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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/16 22:28:40 )
@dragonickittens: Ohh, the really cute one with the portal thing? That was really fun to watch! Were you playing it last night? O:

Hmm, I think mine is even less than that unless one of my other gaia friends want to match with an item. Haha. Last change is 8 days right now, and I don't feel like changing it. Whoops.
Yeah, I was trying to sell off a lot of my items at one point, but it was annoying trying to get everything organized. I spent like two hours and only got rid of a few items? A lot of the items I have are really cheap though haha, so I don't make much of a profit.

I feel like they would sell really well anywhere because I've only seen one other person do them??? I'm tempted to try it out myself, but yeah I don't really have the motivation and it is a lot of work. Hahahaha. If you're really in need of gold, I say go for it! O:
Aaaah, that's not too bad though! I spend about the same on my chibis depending on how much I mess around with it or with all the details. u wu

Yeah, some of them are pretty cute, but I just.. I have this thing with not wanting to draw fanart... since it kinda is?? Idk.The only thing that doesn't bother me is pokemon trainers or gijinkas. xD Maybe because I'm familiar with it??
I like talking about OCs! I feel like it's the only thing I can really rant about for a long period of time. Though I usually end up spoiling part of their stories, but my OCs stories are usually jumbled up in pieces in my head anyway. Like one of the first stories I made, it had alternate endings based on what happens, but ... It's not like I'll ever actually know because no one ever decides but me. Hahaha.
Oh, yeh! I'm always down to watch when you're drawing. :> As long as I'm not busy doing something else. Even then I try and multitask or have it running in the background. UWU

Yeah, definitely. We will never know the true origins of the story, and that is sad. U WU
I'll let you know! Though the comic is mostly just base coloring. Oh, yeah of course! I have reference pics for all of them in a folder on my computer, but I'll try and get better ones that are even easier if I can! Like normal ones from the comic. squints. One day I'll do official references for all of them. When I eventually stop uploading more. I should have all of them in the "OCY" folder though on my toyhouse, if you're ever curious. Hahaha.

It's definitely better in person. My dad lives like 15 minutes from me, so that's pretty nice. : > I usually just call or text him if I really miss him, just to check up on him. I got to see him briefly before this whole pandemic thing made us work remotely. I'm glad I was able to see him when I could though, wouldn't have been able to see him for awhile otherwise. Thank goodness for technology though. ;;;

Ahh, I'm more of a tetris kinda gal, I guess. Even though I'm really awful at it. Hahaha. I didn't even realize they had characters for the game. o ___ o Now I'm curious. Hahah.
Yeah, I think mine is set the same way. I usually just block people if they send me a friend request and I don't know them. Lol.
Those were the times. Hahahah. Omg, really? I wonder if it's the same person. Hahaha. That would be pretty funny. Pretty people look pretty no matter what they do. akdsjfaskjd. Idk how they do it.;;; They weren't a model for a name brand by any chance were they? I wish I remembered the name or the picture. Might come up under emo boy though. Haaaaa.
Yeah, kinda hard when they're not online all the time or... you know really young. Hahahahaha. I'm not really sure anyone took them seriously. I just remember playing in towns all the time and I got into a group of people there and then we'd just talk as long as I could until we all had to get offline. xD Ahh, good times.

I mean, we agree on most things too! We only ever argue about dumb things like cleaning or saying things in a meaner tone than normal, but then we're back to laughing and making fun of each other in like 10 minutes. Hahaha.
It would be really weird if we just agreed on everything though. I don't think I would like him that much. xD Would be weird if I met someone that had the exact same likes for everything. ;;;;

There's a weird dance one in one of the seasons. Torture dance? or something?? It still cracks me up every time.

I really shouldn't say anything because there's dumb drawings that I don't agree with either. Hahahah. So, fair enough. Each person has their own thing and what they like and don't like. ;;
If it's dealing with RL people, even if it's drawings I suppose it's a bit eerie, but yeah. To each their own, I suppose. q vq ;
Aaaa, yeah, You never know! I haven't had anyone complain about the flashing images before, but I put it just in case. That's something that could seriously injure someone. ;;;

Thanks! I don't hate the place, so I really don't mind staying for another year, especially if I get to work with the same people. If they end up switching it up on us, then I don't know. The main reason why I'm still there is because the people are awesome. There's always going to be kids who are awful, so can't do too much about that. I have met a bunch of awesome parents and kids though! So, it's not always too bad. Gotta look at the positives!!
Ahh, that's easy to remember! I'd.. give you hints about my birthday, but I like keeping it a secret. Hahahah.
It's a shame that people don't treat their kids well. I feel like it's setting them up to fail. Or if they keep having kids and can't keep up with them?? Which I've also seen. /shakes head. Need to take care of the ones you have first, before you even think about having more. akdjhfakjds. People sometimes, I swear.

