— they/he/it
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 01:19:04 )
@PurpdaBurpPurp: i only have 9, but that makes sense as i just got here a couple minutes ago :p
@pachi: don't overwork yourself! i'm sure everyone will understand if you want to slow down to keep up with the thread or anything else. your art is incredible by the way, very cute ^_^ b
Donator — UWU/
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 01:19:48 )
slim legs are gud legs ouo
@PurpdaBurpPurp: if you chat a bit in here, youre event currency goes up fast. its gud right? ouo Mines at 68 also.
@pachi: lel it still great sketches. Oh yea, have you been doing your comic still? I stop since I took a hiatus on June 2019. mah dude, mines also 68 letters lel
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 01:20:09 )
@Kairu: I love Lugia too. Great minds think alike. uwu
My birb’s usual type of food was out, but I got something else that’s from the same brand. He doesn’t seem to like it as much, but at least he’s eating it.
Btwww, does this mean you’ll be free to participate in this event this time???
Donator — UWU/
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 01:24:04 )
@Tsundererra: atm, Im able since im work from home. (im doing my code in notepad+ instead from the supposed app) I cant promise if im in the office tho.
lugia is my childhood fave char aside from charizard and chansey. the nostalgia feels xD
my mom said its okay if my birb didnt like all of the seeds. let it throw it away if needed.
@pachi: ah yea i got ya. there are times when i draw one char and then next panel its the same char but they look different. -comic artist struggles- ;w;
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 01:24:08 )
It’s usually the only thread that stays active days after the event kicks off. It’s kinda annoying, but I understand why some people prefer only sticking to posting there.