During our session we were down one player, the dm had to play for her. Anyway I'm quieter than normal, didn't really have inspiration to do Uni things. We're in a dungeon within a dungeon, basically in order to save a 'boss' (possessed) we have to go inside a magical story book to retrieve the item possessing the person. While we're inside the book we see the memories of why the boss fell for the corruption of the item. He had a pretty abusive father, and his mother was kind to him but would not stand up for him. Seeing these memories made Uni rather angry. So we down the actual boss, the last thing he felt in the world was my arrow bolts in his eyes. (I rolled a nat 20 with plus 7). After some arguing about dividing up the loot, and whether or not the rogue and I go back for the painting no one wanted us to have. We get the now unpossessed kid back to his family. And Uni just goes off on his parents. The entire party is trying to make her shut up, and that the kid should have to deal with his parents himself. Uni's having none of it. She informed the father if she ever hears about him hurting the npc again, that she was going to rip is face OUT with her teeth. The father decided fuck you Uni, and goes to attack her. The son stands up for her and tells his dad to fuck off. The mother is yelling at Uni and this woman had the iciest of stares directed right at her. "You are just as bad for letting this go on. You. Are. Just. As. Bad." this stuns the woman and she nods in agreement. We invite the NPC to come back with us instead. So he and Uni can rock out together (he's a musician too). Uni did a good, while EVERYONE was trying to make her stop.