YEAH SAME. TT___TT Even cosplay, I always need to get the XL because my boobs and thighs and butt and well.. everything. I used to be able to fit into mediums and smalls. aaaaa. I feel like jeans are the worst to find because I always need to get the next size up since I can't pull it up past my thighs. ;;; MAKES ME SAD.
I just don't like most people for the most part. Haha. INB4 MY SOCIAL SKILLS KICK IN. I'm really weird about spacing with people I know too. Idk. I just like doing my own thing in my own house with no one but my hubby. He doesn't care if I fart when I want to. LMAO.
Amg yes. The quick trip to the mall is worth it for the tiny pretzels. * V* Especially if you get that uh... icing thing??? OR THE CHEESE SAUCE> UGH. SO GOOD. Pretzels and cheese are soo good.

Did you post them? i can't remember now. squints. My posts are like days apart by the time I reply. Hahah.

I'm still... nervous to post sketches in the discord sometimes. Idk, why. Fear of the unknowing, I guess?

Awwwh. Old kitties are the best. The highest my cats used to be able to jump was the best too, and it was pretty low to the ground considering. Maybe like two feet? Maybe that's about their limit. Hmm, but they jump on the cat tower too, and I feel like that's a bit higher. Idk. Maybe they just don't want my evil glare when they do something bad. ahahahha.

Ooooh, yeah! It's really good for that! You should definitely get one then! It helps me out a lot when I'm just clicking things. Not so much.. for the keyboard aspect, but I think you can get little cushion things for those too. BUT WAIFU BOOB MOUSE PAD. What could be better??? Tho they have husbando butt ones too sometimes. HAHAHAHA.

Hmmm, I dunno? I mean, my characters were school uniforms, but it's not like they do anything ordinary like have super powers or anything. Though the ways of killing are kinda.. up in the air. hahaha. Gotta get in that humor part, you know?
I tried to fit in my maid characters for one of the panels, I think?? Or Yan in one of the maid ones. Now I can't remember. I usually don't draw backgrounds, but I'd do that all the time if I did!!

Ohh, really!? That's pretty cool! O: Was it someone you knew or just someone random??
hahaha. I didn't know you could either! I guess if you wanted it to be anonymous??


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/16 22:31:49 )
@lina: Yeah, of course! n ___n ! I don't think I have you added on my switch, do I??? @ W @;;
Ahhh, I hate when that happens! I got a recipe for something like that and I couldn't make the smaller version of it, it made me so upset. Aaaahh.
Oooh, that's a great idea!! Alright. One branch and 3 bonsai- got it! If I forget or something, just let me know. akjsdhfajkds.

Thank goodness. u wu I feel like my hubby jinxed it because right before it happened he was like "Wow, people on animal crossing are so nice and trusting." and then they kicked him out right as he dropped the item. HAHAH.
Awwh, I do the same thing! Or if I find something cute, I mail it off to people!

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/16 23:13:57 )
@Yandere: Let's be friends! my friend code is sw-3387-4946-9194
I'd love to share things with you!
Is there anything you've been looking for?

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 00:55:15 )

    @Yandere: asfkjkgj late reply again
    LMFAO at vibing over here tho
    same with most of mine
    they're just there chillin'

    i do that on here
    just collect as i go _(:3//// theres not much i /need/

    loll yea ive seen a bunch of artist friends just go on there to give out freebies because that economy is a fckin joke


Voltie — Tenno Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 02:39:19 )

@Yandere: Yeah, lol. It was Super Lucky's Tale. Super cute game! Something I've been craving for a while now. :)
Ah, I see. :) I only change it unless I can make a good avi, you know?
Yeah, If I can sell it, I usually just donate it or junk trade it. I was doing that for newbies, but every person that posted in the forum I made in the charity was wanting things. None of them were noobs. :/

I posted something about it in the art galleries here, but no one has posted in there showing interest. ^^;; So I'm probably not gonna sell it here. I'll probably do that then on Gaia and probably Pantheon.
Lol, at least I'm not the only one. UwU

Doing fan art is everyone's personal preference. :) Plus the only thing I'd ever request fan art of is something we would both like. xD Like Yuno.
Lol same! Plus its so much fun talking about OCs with you. xD Heck, Jace and Arata, just talking about their interaction was funny alone!
Lol, you know when I'll be drawing. :) I usually label the post when I'm streaming art work or games.

The true origin of the story is memes. Tons and tons of memes.
Ah ok, lol. And of course. :) I usually go over towards that folder all the time for references if needed. xD

That's good at least. :)

Tetris is fun though. xD I know there was this PS2 game that I used to play a lot. It had little Tetris character things that you can customize. It was really cool, but I don't remember what it was called. I think the funniest part was when you were slightly failing, the character would turn around, look at you, and shake its head disapprovingly. >_> Judgmental little butt.
I usually check their profile before I decline it. If they have friends in common or they work where I did, I will accept it. They usually don't last long on my friends list though due to the constant memes and shit posts.
I really don't know, to be honest. ^^;; I just know one image of an emo boy was pretty popular for catfishing. But back then, most emo kids looked the same in a few ways. xD The only difference was noses. xD
Lol, I did that with a few friends, but it was on Jigsaw and Virtual Hollywood. Sadly, none of those games are really popular anymore. Its a surprise they haven't taken it down yet.

I think the longest I've been mad at my hubby was for an hour. It was because he ate my left over taco bell.
That would be weird. xD

Oof, I don't think I got to that point yet, but I know what you are talking about. It was all over the web.

