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Forums Role Playing Shared Storytelling (round robin, continue the story)OPEN COME POST

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/1 23:39:39 )


I thought of an interesting idea for all inhabitants of Voltra that can participate in. Some of you may not have ever heard of a Round Robin as it has been referred to in later years, but the rules are simple.

I will start a couple paragraphs of a story and then someone else will pick up from where I left off and write another paragraph. It's much like the forum games, but I put this in the RP area because it's literally everyone writing a story. The only difference between this and regular RP, is that we're just telling an extended story between multiple people and not going back and forth like a 1x1 or a group RP. You can create other characters, and have them interact within the story, but the next person will have to include them in their post as well so be mindful of that. How the story goes, depends on you guys after I post the first paragraph. Just a few rules to follow

- If someone posts a reply while you are posting yours, don't get mad. Just redo your paragraph to make sense to the story. It's bound to happen so just read what they wrote and edit your post so it makes sense.

- You can add NPC characters in order to further the story along if needed. Just one time people that will help your character, but if you keep another character in the story that is going to remain through out, the next person will need to include them as well.

- Try and be mindful of spelling and grammar. You don't need to post a novel but no chat speak or anything like that. I'd like the style to be consistent in terms of writing.

- This is good way to have fun with your fellow Voltra-ians. Be polite, try to avoid (( OOC)) brackets to speak to other people. It should just be a simple story written by all.

- Lets be as realistic as possible. Meaning, lets not have OP magic, incredible creatures, things that defy laws of physics, etc. You know nothing crazy.

- Last, have fun! Be as creative as possible. This can be a really great way to earn volts while creating a story. You can post more than once if you want, but let a few more people post before you post again.

Next post will be the first prompt, so after I post that, you're welcome to continue after me.


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/1 23:45:39 )

Deep in the center of the forest, was a massive clearing. The clearing consisted of a small village of people that kept mostly to themselves. Since they were in the middle of the forest, the only way in and out was a dirt road that lead to the village on either side. They didn't get a lot of travelers since they were so out of the way of everything else.

There is a girl who lives in this village with her mother. Her name is Lila. She was born and raised in the small village but had heard stories of bigger places. She was always warned against leaving the village. Scary stories of monsters and bad people that would kidnap her and take her away. She listened to the stories of the dangers as did all the other children in the village. Now that she was older she wanted to see the world beyond the forest. Her mother wasn't mean or cruel, she just wanted to see what else was out there.

One night she gathered all of her belongings into a traveling pack. She would leave as soon as it was dawn, for traveling in the forest at night was dangerous. As soon as the sun rose, she slipped from the house before her mother and the other villagers woke, and took the path East, and walked with determination.


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/2 23:47:33 )

She approached the shimmering object, keeping an eye behind her to the road to be able to return to it after she obtained the object. She knelt down and used her fingers to pry it loose from the dirt. It turned out to be a silver coin. Robbers that had passed through here a while ago must have dropped it. It had been half covered with dirt and it looked worn. She brushed the remaining dirt from the surface and she turned to head back to the road. The coin could come in handy if she passed another town. She would be able to stay a night at an in with a silver coin.

For the time being she pocketed the coin and made it back to the road. She walked a little farther, her stomach still grumbling with hunger. Luckily she came across some wild strawberries that were growing in a large bush next to the road. She picked a large handful and ate her fill. That really hit the spot. That would keep her going for a while longer. She didn't know if there were any close by towns or not, but only one way to find out. She'd keep traveling and hopefully she'd find someplace to stay before the day ended.


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/6 06:07:08 )
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half an hour later, lila noticed that her body started to feel lighter. how much time has passed? the sun was still high so it couldn't have been long, yet it felt like she had been walking the same path for hours, if not days. did that rock look familiar? is that the same tree? or was she just ... the path was a straight line and there was nothing to indicate that she had been going in circles. yet she felt like she was in a dream... those were just strawberries, right?

lila sat down on the rock and looked up at the trees. the sunlight and leaves danced and glimmered together, shuffling in the wind. she started to hear music. how far was she from home? the birds were chirping, the birdsong became louder, it sounded as if she were surrounded by a flock of birds. the shuffling of the leaves grew louder and louder, and the bark on the trees began to crackle and swim, as if they were lava, melting and cooling and breaking. she was too mesmerized to move. how much time had passed? the sun was still high, glimmering through the trees. glimmering, glimmering, down to the forest floor, lila watched the light dance along the dried leaves and foliage. was that a snake coming towards her? or just the sunlight dancing?

she shook her head, inhaled slowly, held her breath, exhaled slowly, repeat. the birdsong, she could still hear it. inhale, it was getting louder, hold, chirp chirp chirp, exhale, shuffle glimmer crackle, repeat shimmer shimmer crackle, was the snake getting closer? chirp chirp chirp, she closed her eyes shuffle shuffle crackle, and chirp chirp when glimmer shuffle they shimmer opened—everything stopped.

and the snake, 5 inches away and staring right into her eyes, opened his mouth and greeted her.

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/7 00:20:28 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

She took a step back away from the snake cautiously as she's thinking for a plan to escape from it. Before she reacted, the snake slithered swiftly in front of her and tried to wrap its coils around her as she kept struggling to break free.

It shouldn't ended like this. Not here. She's not going to end up dying while she's still young and has much more to learn the world outside of her village. As she was struggling, Lila noticed an object that appears to be a stick and used her only free hand to quickly grabbed said stick and stabbed the snake that was coiling around her.

