, but still an option. If I got accepted into a better job here (or if my current job gives me more hours after I graduate) then I'll easily have saved enough money by the time we hope to be ready.

And that's good to know. I knew that massage therapy was in demand where I currently live, but wasn't sure about nation wide needs. I also have my own table and everything but it's best to start working under someone else to start with. Especially moving to another state, I need to build up a new clientele. I'll look into spa hotels too, those could be neat.

I was born in Sanford. Lived in Deltona, Kissimmee, Orlando of course, Seminole, Altamonte, spent a lot of time in Minneola, Cocoa, New Smyrna, Orange city, another place I am not 100% sure which city it was but I'd know it when I saw it in person. Somewhere close-ish to Kissimmee xD I've been to many other cities but not stayed long as well.
I've been around since my family had to move a lot when I was a kid. They only rented homes so when leases were up, we'd end up hopping to another place or moving in with other family members. My parents were really indecisive about where to settle.


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 17:29:36 )

hmm i know i said i didnt want to go back to houston specifically but
the cities near it that i used to live in are statistically a lot safer than where i currently live. i thought they wouldnt be, since they are so close to such a large city. i mean, i walked all over missouri city and i felt safe lol


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 21:49:19 )

I haven't hung out too far south in FL surprisingly. I THINK Poinciana is the other place I've been, where some grandparents lived and I stayed with them a short time as a kid. I could be mixing up city names though xD

Haha yeah, commuting through houston wouldn't be fun at all. I do recall the traffic being pretty awful most times of the day.
I think Houston used to be like, the 3rd highest populated city in the country? Many years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if it still is.
I also recall the Houston side of the state being horrible when it came to summer humidity and heat. Kind of suffocates you haha
But I'd still take that over my current city ^^;


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 22:31:50 )

Huh, interesting! I'll ask my aunt if she knows much about that area. She lives in Minneola so might not know anything, but she has done her fair share of scouting cities to find a safe home for her kid.

Yeah exactly. I haven't driven there myself yet since I wasn't practicing yet at the time. But I remember how it'd take so long to get into Houston just because of the traffic. Even though Missouri City is practically on the border so it isn't far at all lol
I'm sure Austin and San Antonio are probably also pains to drive through, but the population I think is a bit smaller? And I'm enticed to try somewhere I haven't been before, and I've never even visited this places yet.


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/10 23:00:58 )

I see! Maybe there's more work bringing people to san antonio? It's good to consider for someone like me who isn't the biggest fan of driving in general. That is part of why I aim for suburbs, also for cheaper living.
That's kind of why College Station stood out to me so much. The cheap living prices caught my eye, but when I studied the layout of it, it looks like a really easy place for me to drive around in. It also has all the resources I need so I shouldn't have to travel far if I got a job in that city. Highway 6 runs through it but I can avoid it mostly for everything I can think of needing.

Cheaper living brings more crimes, though. College Station's statistics are still rated "safer" than my current city, but not by a lot.
I wonder how reliable these stats are too


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/11 01:28:09 )

I did a street view thing on google maps to check out college station a little closer. I found a load of cheap studio apartments there so I dropped the map in those areas and wandered around to see what's there. Distance-wise, there would be a LOT that I could walk to compared to where I live currently, no matter which apartment complex I hypothetically end up.
If the crime is more or less the same as here, then as long as I walk during daylight and avoid dodgy-feeling spots, I should be fine. But I'd definitely rely on my car first haha

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