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Forums Role Playing Ayakashi & Amortentia {1x1}

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/17 22:34:51 )
@ayakashi: Thread made!

This is a private 1x1 rp between myself and Ayakashi. If you're neither of us, kindly refrain from posting in this thread.

Voltra tos applies.

Time: Modern Time
Theme: Urban Fantasy, with emphasis on fantasy.

Dragon elves, gnomes and magic, oh my!

And in the midst of it, two old friends- both crazier than the next, kicking ass and taking names on their grand adventure.

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 19:37:36 )
@ayakashi: Imma starting this ^^

Aon took a long, deep breath. Feeling her chest rise and fall easier as the minutes passed until her heavy and ragged breathing returned to it's usual ease. When she opened her eyes, the vivid and incandescent whites, for her kind did not possess irises, dulled until they settled on a light-ish grey, the not-so-young woman took in her surroundings. Rocks. God I am so sick of rocks. She cursed under her breath and turned her gaze on the elf that laid in front of her. He was tall and gracious just like all his kindred. More athletic, in comparison with her lithe build. His ears looked rather and stubby compared to hers. His eyes were full of... terror? Indigestion? Aon couldn't quite place the emotion he was displaying and she'd rather not remove the rag from his mouth to hear him display it. The mumbling that came from his pie-hole was more than enough sounds.

It had taken her ages to dig the hole. Would have been easier if he'd been a dwarf, she mused as she dug a meter or so deeper and struck the dirt with the shovel to pack it tighter. They don't take up as much room. If he'd been a dwarf instead, I'd be home already eating dinner and drinking my tea instead of standing around here and staring at dirt and rocks. There! Should be good enough. She struck the dirt again a few times just to be sure, as hard as she could, before throwing the shovel over the edge of the hole and climbing out. The elf got louder as he saw her climb out with a smile on her lips, unaware at that time that she was thinking about how lovely it would be to come home and have a sit in front of the telly with a cup of warm tea with honey. Although, he could have simply been intimidated by the sharp fangs and pitch black forked tongue. Humans usually were. Then again, they were scared of everything.

The elf started moving, rather worm-like, because how could he not? Being tied up by the hands, upper arms and feet with the thin, yet sturdy, nylon thread made any other movement entirely impossible. "Silly elf, do you really think you can slither away? I'm a demon, we both know I am faster than you. It's not your fault. Satan was just more thorough than your gods. Now, you're a blasted elf, not a snake, have some pride."
With that said she promptly hit him over the head with the shovel, checked for signs of life and being happy to find none, pushed him into the hole she'd dug all afternoon. As she started filling the hole back with the dirt, she muttered under her breath "also my dear, to be fair, you did this to yourself, you know. I don't know why you thought coming after me alone for the bounty was a good idea. The last guy had at least four or five dwarves with him. And bigger guns. I think one of them was even a mage?" Aon stopped to think back to that day "yes, they definitely had a mage with them. Although, that might have been the human in charge, rather than one of the dwarves, come to think of it. Either way, this was entirely your own fault."

Once she thought the hole was sufficiently covered and pack tightly enough, Aon took the shovel, threw it over her shoulder and started heading back home to her cottage in the forest a few miles away. The evening breeze made the demon's rose-gold colored hair tousle and get stuck to the double horns protruding from the sides of her forehead. Her skin, which were more white than gray, glistened due to the last rays of sunshine as the sky darkened, making all the demonic runes appear more prominent. She'd looked quite terrifying, she'd think, had it not been for the little green plant growing on top of her head. A... souvenir from the last time her beloved friend had dragged her on one of their adventures.
There were worse curses to live with.

There's this blasted rock. Filled with even more rocks. Rocks and snow and dirt. There'd used to be a great deal of trees on the side of the mountain she resided on, however given the cold climate, the demon had used most of them to fuel the ever-burning fire in the fireplace of her cottage.

Aon firmly hated mountains, but not as thoroughly or as utterly, as she hated the snow.

Voltie — Majesty Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 20:23:56 )
@Amortentia: ah okies

The room was filled with a fog that wasn't that awful, it was kinda sweet and earthy at the same time. Aska doesn't remember the last time she slept so well. Then she realized it wasn't sleeping and this fog wasn't a vaporized water and she wasn't at home. Scrambling around looking for her trusty phone and sword, she found neither. Around her were several pieces of squishy meat and she detested messes. After finding the source of the smoke she put a part of someone she found on the floor over it to extinguish the source. Aska wasn't sure who's entrails it was but it did not amuse her. What was she doing in a cabin and why was there so much "poppy" fog in here.

Finally, Aska found her phone, with a hand attached to it. "Riiiiight" she remembered having a party here, just a few hours earlier. Though she did not recall killing all of the party attendees, and it was supposed to be beer and a super smash brothers marathon. Did someone pull a prank on her again? Probably her sister. Aska decided to text the one person that would come and get her, Aon "Come and get me, I am in a cabin, bring beer! oh and BTW someone has stolen my sword".

