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Forums Quests A yandere's quest

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/10 15:23:48 )
@athabm: AAAA, ARE YOU SURE??
Thank you so much!!

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/10 15:32:19 )
Yeah, I collected a lot of extras in the events, so if I can help make someone happy, it's worth it

I've been given amazing items by people on Voltra, so I wanted to help out where I can

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/10 15:35:21 )
@athabm: Aaaa, I'm mad at myself because I missed those events and it had such good items! HAhaha.
That's what makes this place so great!! TT___TT I saved up the past event items just for that!!

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/11 05:51:16 )
@Yandere: Exactly!

During events, the items are pretty easy to get, but afterwards they become rarer, so I figured if I stocked up, I would either be able to gift them or sell them, depending on the situation and how I felt. I also didn't realize that the full set collections would be available at first, because the reaping ritual this last year was my first event, so I bought multiples of individual items as they were released as well as the collection, and only started to understand the system when the solstice came around, lol.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/11 16:57:31 )
@athabm: Yeah, I have an extra set saved up from the one that just passed.
I DID THE SAME THING. Ahhaha. I bought the items one at a time, and then I didn't have enough to get the whole set again. hahah.
It's a lot easier than going through all the items and stuff too. q ___ q I always need to look up what goes with what event because I forget. Aaa

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/12 09:59:16 )
@Yandere: Yeah, it's way easier to buy the bundle, now that I know, lol. There are a few past events that I eventually want to get some items from but honestly, the new items are so nice that I don't feel like I missed out by not joining until this last October.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/12 14:48:43 )
@athabm: Yeah, I didn't even realize they had those. xD I know they had the extra item for one type of thing, but the whole bundle is really nice! I just need to remember to save them all up next time instead of buying them as they're released.;; That's going to be the real struggle. Hahah.

Ah, same here! I stopped playing for a year after giving away most of my items, so now I need to play catch up a little bit. Haha. I'm glad other people think the same way and stock up on a lot of the items. TT ~ TT

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/12 17:14:13 )
@Yandere: I hope you'll be able to regain your things without too much trouble. I need to make a quest thread eventually, when I feel like figuring out exactly what it is that I want, lol

The one thing for sure is Thirteen, because it has a void kitty, and I have a void cat irl and he's basically my best friend. I always start to miss him when I'm away for more than a day

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/12 20:11:52 )
@athabm: Thanks! It's been going pretty well so far, though a large portion of the items were from a friend. Haha.
Yeah, it's a bit much to go through everything and figure out the colors and poses for everything. There's like three different threads for everything. @ _ @ Definitely intimidating. ;;;

OH! I have an extra one! I'll go send it over now! : >
I have my own void cat haha. He's a cutie! We took him in after my hubby helped work on the surgery for his eye. Q vQ He used to hiss at people when they approached him, but I think it's because he can't see too well out of one his eyes.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/13 07:33:38 )
@Yandere: omg, Thank you!

At one time, I put as many cat items as I had here into my avatar, but then I wanted to change it up for the holidays, but I want to make another cat crazy look again

My cat is actually my mom's cat, and he's an old boy that she adopted from the shelter. His previous owner passed away, and my mom said that when she went to look at the shelter cats, he reached out his paw from his cage to touch her, so she chose him

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/13 17:26:56 )
@athabm: Yeah, of course! * V* That's why I saved older event items. Hahah.

Oh my gosh, that sounds like an awesome plan! O: PUT ALL THE CATS.
I didn't even know we had that many cat items on here. Hahaha. I'll have to look into it now. >:3ccc

Awwwh. I've adopted/rescued?? all three of the cats that I've had. q vq One we took in right before Hurricane Sandy hit. Apparently his mother abandoned him because he was by himself outside. q vq;;;;; We found out he has a heart murmur, so maybe that's why?
Omgggg. That is too precious though!!!! Aaaaa, I love stories like that!!

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/14 13:47:41 )
@Yandere: I love rescue cats, especially older ones, because I feel like they have lost the most when they lose a home and family. Kittens are so cute that they'll easily find a home, but older cats are more likely to be overlooked.

Do you watch TinyKittens HQ on youtube? They have livestreams of the feral cats they bring in to fix or treat their diseases, and some of them enjoy human attention enough that they can be adopted. They also bring in pregnant ferals so they can give birth in a safe place before being spayed, and those kittens are always retained and adopted. Sometimes the moms are too scared by people, so they're returned to their managed colonies, but it's always nice to see when cats adapt to living with people, so they can be brought indoors and given a safer home.

I think one of the cat items is a 2019 Reaping Ritual item that I only have one copy of, since I didn't think to buy any extras....Yeah, it's called Trick or Treat

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/15 22:11:00 )
@athabm: Yesss, it's always the best kind of cat!!! Q VQ I adopted a 14 year old cat before we rescued our current cat. He was the sweetest cat I've ever met. Aaaaaa.
I always told my husband that we'd just rescue cats from a shelter. xD Helps that he's working to be a veterinarian, so helps that he's in the field, I guess. Hahah.

Ahhh< NOO. OMG. Going to check it out now!!! TINYKITTENS. AAAAA

Ohhhhh. I had no idea I think I might have it...?? I'll have to check it out now.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/16 14:46:43 )
@Yandere: Rescue cats always seem to be the most loving, in my experience. It definitely helps that your husband is training to be a vet, too.

Kittens are waaaaaay too adorable

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/16 17:12:53 )
@athabm: Yeah, they really are! They just want love and attention. qvq ;;; I'm all about that when I meet the cat too. If I wasn't allowed to really have a lot of animals, I'm sure I would have more cats. xD
Yeah! It's kinda nice especially if the cat gets sick or does something weird or looks sick. He can generally determine what's wrong with them. sakdjfhksjdhfas.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 12:17:51 )
@Yandere: My cat had to go to the vet yesterday for his checkup, and after I put him in the carrier, he made the saddest sounding meows. :(

But once he was back home again, he was fine

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 22:01:10 )
Sorry, I've been absorbed in work, I forgot to check up on things.

@athabm: Oh no. D: I hate putting my cats in the carrier too. I know they associate it with the vet. I just want to make sure they're healthy. xD I wish I could tell them. Though, I hate going to the doctor's myself, so I can't really blame them.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 05:50:41 )
Good luck. Am new. Welcome back.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/22 00:31:28 )
@ariella74: Thank you! And welcome to Voltra!!! Q VQ I hope you like it here!!

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/22 00:32:52 )

    pokes thread


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