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Forums Mini Shops Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/8 07:06:42 )
@Kairie: xD yeah. I supposed it depends on the crowd. But net flix, and prime. =P

Yes! ughh... I wish. <3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/8 22:45:30 )
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@Lucifera: prime is too expensive for me. :(
Though this talk of Netflix reminds me I need to get it so I can binge Jane the virgin. >>

Maybe in the future. <3

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 00:36:39 )
@Kairie: JTV was such a let down to me imo. xD but ya know, I just wanted to see much more happen than I think I ever actually would. Lol.


Ps I got my deciem shipment in and holy crap! Borage seed oil smell s god awful. It smells like someone is holding raw chicken or something under your nose. And just yikes. xD I almost want to send it back and just keep my B-oil.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 05:24:23 )
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@Lucifera: i kinda read a summary of it and it sounds like a let down but oh well. xDD Season one was the best season from what I remember of watching it. >>

Oh no @ the oil D; You definitely won't be using it if it smells like that lolol.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 05:37:51 )
@Kairie: Oh ut was insanely hilarious and I loved the show itself. I just wanted so, so, sooooo much more. lol.

Nope. It smells icky and I couldn't eat while I had it on. I mean, I guess it's a good appetite stimmer... >..>

Also I just realized how horrible I am at flirting. /.\

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/9 05:45:07 )
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@Lucifera: That's completely fair. xDD

Ewww that's bad, but I guess good for dieting bc you won't want to eat. IDD

D: I'm sure you're not horrible at it!

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/11 07:41:31 )
@Kairie: Yeah.. No, I haven't used it in days. I think I should send a ticket and see if they want it back or i can get a refund because i just... euuugh.

xD I am. Trust me. I literally start saying the weirdest stuff. ^^;

Anyways, how are you?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/11 09:13:50 )
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@Lucifera: You should definitely see if you can get a refund because you deserve it if it smells that bad. ID

:( I'm sure you're at least okay at flirting though! I don't believe anyone is bad at flirting, they just need to find the one to flirt with. xD

I'm good! Caved and bought a switch lite with animal crossing so alas my life is now one of the simple gatherer. xDDD
How are you?

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 23:53:24 )
@Kairie: Indeed! Like... Trust me, yikes. xD I will contact them soon. Tried to suffer through but couldn't.

Ehhh, if awkward banter is considered flirting. xD

AYYY! Welcome to the AC addict train whoop whoop!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 05:47:02 )
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@Lucifera: Yeah don't suffer more than you need to. xDD

I do!!!

AYY I am very addicted lol
I also got fire emblem three houses so I am like, extra addicted to my switch right now lol

Also I got my ipsy box and everything looks so nice in it!
And I found a coworker who said she'll take all my makeup stuff so I'm like WIN WIN. I also really like her so like, no complaints with giving it to her. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 06:09:50 )
@Kairie: Yeee... Lol.

Trust me it was bad. And the conversations are all him being "you're cute." and then I'm like "no you're cute." And it got boring so there's been less chatting. xD plus he's kinda flaky. Annnd I'm preeeetty certain recently that men are quite unattractive to me, so I've been kinda avoiding them on dating apps. Though some cis men put female to beat that... >.> I hate it

FRIEND CODEE MEEEEEEEE! (I am currently trying to get a resident i don't like to leave. So my little sister and me keep bopping him with our net and are gonna trap him in his house. xD COVID QUARANTINE!)

Mine just shipped the other day. I am still waiting on it. D= It is taking quite a while. How is the skincare in it? SEND PICKS OF WHAT YOU GOT! xD And hey, win win. I need more makeup and the brush, etc. I got in it so I am pretty happy.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 08:42:18 )
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@Lucifera: Lmao my idea of flirting is going 'no you're cute'. xD But usually conversation continues to go lol
Ahaha fair @ avoiding men

MINE IS SW-5210-0447-7335

Aaaah it needs to get to you!! The box it comes in is so cute/small.
I really only got the facemasks that are skincare items. xD But the lotion smells really good! As does the lip balm!! I'm going to try the masks on my days off next week as a little relaxation. u wu Honestly given how much I love the smell of the lip balm/lotion I honestly think the box was worth it even though I'm giving away two items. xD I think the little bag that comes with it helps my brain go 'this is worth it' haha.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 08:56:00 )
@Kairie: xD Well right now this adorable ginger paramedic chick rolled into my DMs and like... She's so out of my league but like... oml. /.\

YESSS Sending naow!

