He left me.
My dreams for my future are too scary for him, doesn't like change. So now this person whom had previously sworn to marry me, just up and walked out.
I told him my dreams when we were just friends. Told him there's no if, I'm gonna make it.
Now that its so close to my reach..
You know I just had a review at my job last night where my boss asked me what I value
I said my family. I said it isn't big, just Noah and my bird, but its my family.
The very next day that all shatters to nothing.
I can't accept it yet, some part of me thinks he's gonna walk back in later and take it back. That he just got scared again and this time he jumped.
But I don't think that will happen. And I'm not sure how to trust it if it did, like would we be fine for another month and then this happens again?
Or will we be fine until its time for me to take action and go, but then I'll turn around and he wont be beside me anymore. It's not what he wants, but he doesn't even know what he wants.
I can't give up on my dreams that I have wanted for so long.
It is not just for my enjoyment, but for my health as well. I need to leave the state we live in. I can't change course and settle for my declining health just because I love someone so much..
This one really, really hurts so much