It was a hot afternoon in June, when Zane biked to his friends house. He and his friend had spent the majority of the summer together since it was summer vacation. For a ten year old, summer vacation was the best time of the year. Sweat poured down the side of his face as he petaled. The sun was beating down upon his back as he rode. Normally he'd be super excited to meet up with his friend and couldn't wait to play with his video game console or go swimming at the local pool, but this day was a sad day.
He pulled up into the driveway of his friends house. His friend was already waiting on his porch for him. He dismounted his bike and let it drop to the grass as he came up to meet his best bud. His friend was eager to see him, but when he saw the look on Zane's face, he frowned. After asking what was wrong, Zane took a deep breath and told his friend that he had to move. His dad got relocated to another city. The city would be four hours away. It'd be next to impossible they could visit, but they could keep in touch with letters. His friend, of course was sad and the remaining days they had, they spent together.
On the last day, before Zane and his family drove away forever, they stopped at his friends' house to say goodbye. Hugs and watery eyes (but not crying cus they were men, not weak babies) ensued. He waved to his friend until he could no longer see him. Then he cried...quietly.
The wrote together for a while, but the letters became fewer, and eventually they lost touch.
Ten years later
"I know I KNOW, you want me to get a new job. You don't think I've been trying?" Zane said angrily to his mom as he began to retreat down to the basement where his room was located. His mom stared at him and frowned as her son disappeared into his dark, dismal but full of computer equipment, room. Zane had finished school and barely graduated. His grades had been dismal but passing enough for him to graduate high school. He got a job instead of going to college, and the job was well paying. Enough for him to buy a couple monitors, a good CPU and lots of hard drive space for games. He spent whatever time he had not working or sleeping, on his computer, and in doing so his concentration diminished at work and he got fired. While being unemployed, he'd play the latest and best looking MMO games he could find. Currently he was on a game called Everfall, which was a fantasy hack-n-slash, fetch quest-ey, Dungeon crawler. The graphics were brilliant and he had multiple characters with multiple classes.
Zane's mother stood at the top of the stairs, looking into the basement. "You've been playing your silly games, and not putting in applications. If you don't put any in, how do you expect to get interviews? You're so smart hun, I wish you'd just apply yourself and not get wrapped up in all those computers." she said in a concerned voice. Zane rolled his eyes. "I'll put some in tomorrow. Promise.." he said. He looked at his mother until she retreated, then he went back to playing.