Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 08:26:05 )
@okios: They need to make more bell bottoms. By they I mean anyone who will give me a pair for free or cheap. All the ones I find are way too big in the waist, or my thunder thighs don't fit.
@Bammy: Pets are nice, but they take a lot of effort. After a cat, my family and I took a break from pets. Though we did have a devil for a pet and not an actual... pet.
@Lunakiri: coworkers and I try. But some stuff is just too much to take back. Like someone brought in a vacuum from the 80s. Will try and find it online... It was very pink. :l Would have taken it home, but it didn't work and the insides were a mess.
@DemonicGaara: Because I have to prove my manliness all the time. I'm a woman...