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Forums Games Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 04:39:25 )
So I just went into snowcloack, everything's going good. But we get to an area where you have the blizzard bit and if you stand in it you take damage. I thought I was running back the other way to get out of it, and accidentally pulled like 2 things and the tank decided to be a big baby. And it is at this point I am at a point of, it's a mf game... But him and another person start arguing. And I literally just say he can stop being an asshole, and everyone tells me to chill.

Me? Chill? Fr, after I told you I literally accidentally pulled. Then they start another argument, this whole dungeon just blows, and they tell me "just don't pull things." Me: "Again, it was an accident." But wouldn't leave it alone.

So I did what a DPS can do when people wanna be dicks. You think only the healer and tank have impact?

I stopped DPSing, because little tanky wanky's friend tried to get smart. xD They wiped. I dipped.

When I started this game, I didn't understand the mechanics of it all, and was bullied a lot. and it made me want to quit. Now I'm not the best but I get by and have fun with friends. I am level grinding. xD And tbh, now I say something. I don't let myself feel bad. And yeah, I will stop doing my job. I know that we'll wipe if I do. But I have nothing but time, and you got a lesson to learn. xD

Honestly more and more of this happens every time there's a break or something. And if you make a mistake, even if you apologize, people wanna get all grumpy. And I just won't tolerate it anymore. You wanna troll? I can troll right back.

Sorry if this makes me seem bad to y'all, but I'd rather wipe and take the penalty for leaving than be bullied by some lil kids livin in their mama's basement who haven't showered for 2 weeks. :vioangry:

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 05:37:45 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

I don't play FF14 but this kind of toxicity exists in literally every MMO besides said game. Some people took it way too seriously tbh and becoming jerks to other players whether they're new or not.

Then again, sometimes they just won't realise that they're playing a video game, not a war zone or some sort. And I don't blame you, you did the right thing.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 06:40:58 )

@Lucifera: I literally stopped playing Overwatch for basically this same reason. I usually do the missions where it's real people against AI with no real people on the other end, so I'm not used to true PVP arena type gaming. The literal one time I decide to do a PVP mission as D.Va, I had people on voice saying "The person on D.Va is horrible, kick her out." or something to that effect. Or just yelling at me to fight when I WAS fighting, just strategically. Like I'm not going to put my big freaking Mech out in the middle of the fight so it's an easy target. I was like behind a tree or something. I never played PVP on Overwatch again. Nor did I play against AI for much longer before I left completely.

I also used to play Perfect World and back when I played that I had a character on a PVP server. I was new to the game so I didn't know how crappy people could be. PKers who seek out the weak and just keep killing them and camping in places you respawn so they keep killing you. Now if I play any MMO anymore, I make sure it's a PVE ONLY server so I don't risk people who troll and just kill other players for no reason. Too many of those these days that just ruin the fun for everyone else.


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 18:34:40 )
@ChiffonOrange: I love ff14. Generally the good in the community outweighs the bad. I just always had the luck of pulling in that *one* person who turns the whole thing crap. What gets me, is that if you try and stand up for yourself people will come at you just as much. xD

@Bioshock: The worst part is, I was playing rdm. If I had to spend less time in chat, the mobs would've been easily wiped out. Like yeah, rdm is slow, but the DPS numbers make up for that. And me along with mr. hype man to grumpy tank (drg) we were fine. But I tried like 3 or 4 separate times to apologize and tell them it was an accidentand even in the boss fight they were still harping on it, and so I told them to stop being an arse hole. xD

Tank do get bullied too. typically if I see someone pulling smaller, I get it. But in snowcloak frostbite takes chunks out of health so I try to stay out of it, what I hate is when tanks pull right into it and heals can't keep up and you wipe on minor mobs. There can be times where both tank and heals are new, and I've played all roles in this game. Like, they all have challenges. But I don't think it gives any right for anyone to be so mean.

