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Forums Serious Talk So I found out my bro supports the Charolettesville marchers...

Donator — Bunnies! Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 00:54:34 )
Not in the way he'd go march with them, but as an armchair social media nerd who can't distinguish between Charolettesvilles tiki torch marchers, gun wielding protestors at state capitols, and peaceful protestors protesting racial injustice. He basically insisted if one is ok, they all should be ok. He draws the line at looters and rioters and insists they need to be put down immediately. He insists black people aren't really being oppressed as much as they say they are. He also started spewing a bunch of right-wing talking points that I don't want to get into here.

I tried to explain to him no one is cheering violence, but as he is focusing on a very small percentage of extremists then blanket statements like that obscure the importance of the protests. I also tried to point out his privilege allows him to make these statements. Just because he doesn't see police violence and injustice on black and brown people doesn't mean it's not happening.

Instead of addressing his privilege, he reiterated that peaceful protests are fine but any sort of violence or looting is bad and must be stopped immediately. Then he said that if that point of view makes him an extremist, then he's an extremist. He completely missed my point. I know I'm not the best to speak about this issue but I feel like I should try even if it's to my own brother who doesnt seem to hear what he doesn't want to hear.

Donator — she/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 06:47:17 )
I've yeeted so many friends from my life for having the worst takes on this situation, I don't know how I'd respond if it were a family member. I wish you all the luck with this.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 14:02:29 )
I feel like at this point if someone is still ignorant to the injustices POC face on the daily, they are CHOOSING to be ignorant.
There is so much information and research based evidence circulating.

You can’t argue with someone that chooses ignorance.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 21:55:24 )

Oof, I’m currently dealing with something similar with some cousins I’ve found out are Trump supporters... which is wild because we’re not white and they weren’t born in America, but I was. ): I’ve been trying not to talk about any kind of protesting on either side with them because it’s frustrating since facts don’t matter. Good luck dealing with your bro~


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