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Forums Feedback May Crate Items Feedback Thread || Raffle Included!

Question: Which suits your style best?

  • Dreams of Delight: 24 / 46 52%
    52% Votes
  • Hanami: 30 / 46 65%
    65% Votes
Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/2 06:34:55 )

Dreams of Delight | Alethna
Hanami | Q t e a p o n
Fabled Beauty | ghost

*Each leg mod recolor comes with Default Tones 1, 4, and 6*

*Each dress recolor comes with Default Tones 1, 4, and 6*

Thank you Vengeance for Crate Set headers!

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading & previews:
Dipper, Hadsvich, Kiwi, and Fozzy

Pixels by Fozzy
Recolors by Lilypoo

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback. We at Voltra are always watching and listening, so the more responses we get to these sort of things, the more we can improve on your experience here!

Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.


In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set you are reviewing, do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 rating to let us know how much you like the overall set.

We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories - those are just some suggestions for the direction in which you can take your feedback.

We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it," as it's not very useful to us.

Here is a template to start off your review:

[b]Dreams of Delight[/b]


[b]Fabled Beauty[/b]

[b]Cybernetic Guard[/b]

Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being extremely helpful!


We know that leaving a review might not always seem rewarding, so this time we are going to be holding a raffle on June 1st, 2020 for all the folks that left a review. Winner will receive a May Crate!

Voltie — she/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/2 07:08:52 )
Well I'm still awake so here goes:
Dreams of Delight
The pink/blue pants seem out of place but it's overall a great set.

This is not my personal taste but I can't fault it for that. It's a gorgeous set. The obi as an individual piece would have been nice.

Fabled Beauty
Love! Love! I'm just sad it doesn't come with matching tail and ears. TT^TT

Cybernetic Guard
I do find this visually interesting but the tangent on the back leg throws off the whole set for me. I could see myself using individual pieces.
~Instagram! Twitter!~

A Big Ole Quest Thread

Ping me, I'm easily distracted

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/2 20:17:10 )
here be my concise af review
overall solid items 👏👏👏

Dreams of Delight
wish the stars+moon belt and anklet poses were also separate and available 💫

love the accessory poses 👌

Fabled Beauty
objectively really pretty 🦄

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/2 22:51:40 )
Dreams of Delight
I love the uniqueness of this item. The poses are so original. I wish there were a few more accessory poses, possibly instead of the sparkles. But I cannot wait to see how everyone utilizes this item.

Definitely not my style, but I can still appreciate what it brings to the table. The color schemes definitely enhance the poses.

Fabled Beauty
I love the look of this item. The unicorn is very delicate and enchanting. I love the detail in everything. It's so amazing~~~

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/2 22:52:12 )
Dreams of Delight
Ohhh this is such a pretty item!
I'm a sucker for sparkles and glitter! You even have the stars in a golden color. You love me you truly do ;w;
The arm mod seemed big? Since there isn't a second arm option, comparing the regular body arm to the arm mod they look to be two different sizes
//I may just be being nitpicky tbh
Color combos are really pretty!
This seems like a really good unisex item as I can see myself using this on a male base just as easily as I would on a female base.

This is just personal preference tbh. I am just not a big fan of kimonos, so I don't see myself using this item to often.
I like that the top has been cut so you can have some fun mixing and matching~
The accessories are super stinking cute tho. The leg mod is so curvy and fun!
Kinda wished there was an option for the branch to be on a layer behind the head as well (I like layering things and can see this as a neat little gateway to fun backgrounds)
Color choices are on point!
Love that you have Sakura tree colors for this DI.
Overall this is so dang pretty

Fabled Beauty
Ngl the main reason I wanted this month's DIs was just to try my hand at grabbing this gorgeous item.
Getting so many "The Last Unicorn" vibes of this item and I adore it!
Everything about this item is so elegant and dainty ;w;
The white/cream(please excuse me I still haven't gotten used to your color names yet.) color combo is by far the prettiest set of colors I've seen together!
The leg mod is just to endearing~
fantastic colors here to!

in short, all items recently released are amazing ;w;
beautiful work guys!
I'm gone babyyyyyyy~~~
You can find me on
DV // TH // Lasria
....Sry I don't do discord....