Yeah... Like that one thing I drew on stream once. ^^;; I don't regret it, but damn was I bored.
Yeah, that is true. I think I'll keep mine on til someone says something. But its pretty lightly colored.

It was the same at my old job, so I can understand. The only people I didn't like where the ones who liked to say in the break room and be rude to each other. It got bad some times. :(
Can do. :) Thank you for letting me know too. xD
Yeah... But there isn't much we can do with those people and stuff. DX They can only learn at their own pace.

Oof! Same! Dx I'll have to find my measuring tape before I buy any cosplays for that reason, you know? And same here on jeans. DX Plus most of my jeans are busted in the worse spots too.
xD The only time I care when my hubby farts is when he eats too much cheese.
OOoOOOOH YEEEEESSSSSssss! Cheese sause is the best. *drools*

Oof, I don't really remember what it was that you are asking on posting. DX I forgot.
Your nice to me too. UwU

If its due to Orville, I don't think he even bats and eye towards the server anymore. I don't think he's gonna be posting in a long time due to that fight I had with him.

Yes they are UwU Plus he's really sweet and likes to cuddle. Who knows? Cats are pretty smart too. If I want him to leave the room. I usually just say his name and point towards the door. He usually goes out on his own.

I'll have to check it out later. :) As for the husbando butt. xD I don't think I have many that have nice butts that are thicc.

Lol, all good. But now I'm kinda curious on this story even more now.
Oof, I understand on the backgrounds. ^^;;

It was someone I knew. xD I don't think someone random would donate to the stream unless it was one of those dudes that did it for youtube reaction videos.
Probably? There are a lot of people who do that too.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 14:35:01 )
@lina: Ahhh, I will add you once I get back online! * V* ////
Yeah, it will work out with trading a lot of things then. U WU I feel like Animal Crossing is the one game where I've been interacting with everyone. Haha.
Hmm, I haven't really been looking for anything in particular. I just kinda... wing whatever I get. Haha.
edit; sent you a friend request. Should be under Yuracye. : >

@pachi: Nahh, it's all good! We're all about the event stuff right now anyway. Longer responses to everything take more time, and we're trying to get as many letters as we can right now. >: U
Literally always just trying to vibe.

Yeh, I want one of each item on here, but I also... don't change things too much. LMAO. SO FAK. Once day I'll make a nice avatar. Yesterday was not that day, I couldn't get it to work. I'm just... so finicky with poses and items and colors. rip me.

It really is. I barely get commissions because I upped my prices. People go fken nuts over underpriced stuff or well known artists. It's crazy.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 15:11:34 )
@dragonickittens: Yeah, it was super cute!! I'd like to see you playing it again when you're up to it! I want to know what happens.

Yeah, same here. I tried making an avatar for Easter and the event but... ehhh. I don't feel like updating it and messing around with items. I pretty much use the same type of items anyway. I revert to maid items and blood items or pink/blue ones. Though I quite like my male avatar right now. I kinda... want to make him into a yandere OC now.
Yikes, yeah. You're better off posting in the newbie forums if you want to give away items to people, but there's no guarantee that they're stay online.

Ahh, yeah the art galleries tend to be pretty quiet from what I've seen, unless of course that you're a well known artist, but they always get attention.
I'm still always tempted to go on Pantheon too, but again I don't want to get shot down with not geting any requests or anything. I still have my art shop open on gaia, but no bites at all. I really should... finish my commissions here before I do anything though.
Nah, definitely not alone.

I think I've done like 3 fanart pieces in my entire drawing career. Hahaha. I did one of Skyla and Elisa? from pokemon, gasai Yuno and then i think 2 pieces from tekken? So 4 total pieces? Maybe Miku really far back in the day. Idk, I just don't like doing it as much. Also people can't take my OCs and sell them, as no one will buy them. Haha.
I'm still tempted to do that fanart meme thing that you did, but I'm always afraid of the results of what I might get. Maybe I'll just do fanart characters that I like. Haha. Bring up some old ones and just do busts of them.

YESS. I love OC talk! Though I really need to build up a lot of the backstory about a lot of the missing ones. ;;;
I'll have to write a lot of it, but I'm just nervous because I'm not that good of a writer so... a lot of it gets lost.
Hehe, thanks! I keep an eye out in the discord now, as long as I'm checking it! : >

YHAHHAHAA. YEAH. OCY started from that first comic and I was like.. I can work from this! AHahha.
I'll need to make a massive ref of all the characters at some point. ;;; Though two of the characters are my friends and I think I deleted the original file so I just have the ones on their TH that have text over it. Ahhh. For now I'll just pull from older comics. Haha.

Yeah, it can be fun if I'm in the mood to play it. There's something similar to it that I play on this app game, but the pieces don't fall down, you just place them wherever and you need to get everything across and .. yeah. I'm bad at explaining things. Haha.
OH NOOO. Hahaha. That's pretty funny though, I know I'd get super mad if the character was shaking their head at me and I was losing the game.