OK I am jealous of your sheet masks, #1. And #1, THAT IS SO AWESOME! The little bags in and of themselves are typically 10+$ so yeah, that plus the name brand items, even if they are minis, are all super worth it because buying them from sephora will charge you like 12+ for a lot of them. (and the tarte makeup is definitely super pricey so even minis from those are worth it.)

xD I am going to awit mine, I added a lip gloss for wearing at work, but it matters not now, because I AM NOT WORKINGGG!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 04:55:54 )
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@Lucifera: If she's in your dms though she must be in your league. >;)


I'm excited to try the sheet masks. u wu I'm really happy with the box now that it is here and everything I think I might try the glam bag ultimate. Since I was really impressed/happy with what I got and wouldn't mind having a bit more. ;o
I got tomorrow off unexpectedly (bc I am pulling two doubles this weekend lolol), so I plan on using my sheet masks then and lotioning up. >:)

Are you guys on a super strict quarantine there? ;o It seems to be lightening up here/everywhere is being normal busy again. u Au Still have some weird hoarders who are buying out grocery stores but oh well. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 05:03:16 )
@Kairie: Me, the low key hopeless romantic: YESSSSSS
Me, the self sabotager: She's definitely not interested, back to animal crossing for the next 12 hours. xD

YEEEE! xD What fruit/flowers do you have????

Ohhhhhh, that's awesome! And the ultimate is different cause it is full sized! If you get it lemme know how it goes! I gotta be frugal for a bit since I got me a new chair, thank lawd. xD But yeah, lemme know how you like them! Remember if it burns, and like really burns, take it off!

Nope. xD My mom is a cook for a group home that has kids 0+ in it. I work at starbucks and can get cat pay if I don't feel safe going to work/have someone at risk/live with an essential worker. So I just said, I am taking cat pay, and going to continue on with my life. xD I do NOT want covid, no thank you. xD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 05:08:20 )
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@Lucifera: LMAO Get her into animal crossing and then animal crossing for 12 hours with her! >:)

I have cherries! As for flowers I have uh, windflowers. YE THOSE ONES. What about you?

Yes! And it has the big bag and next months looks nice so I'm like >:). Oh yeah definitely not going through pain/burning haha.

Aaaah well that is good that your job is offering cat pay, so go you for taking it!
My job is just like 'you don't come in you don't get paid and you don't have a job when you come back'. So no choice here. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 05:38:03 )
@Kairie: ughhh if only I could! xD Idk it's only day 3. We shall see. And it doesn't explicity say on her profile if she's lesbian or bi or anything so, it'd be suuuper like people here if she was like "so me and my BF are looking for a third." xD Literally, that happens. A girl's profile, then a few days in there's that. xD It's hilarious and also like HELLACIOUS.

I have cherries and cosmos... I hate cosmos. xD I want ROSESSSS! And I gotta get peaches for my orchard. If you need some fruits to plant to get an orchard I got all except peaches.

You've already seen next months?!

xD My job can't. Like if we get laid off, we are pretty much either rehired orrrr they have to have reason for termination. xD But gov is giving good supplimentary income, kinda... For those who are staying home 100%.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 05:41:41 )
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@Lucifera: Wait, people actually do that? Jesus that is stupid and sucks for the people they ask for stuff like that from. :(

Cherry twins!! Tho I wouldn't mind coming to steal some cosmo seeds from you. xDD I nabbed 1 of each fruit from a friend so I'm just waiting on the trees to grow, if you still end up needing peaches I can nab some for you? :D My friend has peaches growing and they should be on tomorrow! Unless you have another source for peaches. xD

Yeah! When I went to upgrade my membership it showed the bag for next month!

Aaaah that's nice. And I hear unemployment is nice right now, though just an issue of some people not getting it.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 06:07:14 )
@Kairie: Yup. there's that, then there's the "just looking for friends." xD and it's like, bruh. Some people are up front, which is cool. It's in their profile. Others obscure it until like, they decide to drop it. Annoying but I just unmatch and disappear.

NO I DON'T PLZ GIMME PEACHES KAI! WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL AND BUILD KAIR ALTER ON MY ISLAND!!! TwT But yeah, feel free to come grab some. Also, plant a money tree! The little bags you dig up? Rebury them in the same spot, then move the sapling where you want it. ^-^ Shortcut for money make its.

UGHGHGHGHGHGHHHG! LOL! I want to but I have to pay off my CC, then next purchases is ikea to get my room cleaned up and orgaminized. xD

Eh... Canada has been good about it, I'm lucky there. And I'm lucky to be getting some money from work. It's not a lot, like 260$ biweekly. But it allows me to be able to pay off my CC within the month. I have budgeteddd! LOL.
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 06:13:32 )
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@Lucifera: Ughhh that seems stupid to do that stuff on a dating app. IDD

I'll nab some peaches for you tomorrow then from my friend! :D Since I was going to nab a few more to get a start on my orchard since they always have millions of peaches on their island it seems lmao. Ahaha I read about that yesterday! Just throw all the money in the hole. xD

Buying furniture is an A+ thing to do. I meant to buy a bookshelf this month but ended up just, not. lolol. I bought more manga instead. xDD

$260 is still better than nothing and as long as it covers your CC then that isn't too bad. :D

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