Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 08:05:34 )
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@Junko7: Pink is a good color to like! :D
I really like pink as well, whenever I design characters or whatever they always have pink hair LMAO. I'm a bit too obsessed with pink in that respect. xDD
@Unicorn: really? D: Surprising that a lot of parks have closed.
AND LEMON IS ON THE FRONT PAGE NOW. Where he belongs. uw u
and yes my true form is a lemon
My coworker was showing me patterns that her friend had and I was like 'LEMONS' and she kept trying to get me to go with colors that would go with our work outfits and i had to tell her no
lemons for life
also yellow goes with our uniform so idk why she was trying to make me change. xD
She went with purple/blue Disney print
Which looks cute with the crew uniforms since they’re either blue or purple. My uniform is black with a wee bit of yellow so yellow works for me. xD