Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 11:22:42 )
I'm REALLY iffy on joining that one, personally.
. . .
1) I'm not big on Syncline's art for pets.
2) Syncline treated her customers on Aywas REALLY poorly.
I am scared to see how she treats those who pay REAL money on her site. DX
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 11:27:07 )
I don't know her personally, but on Aywas [another pet site, run by the same person who runs Furvilla and Felisfire] she was a VERY popular custom artist. I'm not fond of her "painterly" style for them. Full images, that's cool, it looks fantastic, but for just a pet? I don't think it works, but that's just me.
They've had shops on Aywas in the past, and had brilliant business, but from what I DID see, they did NOT treat those that came to express interest in their work (and I'm NOT talking about those that come in begging. I mean legit people who are just expressing interest, or expressing that X seemed a bit off or something in a pet - CONSTRUCTIVELY, and quite nicely) they just did not treat them well.
I'm scared for what Dappevolk will hold.
I admit I haven't been on Aywas in nearly 2 years, so she MAY be better than she had been before.
I freaking HOPE so.