Raged by the loss of her sword Aska decided this cabin and the corpses inside it needed to burn. She has never been one to turn to magic, she would rather have metal to swing to get something dead or something destroyed. As she stepped out from the cabin so she could set the whole thing on fire, she noticed the snow. It just hit her, she didn't really know where she was. Her "friends" had used a summoning circle to call her here, where ever here is. Being the smart green-eyed elf that she was, she threw fireballs on the cabin and sent a snap to her friend, posing outside the burning cabin. "Yup, that should do, now she will know exactly where I am" She said proudly

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 21:11:41 )
@ayakashi: needed to get this smile-like-a-buffon-while-reading-it rp started :3

She was three quarters of the way home when her cellphone rang. Aon took the small pink flip-phone with the gold four leaf clover pendant out of the hidden inside pocket of the gray, fluffy, insta-friendly as some humans called it, vest. It was her old and trusty sidekick Aska calling.

Aon listened as Aska frantically went on about her missing sword, thinking to herself that the whole thing meant two things. 1) The elven woman probably left it in a corpse somewhere while in a drunken stupor of which even Satan would have perished from alcohol poisoning and 2) they'd definitely have to go on another adventure to find it. At least, the demon certainly hoped so.

God, I hope she left it in someone off of this blasted rock Aon thought rather cheeringly. Although, she could have just forgot it at home, but even that possiblity would mean the demon got to leave the mountain. Her bounty was substantial, but with the two of them hanging out, no one stood a chance.

Suddenly it registered with her that Aska was at her cabin but before Aon had manged to say something to her oldest friend, Aska had finished the call and within seconds, her phone went 'bippitybippityboop', the small sound clip from Cinderella letting her know she'd received a message.

It was from Aska. It was a simple selfie, taken in front of what had once been Aons home for the past thirty years in whilst in Exile, but was now, if she knew her friend right and no one knew her as well as Aon, not much more than a smoldering piece of magical ash.

She laughed, shook her head and then proceeded to send a selfie back of herself giggling like a manic, with the text accompanying it reading
"If my giant pencil was in there, I will keep your sword once we find it, you panty grabbing elf-wrench"

The demon then remember she'd left it in the cave located not so far behind the cabin, right before she'd left to bury the elf. He'd weighed more than one might think, and Aon wasn't going to leave her most iconic and beloved possession just laying around when there was bounty hunters sneaking around with their grubby hands!

Maybe they'd taken the sword? If they had, Satan and all the various deities would pity them. She remembered what happened to the last person to touch that sword.

It had been 40 years and his family were still trying to find all the parts, last Aon had heard.

It took her another twenty minutes to reach her destination, due to the thick smoke that kept blowing down up the mountain.

She reminded herself, for the umpteenth time in the last decade, to ask her friend why smoke from the magical fire she produced tasted like salted licorice and smelled like frogs breath.

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/23 16:07:42 )
@ayakashi: Yo there lady, gimme that lovely rp stuffs

Voltie — Majesty Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/24 21:01:59 )
@Amortentia: sorry if it's short xD brain does not really work atm

Aska greeted her friend with a hip-bump and a back dunk like she usually does, her red hair filled with... stuff and soot. "Don't breathe in the smoke, it's entrails and drugs... is this a finger?!" Aska picks a finger out of her wild curls while making grossed out grimaces. She marches off in a direction with confidence and determination. "I need to get my sword back, the only one I can think of doing this is my sister. So we are going to pay her boytoy a visit".

Askas sister was a powerful necromancer that hated Aska with a passion. Her sisters shrink says it's a desperate call for her sisters love or the fact that their mother favored Aska over Lumi. Or maybe because Aska was way better at magic than her.

She continues walking for maybe 40 minutes before she looks back at Aon. "So where are we exactly? I am a elf but woods have never felt natural to me"

Voltie — Majesty Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/28 17:27:45 )
@Amortentia: how is it goin?

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/14 14:40:22 )
(("Sorry if it's short, brain not worky" yeaaah, can relate XD <3 Sorry for the late reply chere))

Aon couldn't help but snicker to herself, everything from the smoldering pile of magical ash that was once her home, the piece of... someone, in her old friend's hair, it was all so Aska. The demon grabbed the piece from Aska's hand, as the elf made grimaces, and brought it up close to her face. It had that same unmistakable smell of Frog's breath and blood. Magic and mayhem.

"Actually, this looks more like a Proximal phalanx. The middle piece of someone's big toe" she added for clarity before tossing the piece into the woods as they travesered further. The cave wasn't far from here, a few minutes more. She mulled over the possibilities, and her old cohort's theory seemed as plausible, if not more, than anything the demon could image.

Either way, harassing boy-toys and messing with necromancer's, and Lumi especially, sounded more entertaining than sitting around here, surrounded by blasted rocks and snow, watching reality tv.
"So, elf, I do not suppose you saved any of the refreshments from the party for your oldest, most distinguished friend, before setting it all ablaze?"

@ayakashi: There's a little reply for you <3
Ping me for chitchat, potential rping or general madness

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