Fair point. Wouldn't make sense to just accept everyone. Though, if I look at the name and picture and I don't recognize them, then I just decline them. /shrugs.
Hahaha. I just... don't upload anything at all to my facebook, so I'm sure most people would forget that I'm even added. My step mom usually only uploads pictures and tags me in it, but that's about it.
Ahhhh. Yeah. I remember the person telling me that the person was a model. A lot of them did look the same. Haha. Ahh the emo phases in school, what a great trend. Haha. Gosh, I love jigsaw too! * V* I tried getting back into it again, but everyone just had their own things. /shrugs. Would be cool if I could meet people there again, but I doubt that would happen, since people usually only meet on their with their friends or to troll.

Awhman. I'd get mad over that too. >: T HOW DARE HE.
I always threaten to stay mad at him for things like eating my food, but I can't stay mad for too long. xD I don't like being mad.

Break rooms were the worst in that sense. I really enjoyed when I had breaks with certain people. Sometimes it was with people who were really gossip-y and they didn't bother to stop even though I was there. Idk how people function like that. ;;; Sometimes I was by myself too, which was nice. I would be able to play games or call my hubby if I could. There were times when I couldn't even find a seat because it was so crowded. I usually tried to find a quiet place in the building to just hang out and listen to music, but usually I didn't get that chance. aaaa. I don't miss my old workplace. Haha.
Yeah, unfortunately. There's only so much we can do. ;;;

Yeah, same. I wish I could sew, then I could make things perfect for my body type. ;;
I used to have the same pair of jeans for years and there were holes everywhere. Haha. I finally bought 3 new pairs last year I think? I really hope they don't rip anytime soon, especially with this pandemic. Online shopping for jeans would be awful right now.
Oh nooo! That must be the worst. ;;
YES. CHEESE SAUCE IS SO GOOD. Ughhhhh. The one at applebee's is really good. The only better one I've had is at this german restaurant that I love. It's not as heavy, but it's really good.

Bahahah. I don't remember what I'm usually typing about either- no worries! If I can't find it, I usually just delete the text. Haha. No really no worries!

I mean, I feel like that's partially due to it, but I'm afraid to post to people who I don't know either. @ __ @ It's part of the reason why I don't advertise my art, even though the views on my comic are needed. Haha.

Yesss. Cats are the best. Mine are pretty dumb tbh, but that's my fault because I'm just as lazy as them. Haha.
They're trained to walk up to the cabinet and meow for snacks though.

The backstory on the maid comic? It's a lot of drama. I wish I could write it out and draw it and stuff, but I'm just awful at slow plots and building stuff up. Maybe if I could get someone to help me on it eventually, then I could work from there. : >

Ohhh okay okay.
I've seen people just donate to random ones without knowing the person. Sometimes there's people that do that, just to get money out. Good point though, a lot of people usually do it for the reaction. > > ;;


Voltie — Tenno Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 18:08:08 )

@Yandere: Oof, same here! I'll be sure to put it in the title then. :)
I didn't even make an Easter themed avatar this year. ^^;; I've been mostly been making random avatars with items I have and hope it looks good, you know? I mostly revert to using items that have the colors; Black, red, pink, galaxy (though I barely have any of those). I some times make bloody avatars, but they tend to mostly be angels and they tend to look the same over time. xD
If I knew which form it was for newbies, I would post there. But the issue is that I want them to have a trading pass, you know? I want to try to give them a trade full of items instead of giving them constant gifts. But you have a point, there isn't a guarantee that they will stay online.

To be honest, every time I post any of my art work on here, it tends to get over looked by a whole lot of people. ^^;; At this point, I'm thinking opening my current art shop was a mistake, you know? Plus I can't "bump" my gallery with new art due to the post limit being two. I just don't like having so many images within one post unless I'm providing samples. I usually just stick it to the undercurrent if I want to bump those posts. I saw someone ask a question on where to price art, and a mod suggested the chatter cafe (forgot the name). I'd post my work there, but I have a strong feeling no one would give a price, and if they did, chances are they won't even order. xD
Yeah, I get that. But seems to me that no one wants to order anything. DX But who really knows? But I do agree, I would finish your comms here before going any where else to make more.
I'm glad i"m not the only one.

Lol, makes sense to me. Its just I know no one would do the same for my OCs, but its just better for me to put my watermark on it now. xD I did that since someone told me on a facebook page that I should once I posted some fan art. They said there are a lot of people that don't credit people for the work they do.
Oof, I haven't finished the fan art meme. I kinda lost interest, if that makes any sense? Plus a lot of people on twitter were asking people to give suggestions and they got a lot of responses. I didn't get anything, so it makes me feel defeated, same thing when I post that I'm doing freebies. I probably won't give out anything when I reach 100 follows since no one really responds. If I do, I'll probably only do friends.

Lol, I should work on the backstory for most of mine, but I just don't really feel like it or I just can't think of anything creative, you know?
I'm not really the best writer either so.... xD
Of course. :)

You should do the distracted boyfriend meme with Yan and her senpai. xD But Seichii looking at Arata holding the axe. xD
Oof, I wish you luck on making the ref. xD Sounds like you might need it.

