Relatives and friends of relatives keep sharing some of the worst shit on Facebook and I can't help seeing it and getting upset. Sure, I could just log off and not look. But these are people I know and love saying these things, and it makes me want nothing to do with them. And because I'm still living with a relative (who thankfully isn't on my FB), I can't say too much about it, lest it get back to her and I have nowhere else to go if things get more tense here than they already are. I'm about at the end of my rope in terms of taking people's crap and saying nothing. It's been going on for way too long, but unless a miracle comes along and gets me out of here so that I'm a healthy, safe distance away from everyone, I can't say what I really think. Best I can do is occasionally give some vague, respectful disagreement... when what I really want to do is rip some people a new one.
ugh fml
I can handle "people saying dumb shit on the internet", but I'm too close to said people for comfort right now and idk what to do about that. One can only take being angry on the inside for so long, you know?
ugh fml
I can handle "people saying dumb shit on the internet", but I'm too close to said people for comfort right now and idk what to do about that. One can only take being angry on the inside for so long, you know?