Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/29 20:32:15 )
@Dread Pirate: lmao!! Hmm. Well, i too am officially moving this summer. Hopefully this move will be the last one for a few years. Applying for a home loan next week. XD
I'm always uprooting.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/30 19:54:10 )
@Dread Pirate: Since the last time you and I chatted, I left Wyo to go to Colorado. Hated the city we were in. Then I went to Michigan for the summer. Now I'm in North Dakota with family while we recover and move forward.
Why wouldn't you be able to leave the state? /if you don't mind me asking.
Utah is nice, be prepared for the friendly LDS communities. I've got friends in Utah I like to visit.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/30 20:34:07 )
@Dread Pirate: Michigan was pretty interesting. I loved that I got to go there and experience that place. But it wasn't home. lol.
OH yes, the pandemic. ahg, I miss my job.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/30 21:10:52 )
@Dread Pirate: I spent quite a bit of time at the Frankenmuth arcades. haha! That was a fun place to be.
Work shut down when shutdowns started. I'm not without pay though, I just miss my coworkers and being at work.
Are you affected by the pandemic?
Donator — King
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/30 21:33:13 )
@vengeance: Ahoy hoy. How are you?
@koah: Arcades are fun to work at just the hours at the one I was at where garbage. I work from home for now until the shelter in place is over I assume
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/30 22:08:23 )
@LilMissKushy: Hello! :D I too, am new to Voltra.
@Dread Pirate: The house I was in during my time in MI flooded and power was constantly out. I ended up in hotels a lot because the house was unlivable. e;e That MI weather.
I'm glad you're still able to work. I lot of people I know are unable to.