I also had a tank walk me through Tam tara hard. We wiped thrice because I didn't understand what was happening but not one person in there got rude, they just told me what I could do to do better. Like honestly, I'd expect them to harp on me after three wipes. But no. It shows you can play a game and not be crappy and help people get better.

I have encountered that. My ex's group of friends were serious hardcore raid types, and they turned me off raids and RDM initially because they tracked my DPS. Granted, they weren't doing it like, maliciously. They were trying to tell me how to get my dps up, etc. to be able to do raids. But It was super frustrating because at some point they kinda just said I probably wouldn't do well in raids at all and just kinda gve up. =\

This was super long. but I have so many rants... But Yeah, penalty is worth it. (not even sure if my brain responded to everything.)

PS: I want to tank again because I enjoyed it but, I always get scared I'll fuck up so I don't. xD

@Crystalkitsune85: I never got super into overwatch because of it being a shooter, and a shooter that was harder to aim in then COD. I did play pwi for a while, and yeah there were those people. My strategy was always to try and get to lvl max in pve and then move to pvp server, but pwi was super boring after a while so I'd quit. xD FF14 isn't even a game where you PVP, mainly you're supposed to work as a team to go through dungeons and for some reason that team player mentality goes out the window for some people. They just get super competative.

Like chill, I'm on your side buddy. But I can be not on your side. Also hate how in ff14 the DPS is seen as expendable, but if we didn't do our jobs, heals and tank would die. ugh.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 18:49:23 )
@Lilypoo: Tbh I rarely deal with the toxicity now. Most trolls get weeded out/reported. And I blacklist anyone whose a grumpy buns so I don't have to encounter them ever again. xD But yeah, it can be pretty gross.

I like playing it. I just try some days to ignore people, but last night was just like, nah, ya know what... I tried to apologize multiple times and say it wasn an accident... And like, he acted like he couldn't handle the pull. Was higher lvl than me like. -_-;

I do think it should be moderated but then again like, everyone plays different. Just wish there was a way for players to like, individually "mute" people in dungeons. Like, they say something or start being rude and you can finish it, but they get and error message any time they try to message you. xD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/31 21:12:51 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

@Lucifera: I see and yeah, it sucks that standing up yourself is seen as something bad which isn't true. Besides that, elitism is just awful and also ruins the fun of the game to some players as well (especially if an MMO happens to be PVP-orientated than PVE, where people are being complete dicks for killing players just because they wanted to bully or troll them).

Hence why I rarely touch on MMOs these days, then again the only MMO I've played is Dragon Raja (it's only for mobile). Used to play PSO2 (JP ver) very often but got bored after grinding my main character to a higher level eventually.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/1 18:42:11 )
@Bioshock: Yesss... Ugh. I told a mutual friend about this and he's like "You shouldn't have said anything. People like to report you for any random reason on here." And I'm just like. -_-; Bizznitch, don't you dare, you tell me stand up for myself one day then say nothing the next tf you want?

Aurum vale is exxentially wall hugging. I played that one so much level grinding that like, when there is new people who don't listen to advice from player I am guilty of leaving again. xD I guess it goes both ways. there's people who do things on purpose and don't care, and that I agree. Get upset with a bit But there are those who actually listen/improve and you should actually be nice to those people. xD

When I did raids, it was all with my FC and if anyone said/did anything my FC would be like that mob boss don't-mess-with-my-family level protectin. xD Raids are just so confusing. But these are the like, raids you get that aren't savage... Can't remember what they're called. They aren't worth it imo.

Yesss. And if they apologize repeatedly already, don't be a banana eater.

I just got the quest for dark knight! I really like the idea of playing that tank but I am always scared of being that newb tank that frustrated everyone.

Let me know if you ever wanna run stuff! I will repeatedly take naps becaause I am learning rdm rn, but it'll be fuuuuuun!

