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Forums Quests Dee's Qest Thread! [Volts/Ohms/Art/Trade] Updated: 23rd Oct'

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:08:57 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: I'd love to dye my hair teal, but I'm ginger and I can't deal with the pain of the bleach. I used to dye my hair white yeeeears ago and it huuuuurt! My hair is black at the moment since I don't have to bleach it. Ginger folk have really sensitive skin and I used to get scabs on my head after bleaching. Having coloured hair was cool and all, but I'd rather be comfortable. XD

Here's what my hair used to be! (I really enjoyed the unique colours! ^.^)

They're old photos. (I don't really like being in photos much.)

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:11:02 )

@Synthetic nature: I used to bleach and dye my hair red all the time. Because why not? XD
I have dark brown hair, but there's a fair bit of red to it (which is why I have the skin tone to make it work, lol)

Also, white hair is wiiiin
And I'm not in a lot of pics either.
the fact that I go on cam for my YT sometimes is still beyond me.

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:29:45 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Aww! My Mum dyes her hair red. (Like, blood red.) It's awesome!
Y'know it's the weirdest thing! Both my parents had orange hair. So bright and nice, but I had this diluted brown-ish ginger. It looked so boring! That's why I decided to dye it and make it more interesting. I wish I just had full on brown, but nah... I was stuck with what I liked to call 'pee-pee gold' hair. XD

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:30:49 )

@Synthetic Nature: LOL
that's basically what I get when I bleach my hair. XD

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:44:14 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Did you get scabs and blisters when you did it? I never found out if it was normal for me. I just assumed it was because I had sensitive skin, but I'unno. It was gross! XD I woke up with lovely snowy-white hair, but my head was covered in pussy scabs and it was groooooss! XD

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:46:52 )

@Synthetic Nature: Nope. But I also have stupid thick hair.
So if I did, I probably wouldn't have even noticed, lol

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 00:57:46 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Ooooh! I see! I have thick hair, but short. It's really fluffy and likes to do it's own thing. It often sticks up in silly directions when I leave it untamed. XD

I've done a bit of lining. I'm gonna play some Animal Crossing and turn in for the night. The rest of the lines should be done tomorrow evening! <3

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 01:03:48 )

@Synthetic Nature: Absolutely no rush
Go enjoy your night~<3

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 01:24:37 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: I'm looking forward to doing it! <3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 00:22:02 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Hiya! I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on the lines still, but I won't have them done by tonight as I planned. An old friend popped up and I'm chatting to them. I've got the daughters lines done and I'm working on the dad now! :3

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 00:37:46 )

@Synthetic Nature: Ohhh, that's awesome. I'ts always lovely to see old friends, especially if you haven't connected with 'em for awhile! ~<3

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 00:45:11 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: I haven't chatted to this guy in aaaages! I invited him to my Animal Crossing town so he could use my meteor shower. It's so wholesome. We're just sitting under the sky reminiscing. We're talking about Skyrim at the moment. 'You play? ^.^

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:02:31 )

@Synthetic Nature: Oh geez. I haven't play Skyrim in years. Lol.
I ... might? Still have my save file on my comp. I don't even know anymore. XD

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:14:37 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Ooooooh! Did you make any Skyrim OCs on it? I have a good couple. X3

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:19:30 )

@Synthetic Nature: I think I started to, but ... it didn't really go anywhere.

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:44:44 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: Aww, I see. I have a Khajiit from my first ever playthrough that I really care for. (I just really love cats. XD)

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:45:16 )

@Synthetic Nature: The khajit are awesome~

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:46:58 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: I knooow right!? I make mine look like a mixture of all my cats. A bit of tabby, with some ginger for calico and some dark hair to represent my tuxuedo baby. Her name is Do'Jarzi and she's a greatsword-weilding badass. She's so fun to doodle! <3

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 01:55:35 )

@Synthetic Nature: That's awesome~<3
Mebe I should make one... just for art purposes.
Because I can't draw animal anatomy to save my life. Lol

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 02:51:25 )

I am looking for some items in my quest thread!
I can offer a trade or art for them!

@Amber Lynne: It's a learning curve for me. But I wanna learn how to do animal art. Lots of furry characters have this particular art style that I wanna learn! It's kinda' Disney-esque I think! :)

Come chill at The Treehouse or visit my Item Trading Thread!
[Pixels by Ghost & DragonicKittens!]

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