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 00:46:29 )

Dreams of Delight
Probably my favorite item...cuz I love anything to do with stars and space. I feel like the hand is a bit wonky seems like it's backwards when I know it's not. Just the way the thumb shows in the front of the hand makes it seem that way to me

A very pretty item. I do like that the top is separate but I also wish the skirt portion was an option too instead of just the legs alone.

Fabled Beauty

I don't have the item so I can't really judge it outright...but I like the way it looks

Just a fangirl living in FFXV hell
Multi-shipper shipping: Ignoct & Gladnoct

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 06:13:35 )
Dreams of Delight
Thank you for making a set with glittery stars! I also love the ombre pants of the pink set, and would love to see more styles that are ombre like that. I also love the exposed chest when wearing the torso scarf. This whole set is excellent.

Love the sakura branch, and that the outfit can be worn as separates. It would have been nice to have a pants option for the bottom half too, so that's my only complaint

Fabled Beauty
Unicorns are great! Wish there was a super fancy masculine clothing option, like a poet blouse or frilly prince shirt. Love the hooved legs


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 07:11:18 )
Dreams of Delight
It Cute fashion but it not my style.. I like headband.

I liked this Japanese Kimono.. I won't mind wearing this during flower festival

Fabled Beauty
★★★★★ I loved this outfit reminds me of Sailor Moon's Dress and perfect for Avi Cosplays!

Cybernetic Guard
This is Okay. but I won't use these.. it's Just Mah.
My Store

there's a Hunter who killed the queen of all gaia...whoever you are you will be known as "Killer of ALL gaia" and Have no respect. I know who you are! everyone will know that you killed my 17-year old account. what next? go after my friends? It's over, Killer Queen of All gaia...

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 09:26:28 )
Dreams of Delight

I really liked this one mostly because I can see myself wearing the items. I like the colors and style though the hot pink hair is kinda on the line of too loud and not cohesive. The hot pink and electric blue pants are cute as well but they don't seem to go with the rest of the looks. I do love the stars and books.

This one tbh they are all 5 stars. I was just under the impression that with the poll there needed to be a separation. This set is very well executed. The style and reference to traditional japanese style is impressive. The only thing i has against it is I couldn't picture my avi personally wearing much from the set except the purple. Because well, it is purple. It truly is too notch.

Fabled Beauty
This one is like the hanami. Execution is flawless. But other than the horns I just didn't see myself in it. Until I got to the unicorns and bam....its unicorns. Nuff said lol all in all I love all three and thing I have enough for a crate and orbs set. If not I'll be sad.

The work put in on these items truly is stunning.
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/3 17:28:48 )
Dreams of Delight
It needs detail and shading. The hair is very flat. And the colors are not my favorite combos.

Well done. Great detail. Love the colors.

Fabled Beauty
LOVE the unicorn! thank you. Well done on details.

°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 20:28:17 )
Questing: Soulcaster | Fall Harvest | Snowboarder | Capricorn | Scorpio | Berry Citrus | Cybernetic Guard | Year of the Tiger | Fabled Beauty | Dreams of Delight

Dreams of Delight

I love this one for the star's and moon items it has. i love anything with crescent, full, so forth moons and stars 'giggles'
so i can see me using pieces of this for like ever.


This is very elegant, not my style but i still would use it when im able to get it.

Fabled Beauty

I love this item as it reminds me of an old movie 'The Last Unicorn' i grew up on that and it was and has always been my favorite so this really hits my fun bone and makes me wanna do lotsa avis.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/6 11:17:34 )
Dreams of Delight
The left hand mod looks really weird and super big compared to the tiny normal hand. But the circlet looks fantasic, and the pants are pretty interesting.