@ChiffonOrange: The thing is, it is possible to avoid that experience in ff14, and mostly the community is good. But rn, all the toxic people are crawling out of thei seventh hell to come in and troll because quarantine. And honestly, that's the problem every break. You always wanna play when peoplw will not commonly be at hom cause typically that's when all the nice people are on. xD

you can also have your own party with friends. It doesn't have to be random.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/1 20:35:06 )
@Bioshock: Lol! Same. What gets me is one time in aurum, literally no one was eating fruits and couldn't figure out why they were wiping and I told them eat the fruits, and they didn't listen to me and I just... T-T I just was watching them ignore me in chat. It was so saddening.

xD I just wanna find a tank that I like. I tried an axe bunny for a bit, buuuut. mar was too slow. Glad was rlly nice, but kinda boring imo. xD I haven't tried gun b or drk yet so, might be my last jabs at tanks. Can't wait for the beat tamer class to drop tho! HNNNGGG!

I am on primal/exodus. =3

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 01:49:19 )
@Bioshock: Supposedly they are supposed to be releasing more playable jobs. One was gonna be a beat-tamer type, summoning pets and etc. Not sure if it's been officially announced but everyone has been whispering about it.

Mine is Helle Valencia! I shall send you a req!

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 05:56:05 )
@Bioshock: Probably! And I'd be all over that. xD

Also no, so I will have to wait till you're on sometime. And oooooo what's faerie?

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 06:33:18 )
@Bioshock: Up to you! I am about to hop off shortly. Been grinding dungeons all day and now I just wanna get into bed. xD

Ohhhhh! I gotcha. I've only ever been on exodus. Tried famfrit for a while but eh... xD I knew no one on there.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 18:54:59 )
@Bioshock: Yeah I just had another friend hop on to show me some glam. xD and even then I was ready to be off like..."oh yeah, pretty. nice. cool." xD

Exodus, famfrit, and one other were preferred when I first came on. Like all 3 had the exp bonus going.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 19:23:39 )
@Bioshock: ye. I will hop in a bit tho! I am just tweaking my avi on here and then gonna make sure I do some filming for youtube and then log.

Yeah.. Exodus seems to frequently be preferred. xD I feel like I hit the accidentaly goldmine, but I just liked the name when I started.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 22:00:09 )
@Bioshock: Nice! I am loggin in shortly. Just finished recording.

I think it was one of the god thingies wasn't it?

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 22:31:33 )
@Bioshock: I can't find youuu. Lol.

idk if famfrit is in the game? maybe reference from other ff games.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 23:26:06 )
@Bioshock: Let me know if you have any luck. Lol

Yeah... Lots of references that go over my head too. xD Friends will be raving about tonberries and all I can think is... Those pesky annoying little pests.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 23:55:33 )
@Bioshock: I haven't unlock extremes yet but I wanna farm them ASAP! xD I need fancy glowy sword plz, thank you!

I shall travel to your server. That may help.

LOL. I did that one just ysterday and my friend tanked. xD We all got lost and were each individually being chased by a tonberry and somehow met in the middle.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/3 00:46:10 )
@Bioshock: I will probably yeet myself whilst I play rdm. xD Better waiting until I;m dancer for that one.
But I am up for anything today. Just finished talking DND with the fam since we are gonna play here soon.

xD The dungeon makes me cackle it's so silly tbh. xD

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/3 01:05:40 )
@Bioshock: xD I typically don't play rdm because people tell me my dps # suck but... I like it sometimes. So flashy. But dancer is my heart song. xD

PS i friend requested youuu!

xD Lol. I just like that you can get lost, go towards people, end up waving to eatch other on poosite sides of a collapsed path, and go in legit circles before reconnectin.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/3 01:24:18 )
@Bioshock: xD Ty. Also feel free to queue me up or whatever. I'm just sketching for my DND tutorial play through. OwO My stepdad bought a starter set. xD So now we're all trying to figure stuff out.

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