@Bonnie: Fun... going down these rabbit holes? Nah, not really since they were mostly political - and regardless of your personal beliefs (no judgement here!), there's only so much partisan BS and in-fighting that a person can take!
@Wildfire: oh absolutely I have been avoiding that. Normally I’d be taking a brief view at that but I just can’t handle it during the pandemic at the moment
@Bonnie: Things are ok in my state (Florida). One of the biggest issues was all the Spring Breakers coming down here and "socializing" just as this virus was "coming up"... so that wasn't a good thing. Now that the Spring Break people are gone and that whole season is really over (especially with covid19 and restrictions), the state seems to be in a fairly good spot. Things are opening up a little bit on Monday - some parks and beaches, some restaurants and shops (to 25% capacity, I think) ... You and your state?