I mean.... I'm the same way when it comes to explaining things, so don't feel too bad. But I kinda get where you are coming from too. :)
I know.... xD But that's the funny thing, you could be doing just fine and know what you are doing, then the character turns around and does it. xD I found game play of it too. Its about 7 min 30 seconds in, but hopefully the share link is correct when I post it. xD

Pretty much what I do. :)
My mom tags me in a few things every so often, but that's about it. As for uploads, the most I do is just post in a warframe captura group. But I barely do capturas as it is now. xD
I never really got into the trend, style wise. I knew about the things that were popular, like silly bands and Invader Zim, but that was about it.
Yeah, I agree with you. I do miss those good old days where you can join a room and talk to different people and show off avatars. But its not like that anymore. Heck, I remember when you could create your own room and put a password on it if you wanted to. xD

Yep. >:T
He tends to tickle me to get me to stop being mad. The only time it doesn't work is unless I'm extremely pissed off.

Yeah... Plus I really hate it when people just gossip and don't even get down to the truth of it. Several of the ladies in the break room thought I was dating a male coworker of mine just because we talked a whole lot. That was annoying. Then of course, I was curious to what they were eating since they brought something to share with their friends. They shouted it was $5 at me, didn't even tell me what it was. xD Like, I didn't want to buy it, I just wanted to know.

You and me both. I want to sew and make a plushy of one of my favorite characters. ^^;;
I don't really blame you! DX Plus I'd be too scared to buy clothes online unless I know for sure it fits, you know?
It is.... DX
I can't really say where I've had the best cheese sauce. xD But if I was to pick, I really liked the beer cheese at Red Robbin. :)

xD That makes me feel much better at least.

I understand on that. ^^;; But I've gotten a little better with it over time and just gotten the courage to post my work more often. Even if it doesn't get much of a response, you know? In one of the servers I'm on, I always get some kind of response, and its really nice, you know? Plus there is a lot of nice people on there. :) The server owner is a really sweet person too and she said if I want to invite people that I'm free too.

I mean.... That's pretty usual for cats though, but not all are dumb. But some can get pretty prissy and spoiled.
Oof, I bet that can get annoying. xD

If I was a little better at writing, I'd help you out. But I'm still on writer's block on my own story. DX I should really get back into writing it some time though.

Its hard for them to do that since I have it to where it notifies me when someone subs, follows, donates, or raids my channel. ^^;; I need to see about changing the noises for it though, but I honestly don't know where to go from there. DX I'll have to ask one of my streamer friends if they know how and hope they are using the same site that I use. XwX
One of my friends has this really fancy system. If someone they know types in chat, it lets him know by a certain notification. My notification for them is some weird noise I made on a different stream. xD It sounds like I'm a dying cat.
This is the clip. Its about 4 seconds in.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 20:12:28 )
@Yandere: I keep seeing pictures of items I like, but it’s going to take a long time to get them all

Let me know when you’re free sometime and we can meet up.
Once one of us has visited we can send each other mail

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 16:04:23 )
@lina: I haven't even looked up anything to really go for. I've been trying to just get my village together and get cutie villagers. Hahaha.

I should have some free time today if you want to try, just not for a little bit I think?? I usually spend some time upstairs with my grandparent. Yesss! Then we can send each other ALL the things!!
I have the cherry blossom things crafted, so I just need to pick them up to drop them off. Did you want to visit mine or did you want me to go to yours?

@dragonickittens: Yehh! I saw you playing minecraft, but I don't have much interest so ehhh.

I usually don't make any type of seasonal avatar anyway, or I don't stick with it. rip.
Hahaha. Yeah, I do the same thing, just with different items or colors. Haha. Always with blood splatter. I have like 5 blood splatter items and I always use all of them. haha.
I feel like a lot of my avatars look the same, but I've been trying to stray away from using the same item in every single one. I've been using the same eye item for like 90% of my avatars. Whoops.
Oh right, I forgot about the trading pass. I haven't made a new account in awhile, wasn't thinking about it. Haha.

Same here, I'm lucky if I get a like or a favorite on anything. I mean I get favorites if it's from someone I know like you, but it's really rare that I'll get a random retweet or like on anything else that I draw. Then again, I don't really post fanart or anything just my own OCs or whatever. I don't think they normally get a lot of traction anyway. ;;;;

Ahh. I mean it doesn't hurt to try. Sometimes you get people. I don't really think anyone knows about the money system here, so they're probably hesitant about what to price things. That and art is kinda subjective, so there's no correct answer for anything. It's just how much people are willing to pay or how much you're willing to charge. /shrugs.

I used to put my username on all my art, but now I don't really care as much. xD I don't think anyone is going to trace or sell my art or anything, so there's no bother to do it. Plus. there's so many ways to get around it.
Gosh, yeah. People steal fan art and put it on shirts and stuff to sell all the time. It's really rampant on instagram from what I've seen. Another reason to avoid that website. Hahaha.

