The media is inspiring my city too much, in all the wrong ways. From the "protests" (aka trump rallies) rolling through neighborhoods acting like a katamari to pick up their recruits and go block a road somewhere, like they did in Denver. And now it seems we have a pattern of people gathering in parking lots to harass, threaten and throw things at people walking to and from their cars.
Last night was another case of that, which I think makes it 10x worse being that it was already dark outside. They're just terrifying people! I don't know if they're trying to scare people to go home, or fussed about them wearing masks, or not wearing masks. It doesn't matter, we shouldn't be having to call non-emergencies at my job every week over this. :/
I already had a personal run in with crazy people a couple of weeks ago as well. I think it was actually a day or two after my break up also, so I was already having such a hard time. Then I'm walking across my job's parking lot at like 10:30pm, trying to get to the doors which I knew were locked and I had to walkie someone to let me in. Its dark, I'm alone, I'm frustrated and I had these 3 cars swarming around me, blocking me in 3 directions and shouting at me but I couldn't understand what they were saying over their engines roaring. It scared the shit out of me. They of course dispersed when I lifted my phone to dial for help, so the moment didn't last long and I got inside safely.
In what world is this okay? I don't care what you believe in about this virus, and frankly getting sick of all the "passionate" opinions on it as if raging is going to fix anything. But there is literally no reason to act this way. Pointing blame at everyone around you, taking out frustrations, and using "my precious freedom" as an excuse, as if that justifies these actions at all? It is APPALLING to see just how many people are involved in these hateful actions.
And that poor man on the news, I can't remember from which state, who ended up shot down over asking his customer to wear a mask. From what I heard of it, the customer went home first. Then their husband and son literally went out of their way to come back, hunt down this worker and kill him. OVER A PIECE OF CLOTH?
This man did not lock down our country. Neither did I, neither did my customers, or anyone else who's been harassed about all of this.
People like these just need to shut off all their devices and go stare at the sun for a bit.