I live this one because it's so colorful! The ombres are really well done. My only complaint on the art is that the feet look a tad too small, like they shrunk compared to normal, or the proportions.

Fabled Beauty
Ok I feel this one went above and beyond with the quality of the artwork! Amazing details!! The hands look proportionate too. The hair is so gorgeous I can't even. The only critique I can find is technically the back leg should be a tad shorter...
Buying/drawing art for: Showstopper, Bouncer, Yes Dark Master

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/7 17:39:39 )

Dreams of Delight

i love anything sleepy, star/night filled, and purple/black. the left hand mod does throw it off, especially since there is nothing for the right hand in the set. it (the right) can be easily hidden with other items though, so it's not much of a drawback.


it's a wonderful set; i love the gradients and flowers, especially the different types of branches and colouring. i believe the hand branch is a bit too bulky and it makes the layering look pixelated instead of blurred, if that makes sense? but it's still a very cute item and overall great for the versatility. another thing is, i wish the sash came with the top version of the set.

Fabled Beauty

i love it, i don't have enough of it. i think the dark version is very goth and it matches my (overall) aesthetic, and i can't wait to pair it up with other dark items and layers. the details in the petticoat and skirt make it stand out and i'm a sucker for cinderella poofs and dark colours. i can see the criticism for the leg but i think of it as something i do where i twist my legs while standing. do i wub it.

Cybernetic Guard

this set isn't something i'd usually lean towards save for the mask, but i find that the colours are appealing, eSPECIALLY the white and black. it's probably my fave. i think the back leg should be lifted towards the front more, but that's the only thing i have to say. ;;


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 10:01:56 )
Dreams of Delight
☆☆☆☆☆ so pretty ..I don't have any issues with the item.. I'd of liked to have seen some long flowy hair but that's not an issue I still like the hair that came with it ^.^ I'm not sure how to make the stars black but I'd give it a 5☆...

☆✩✩✩✩ love this one too.. only thing I'd like to see I'd of liked to have seen a full blossom tree.. but this again is so pretty 5☆...

Fabled Beauty
☆✩✩✩✩ love the unicorns and pretty dresses would of loved a four legs kind of like a centaur kind of look with the unicorn legs.. but over all I think it's so pretty 5☆ <3

Voltie — Baby Yoda Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 07:11:59 )
Dreams of Delight
It's a neat concept, and I like all the poses, but the pixel quality needs some work Everything looks a bit flat. ; o ;

A bit simple, but really beautiful. Love the blossoms!

Fabled Beauty
So beautiful. Love the dress. Looks well pixeled, too! :)

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 17:51:47 )
Dreams of Delight
The hand part of the arm looks a bit, off. Sorry! The star headband could have been two-toned, like the pants are, to just give it that extra POP. The effects and hair is cute, but the hair feels like it could have been in the common store. Maybe gradient on that one as well, or some sort of attached accessory? Love love love the top!

Wish the cherry tree parts would have been brown on the tree part of it and the flowers kept as is, for versatility. Also would have been great if we could have gotten to see more of the tree itself, rather than just a floaty branch. The kimono as dress and tops are super cute, as well as the head flower. Favorite part is the leg mod and the top.

Fabled Beauty
The.Colour.Combos! Love! Every part is cute and can see it being used for a whole range of different looks. Only thing I don't like it the horn, which looks a little bit like the top end have accidentally been cut off because it ends so abruptly.

Overall, like the sets! They're cute and very spring-y.
Ping me for chitchat, potential rping or general madness

Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/1 19:02:20 )
@athabm: CONGRATULATIONS! You've been granted a May Crate. :frizz-celebrate:

Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your feedback on our crate items.
Make sure to share your feedback for the new June Crate sets and enter for a chance to win a June Crate!

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