It hissed in pain as its coils started to loosen around her, the snake hissed at her again before attacking her but luckily she dodged its attack and decided to run as fast as she can, leaving the snake all alone as it went back to mind its own business. She wondered how long will she reach the next village before sunrise and hoped she's not too late so she walked across the stream to wherever it leads her to. If she ever discovers one in her life.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/7 02:34:35 )

Each step hurt for the first bit. The pressure from the snake coiling around her legs had caused a bit of damage to her ankles, but the more she walked on it the less it hurt. It seemed like it was something that just needed to be worked out, which was most certainly a relief. Lila was quite uninterested in dealing with anything too severe for the moment, as she had only just started her adventure recently. There was no fun in it ending so quickly, after all.

'At least I survived that...' she thought as she continued pressing on. As she followed the stream she found, she noticed that it was very possibly deeper than she initially had thought. That wasn't really an issue, if anything it was probably a good thing. Meant she could get a drink without there being so much dirt or rocks in it. As she crouched down to scoop some water with her hands, she saw a couple fish jump out of thew water before continuing on.

'There has to be a village or something nearby. If I follow the water, I'm certain I'll find something.' she thought as she got to her feet, looking in the direction the water was flowing. The question though, was which direction she should go - upstream, or downstream?

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/15 06:04:18 )
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lila turned around to face an archer, draped in olive and brown leather, gloved arms extended towards her.

"what are you doing out here?" he asked. she looked at him a bit more closely, cautiously thinking of how to answer. his long white hair trailed towards his waist. he was carrying a bow and a holster of arrows, and none of which were drawn towards her. perhaps he's not threatening, maybe he can help her. can she trust him, and should she be honest? what exactly was she looking for, anyway?

"i'm... looking for the nearest village," she responded carefully, eying his reaction.

"you're not safe here. follow me."

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/15 06:27:27 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

She hestitated for a while, until she decided to ask him one more time. "Where to?" she asked, still eyeing at the archer as Lila still refused to believe him, afraid that she will fall into his trap.

"Somewhere safe. Now are you going to follow me or not?" He replied impatiently, not wanting to waste time with potential petty arguements with this girl. Lila didn't speak up as she realised it would be pointless for her to ask more questions about his motives. She decided to follow him as she watched him leading the way.

"Umm... So, what's your name? I'm Lila by the way." She introduced herself to him, hoping to get to know more about the archer.

"Elijah. Would you mind telling me what's your reason for looking for the nearest village? If you don't mind." He asked her as he's getting a bit curious.

Lila tried to tell herself mentally to stay calm, "Well... I- I wanted to see the whole world besides my village..." she explained in a slight nervous tone. "As I never got to see what outside's like and I grew up in my village since I was a baby so I've always been told that the outside world is a scary place but I don't think it is!"

Elijah chuckled at her response as the two walked for an hour. "I see. Can't believe you're this naive." he said sarcastically. A tone which made Lila feel a bit insulted.

"HEY!! I am not naive! I'm just curious, that's all!" She shouted at his ear, which made the latter jumped a bit due to how close she is and seeing him like this made her feel satisfied at least.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/16 05:55:05 )
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The two continued to travel quietly, Lila trailing a few steps behind Elijah. Giving him a second look, she started to wonder what he was doing here, too. For her, she was lost. But why would he be here, especially if it wasn't safe?

"Elijah... what brings you out here?" she asked, trying to make conversation.

A few beats of silence. "I was foraging."

They continued in silence for a few more minutes. "Foraging for what?"

She could tell he was hesitant. Was he foraging for something forbidden? An hour later, after a few more questions with hesitant responses, Lila was able to draw out more information from him. He was foraging for hallucinogenic berries, like the ones she ate earlier. Apparently they have health benefits, drastically alleviating pain symptoms for a mysterious affliction that had ravished his home village a few towns north. Desperate villagers were willing to pay increasingly higher prices by the week. However, traversing the forest was an errand reserved for the skilled, as many dangers and creatures lay in wait. She was lucky to find a guide.

As the sun started to set, they entered a clearing. The dark treetops opened up, revealing a lavender sky streaked with peach clouds. The dirt path trailed towards a paved walkway, lampposts lined in the distance.

As they approached, Lila made a plan in her head - check into the local inn and visit the tavern to see what further adventures await her. Or perhaps she should learn more about her travel companion, and what happened to his village.

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⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/23 06:46:39 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

They entered a town as they walked, Lila was amazed by its buildings and townfolks as she stared at them minding their own business and ignored the two. Elijah paid no attention to them as he knows it wasn't worth for his time just to go sightseeing, not when he has someone accompanied with him.

The archer noticed an inn and gestured her to follow him. "This way." He said, but she was about to protest when he decided to give her a look that gives no room for arguements. She gives up as she decided to follow him to the inn for staying there. As they entered the inn, the owner at the counter quickly noticed their presences as the duo walked in front of him.

"Welcome to my humble inn! What can I do for you two?" The owner welcomed them with a genuine friendly tone.

"We're planning to stay here for three days and two nights. Is there any room available?" Elijah asked him without hestitation. Meanwhile, Lila stood behind him as she tried to look at the wall for a while instead so she doesn't feel awkward as she heard the two are having a quick coversation.

The owner scratches his head as he tries to think of which room is available for them. "Hmmmm... Let's see.... Oh yes! There's one left that's available and it's closer to the staircase in case you need it!" he exclaimed to the archer as he remembered.

"Good. But before you give us the keys to said room. What's the room number if they had one?" Elijah asked him one more time.

"Why of course! It's room one, silly boy!" The owner replied and gave a heartily laugh as he gives the keys to the archer and said archer gave money to him in return. "Now off you go and enjoy!"

Elijah grabbed the keys as soon as the owner gave it to him. "Thanks and we will." he responded back.

After checking in and entering the room, they put their belongings in an organized manner and stared at each other's gaze before one of them decided to break the silence.

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