Haha. I completely understand. It's part of the reason why I haven't really taken the initiative to even start it. I do the same thing. If no one responds I feel like I shouldn't bother with it. I ended up seeing your post like 16 hours after it was posted, so I was afraid it was too late by then. adkfjhasdjfk.
I will definitely post on the freebies for twitter. Haha. As long as I see it in time. ;;; Sometimes my twitter doesn't let me scroll down after a certain point. I don't know why.

Hard same. Haha. I really only try to build up characters if I'm working on a story with friends.
I'm a horrible writer too. Hahahaha. I used to RP back in the day, but I don't think I improved at all. WHELP.

HAHAHA OMG I SHOULD. THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS. OMG. ahahahahahah. That's probably one of my favorite memes too. omg. adshjfasdjf.
I need to draw that today omg. I'll post it on my comic for next week since I've been neglecting it anyway. Bhahaha.

Ahhh. I can't listen to anything right now, but remind me to check it out later. ;;;;

I haven't been on facebook in a few months now, so I really don't know what's going on. Whelp. I'll log in one day and just... be nosey, I guess. I feel like the world is kinda on a stand still right now anyway. People probably aren't doing much right now. I'm sure there's some indoor memes though.
Hmm, yeah. I don't really get into trends either... I remember the silly band things, but the only reason I had one was because one of my friends gave me a few. My mom didn't like to buy a lot of stuff, and when I did get something I wanted a book or manga over something like silly bands. I hate wearing jewelry for the most part anyway.

Gosh, yeah. Those were the gaia days. I kinda miss it, especially since all I do is bump up my threads here and there now, it's nothing... crazy.

I mean, I hate gossip too, but I'm always curious to know what goes on everywhere. I'd never repeat it unless it was about someone I knew and I wanted to let them know. > > ;;;
Oh gosh, yeah, those are the worst. Or when they're trying to put two people together too. I think I was mostly out that part of it because I was engaged/to be married at the time, but I tend to miss out on a lot of stuff anyway because I don't talk to anyway. Haa.
Omg what?? What was the point of them telling you that?? I mean, I usually talk about the price of cheaper things too, mostly Taco Bell. HAHAHAH. Fak, I love that place.

ooooh, PLUSHIES WOULD BE SO CUTE TOO. If only I could sew. aaaa.
Seriously. I hate shopping, but to get something to fit comfortably, it's the only possible choice. ;;
I just had red robin the other day! Theirs is pretty good too! Those little pretzel bites. Ughhhh. SO GOOD. Maybe I can convince hubby to order from them again. > > ;;

Yeah. It's the lack of people that really kills me. I know I'm not really advertising anything so I should expect it, but it still bothers me sometimes considering how much art I've actually done and worked on and improved. I don't think I'll really get anywhere with it, so that's why art will always be a hobby for me.
Awwwh, that's really sweet of them.

Mine are just lazy and sleep a lot. xD They're only really active at night, as... soon as I get to sleep. I feel like they take after my lazy and sleepy habits. Hahahah. If that's even possible.

Nah, it's all good. You never know when I might bump into someone who wants to write for it. xD That also means that I'll need to draw up everything, which isn't really possible with my job and then when I go back to school - oof.
Eh, do it at your own pace. There's no rush for anything. u wu

Ohhhhh. I see. I forgot it does that. ;;
I don't know how to do any of that stuff, otherwise I'd help you out. xD It's amazing I got picarto to work last night. Hahaha. I think I muted the voice chat, but I don't think it would have registered it anyway. Would have just heard my hubby in the background anyway, or me humming to songs. ;;
Ohh, like a highlighted chat type of thing?? LIke a giant shout out?
HAHAH OMG. I need to listen to that later- they're expression is priceless.


Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 16:24:29 )
@Yandere: I think I decided I need to stop loooking things up.
It’s just making me jealous. XD
I do like looking at the designs for inspiration though.
I have a new kitchen idea I want to try today.

If you want to come to my place, I’ve been doing some time traveling, so it’s pretty far along.
I’ve been bored stuck at home the last month. >.<
I’ll probably be on all day, so I’m free anytime. XD

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 16:44:55 )
@lina: Hahaha. Yeah, that's the true struggle. akjdshfakjsdhfasd.
I took the orchard idea with the fruit patterns on the floor from someone, it makes it look neat and organized.

Oooh, okay! I'm going to grab my switch now if you want me to pop by and drop off the sakura stuff. o:

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 17:13:08 )
Ready whenever you are!
Dodo code 92TF9

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 17:48:36 )
Ahhh, heading over now if it's still open!!!


Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 17:50:23 )
@Yandere: I’m going to be playing all day so, yeah it’s open!

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 18:09:32 )

Voltie — Tenno Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 18:12:27 )

@Yandere: Lol, your cool. I was just building things mostly, all pixel art. I'm sure you saw the builds up on twitter. xD That's the main thing I enjoy about minecraft.
Yeah same, I don't really have many items that I would consider to be "seasonal" but I also tend to be really picky too.
I don't know how many I have, but some kinda clip with others and it ends up looking like a bad mess or it takes off another item.
Oof, its cool. I tend to do the same thing, but it really depends on the item and if there is a recolor of it.
Lol, your cool. :) I just know you gotta log in 3 times after a new account has been made to get the trading pass.

