Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 09:13:24 )
@totalanimefan: I liked Chicago the most due to why I was there (best friends uncle got married). They had a 3 story house with a basement. Their house was so ~American~. We don't have basements in Australia, nor do we have attics really. Los Angeles would be next fav. New York.. I got really really sick but Broadway was fantastic!
I had Shake Shack at an airport, the frozen custart was so good. I've had Shake Shack in Japan as well. :) Can't decide where was better. Wendys in Japan is top tier.
Its veeery rainy at the moment here as well, which helps the cold out. Winter has arrived early. Fall in America would be so much more impressive due to having Halloween tied into it. :D
Yeah... I've heard a lot about the pandemic in America. I think some places did well in enforcing restrictions but now there's protests? That's so bad, I can't believe its happening. I think there's been one protest here that I've seen, but it was in a very small town thankfully.