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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2020 Making Friends and Influencing People

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:24:11 )

@Faewild: XD I'm totally right. =P

I'm almost always around to chat with, too =)
If you ever are bored enough to. Lol


Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:03:41 )
I did some quick sketches of those of y'all kind enough to stop by and chat for a bit.



@amber lynne: Ah, I spelled your name wrong in the sketch. Sorry about that!

@Faenoire: But not you, because I'll do yours later when I know you're awake to yell at me that I did the horns wrong (probably). I'm pinging you to make sure you went to bed, though.

@totalanimefan: Thank you very much for the info, it's kind of you to stop by and offer it. That all sounds very fun and interesting, I'm looking forward to the event even more now!

Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:15:17 )
@Totalanimefan: I made a quick rough sketch for you too so you wouldn't feel left out. Especially since you gave me such nice detailed information!


Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:17:22 )

Hello and welcome to voltra!

You have arrived in a perfect time for an event. :)


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:17:41 )
Thank you !! TT^TT~~


Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:21:21 )
@inatlaka: Hehe, thank you! I'm excited to see what the event has in store, I think everyone's enthusiasm has infected me.

@Kozi: Pfffhahaha, you're welcome! I'm glad you like it so much. x) Everyone's avatars are so cute, how can I help myself?!

@Totalanimefan: You're very welcome! The thought (of tipping) is appreciated but it's totally not necessary, I wanted to draw something for you to thank you for your kindness. I'm a little out of practice so they're just rough doodles right now though...

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:22:13 )

@Faewild: Awww, you really hadn't needed to do that!
Do you have a credit preference?
My avi is actually One of my original characters and I'd love to add it to her page~<3)


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:22:35 )
@Faewild: I added it to my profile. :3
Do you want some items in exchange? Feel free to let me know~


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:23:07 )

@faewild: Oh yes! the events always gets everyone posting more and makes voltra extra exciting :)


Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:26:52 )
@Amber Lynne: Oh, hahah! That's an excellent coincidence, free character art. You can just credit me as Faewild here if you'd like, feel free to use it anywhere. Ah, I feel bad that they're all just rough doodles though. Hhhh...

@totalanimefan: You were too fast for me! Thank you very much for the generous tip. I will put it to good use! On pants probably.

@Kozi: No, no, it's quite alright! Thank you for the thought. Really, it's gratitude for stopping by and being kind. I'm just glad if my doodles made everyone smile. :)

@inatlaka: Oh, I forgot to mention how much I like your post style images. It's a very lovely effect! And yes, everyone seems very lively right now. It's quite fun, and the event hasn't even really started yet I believe? x) It's a good sign. I'm looking forward to when it really gets swinging.

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:30:32 )

@faewild: oh thank you! Lina made me these :)
The letter collecting means the event has officially began. Soon items will show up in the shop where you will be able to buy with the love letters. :)


Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:31:08 )

@Faewild: Absolutely not a problem~<3 I appreciate all art I get, to be honest.
And'rough' or not, you still put effort into it!
So thank you, very very much~<3


Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:33:34 )
@inatlaka: Oh, I see! I only saw the letters being received and assumed it was a, uh. Set-up? I guess? Like preceding the actual event. Ooh, event items, my weakness...

@Amber Lynne: I know the feeling, I hoard art like some weird hipster dragon. "You wouldn't understand, man. It's my life." Like that? but hopefully less insufferable.

I'm really glad you like it though! It's a win if it made you smile. x)

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:34:28 )

@faewild: yessss I looooove event items.

How is your night? :o


Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:37:52 )
@inatlaka: Surprisingly my night has been very good! My mood has been lifted a lot by how friendly and kind people have been here.

Thank you all. :)

How about yourself? Having a nice evening? Night... Morning... Ah, what is time, anyway.

@Totalanimefan: It's greatly appreciated all the same, thanks very much for your kindness!

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:42:02 )

@Faewild: Oh trust me, I completely understand, lol.
I haord art too.
Even dumping my invo for art atm (Click the 'shooting stars' thing in my post and you'll see what I mean)


Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:42:14 )

@faewild: That is great to hear. I too have made some lovely friends here on voltra.
It is currently 11:41pm. :o
and it has been an awesome night. Had a great dinner with the family.
Now I'm sipping on some delicious warm tea. :)


Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:42:58 )

@faewild: also loving the new updated avi ;) XDDD


°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Voltie — They/Them? Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:46:03 )
@Totalanimefan: I... I don't even know yet! Probably common stuff? I'd like to have some outfit options before I start eyeballing the fancy things.

Ah, but the heart does so long for fancy... I was just given a couple nice items (coughINATLAKAcough) so at least now I'm not quite so... Naked.

@Amber Lynne: Ooooh, art hoards! Yes, excellent. I also enjoy rolling in other people's glorious art.

I just like art in general. Hh. The world is so full of talent. I love it.

@inatlaka: Ahh, it's um... Oh dear, it's almost 3 AM here, hehehe. Whoops, no wonder everyone's asleep... A nice family dinner sounds lovely! As does that warm cup of tea, mmm. I had a family dinner just the other night, a couple of my siblings came over and we had a miniature picnic since the weather was nice.
And then that very night it started storming, hahaha. Ah well, spring.

Also, yes, my new look is quite dashing, hm? x) Thanks to some very generous noodles hiding around here...

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 07:47:39 )

@Faewild: If you want to see all the art Iv'e collected, click the character link in my sig. (the blurb about how I'm buying art and to message me fi you're sellin' your skills). That's all the characters I have so far with profiles.
Not all have art, mind.

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

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