I get that. :) Its not often when my fanart gets retweeted though. I've gotten follows from it though, but its not really something I can say that would be major. I think the last fan art thing I did got about 100 retweets. I'm debating on redrawing it and stuff now.

Yeah, I guess I'll try with the Jace icon, but I might not. Its in my new post layout, so if someone asks, I'll tell them that I drew it. Plus I honestly don't even know what to price my art at on here, and I don't want to under price it either. xD

That's fair. :)
Yeah, I know a few artist I follow on twitter have that issue all the time. They don't have a sig or a watermark on it either. DX

I mean, if it isn't older than a week, I wouldn't see the issue with someone posting. ^^;; But if its older than 2 weeks, chances are that I'm already done with it, you know?
Twitter's algorithm is really weird though. If something is more popular from things you follow, chances are you won't see many posts with little to no likes. Its really weird.

Lol, yes. xD I can't wait to see it when you do it though.
Good luck with drawing, sounds like you might need it. :)

All good, the music isn't really too important, its just the animation I wanted to show you. xD

Yeah, chances are you haven't missed anything major. If you did, I'm sure your family would have told you that someone had a baby or ETC.
I couldn't get into many trends due to my grandmother not letting me have all black clothes and my dad not giving me money. I couldn't really go out anywhere with friends due to it. I got silly bands from friends too, lol. I think it took me about 2 years before I bought my own, but then the trend was dead. I didn't really get much of anything, if I wanted it badly, even for a book or manga, I would have to beg my dad for it. But he would have said no. :/

Yeah, same here. It used to be very social back in that day. Now it isn't as social, you know? Plus I think the bulk of the community left after zOMG or tektek was shut down, but I think most of it left when the gold generators were a big thing.

I never really payed attention to it. ^^;; My headphones were on most of the time.
I know. DX I heard from one of my former coworkers that due to gossip like that, it ruined someone's actual relationship. Like, how messed up is that? You clearly see that their S/O is there working with them but you still want to say they are going out with someone else? People are wild.
I honestly have no idea. xD But from what I understand, someone in the break room was taking too much of of a share, so they started doing that. Plus they always said those things when it came to their lunch parties. The only time it didn't happen was unless someone said it was for everyone.
Just thinking of that, the school gave us some kind of 7 layer dip and I didn't know it was for everyone. Then the ladies thought I brought it and wanted to blame me and my friend group for the mess. We told them we had nothing to do with it and I thought it was theirs. They still blamed us though. It was stupid.

Yeah same. DX I have so many I wanna make. Jace, Shyla, and Prisma would probably be the 3 plushies I would try making first. xD
Oof, same here! But I do agree with you. You want it to fit correctly, you gotta go out and find it. DX
Do it. I wish there was one by me now. xD

Yeah, I understand. :( But at least you know there are several people that do love the look of your art and have noticed the improvement. :)

Most cats are active mostly at night, so it makes sense to me. My mom noticed a bump on the black one's chin today. She said its gotten bigger from the last time she noticed it. She wants to take him to the vet. I just hope it isn't gonna be anything bad. Both of her cats are about 18 years old.

I wish you luck with it all. UwU
Yeah, lol. If I'm up to it, I'm gonna reread the last chapter I wrote on and start to write again. I'll let you know when its been updated. :)

Yeah lol, but its cool. :) Your stream was really good last night anyways. If you did, it was ok. You always probably hear my hubby in the background. xD
I think so?
xD Yes.
Please ping me to get my attention

Pixel art by me
Click here for my twitter and other things.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 18:15:57 )
@Yandere: I keep seeing pictures of really natural islands with like cute stone paths and lots of plants and I’m jealous!

But I like mine. It’s my style I guess

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/18 18:28:30 )
Ps, I’m giving away these items if you like any

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/19 03:47:13 )
@dragonickittens: Yeah, haha. The milk was super cute! * V* ///

I don't really think I do either... maybe a few red/green items, but that's about it. I might have bunny ears or something too. MAYBE.
I'm really picky with a lot of the items on gaia. I'll like the colors, but I don't always like all the poses?? Usually when I buy an item, I like one or two of the poses or like... just the hair or something, but it's something that I really like. aaaa. I'm the same way with items on here I guess too, but I also like certain poses but can't match the colors. I'll make a nice pink/blue one eventually, but I think it's really due to the lack of common items that I have too. I really only have common items for Yan. The teal school outfit and hair and some... random things. I have the volts now, so I guess now would be the time. Haha.
Yeah, I totally forgot that was a thing. ;;;

Ehh. I have to be really in the mood to draw fanart I guess. It's really uncommon that I do it unless my hubby asks for something specific. Now that I think about it though, I've drawn a bit more fanart then I remember. ;;; I drew Tetra from Log Horizon (the anime) and Dominiel from Epic 7 as well. So, I suppose those count as well. I've done about 10 fanart pieces, I guess. That's really what gets the views I guess. squints. I just... like drawing my own characters more, so I suppose I'll
stick with that. I don't really do tags on twitter either....
Wh- 100 retweets? I'm amazed at more than two likes on a picture. Hahahaha. Fak. I need to draw my comic for next week too though, so I should focus on that now that I only need to color that one couple piece. akjfdhakjsdf,. JUST NO MOTIVATION. I CRY.

I mean, the icon looks awesome, so I'm sure people would be interested. I'm tempted to do an animation commission on gaia as a means of getting some gold, but the time it's going to take is going to be awful. Aaaa. Unless it's like quick blinking or something. Maybe I'll stick to busts like I used to do. Those were pretty fun and they were only flat colors from what I remember. SQuints.
I'm so lazy with marking my art. Hahaha. I do the same thing. If someone compliments it, I just say thanks and that I drew it. haha.

I don't think I have a big enough following for anyone to steal my art. Haha. Even if someone did, it's not like many people would be on the lookout for it. Unless they were making more gold/money than me, I don't think it would be an issue anyway, I mean, I can understand how it would be disheartening since I spend time on a piece, but Idk. I think I've just been bleh about art lately. ;;;

Oh hecc. Good to know then! * V* /// I sometimes get spacey or just browse through twitter on my phone before I officially get up or when going to sleep so I don't have the means to get references and post them right away.
I just don't if you post something and plan to work on it right there and then, because... that's what I normally do. hahah.
Twitter is really strange. I'll never understand it. Haha. I've read about the algorithms, but I've never understood them.

Yeh, I feel art defeated rn. I have no motivation, but I also want to draw on the weekends when I have time. The struggle is real.

OH. I'm going to watch the video/clips after this. Now that I'm replying. I'll put them in another tab so I don't forget.

Yeah. xD It's really only my cousin that has kids, and I was told like... 5 months after they were pregnant during the holidays or something. Haha. She has three kids now and I'm not sure any of my other cousins really have plans, as they're all younger than me. squints.
Maaaan, I know that struggle all too well. I wanted to be a scene kid so bad. xD I remember one time a friend straightened my hair (I have naturally wavy hair and it's ... a mess haha) and she styled it and everything and I LOVED IT. My mom told me to take a shower and wash it out immediately. I was so pissed. Hahah. It took like 3 hours to straighten all of my hair. aaaa
Thankfully my mom liked that I bought books, so I just stuck with those. It was rare that I got a manga, but it was also tempting because they were $10, compared to the $20+ that most books were.

Heck, I don't think I've changed my social standards since I've been in school. Hahah. Usually someone needs to talk to me first before I think about friendship. SHRUGS.
Yeah, the community as a whole is a lot less.

Oh fak. That's insane. I mean, just it being gossip is one thing, but actually ruining a relationship is actually insane.
Thankfully I've never had to deal with that, but I also never hung outside of work with any of them besides my last day. The group that went out was good people, not the really annoying gossipy ones. I was planning my wedding at that time too, and they just... invited themselves to my wedding. I wish I could have seen their expression when they weren't invited and I uploaded the photos online. Hahah.
Omg. I never touched anything unless I asked my bosses ahead of time and usually they announced that there was food or whatever upstairs to take. xD My god. Have people no shame?? Just blaming other people. Just own up to it and buy a dip to replace it or something. SMH.

Aaaaaa! Those would be a good bunch. I don't even know who I would make. Obviously Kotomi, and maybe Loila?? I don't know if I'm as obsessive over anyone else. OH! Maybe Yan too. xD

I mean, it's really only friends that are focused on my art. Though if the people that get interested in my art and support me are my friends, I suppose it's pretty good. Haha.
OH! Before I forget too. My hubby loved the piece that I did for Jace too, and he usually doesn't comment on my art unless I ask him. He just kept saying "Dang, that's really nice!" xD Yanderes are my motivation apparently. DOKIS. THANK YOU JACE

Yeah. They sleep a lot though. We'll see them for an hour or two of the day. Sometimes they walk into the living room to sleep on our desks. Hahahaha.
Oh noooo. I hope not either! D: I could ask my hubby about it, since he's a vet in training, but I'm not sure he'd be able to diagnose the baby without seeing him. He's not a qualified vet either, but was an assistant for awhile. ;;
ASKED HIM NOW And he said it might be contact dermatitis. If they have a metal food or water bowl it can cause it from irritation. Hopefully... that's just it.
We use a glass for our water bowl or a plastic one, but need to clean it out every other day. ;;; See if that helps at all. ;;;

Hehe, thanks! : >
Ooooh, yeah! Let me know when you update it! I'm always willing to read it, though I can't say that I'll be all too good with advice.

Awwwh. You flatter me! DOKIS.
I mean, I was tempted to use the bases to get dolls done since I was pretty much forced to stay focused. hahah.
Aaa, it's all good! Q VQ I'm sure most people won't mind talking in the background. Sometimes my hubby curses and says... inappropriate things, so if that's the case then yeh, better to be muted. Haha.

@lina: I have stone paths and some flowers, but idk. ;;; I feel like it's not anything amazing. Each part of the town has it's own thing and it feels.. .messy idk. SWEATS. Gotta get my town to a 5 star though, I want the golden stuff. ;;;

UM. That pink/white chair is cute and the uh, white desk. Maybe the pink vacuum too! I could send you some bells for it or something. q vq;;;;

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