@ChiffonOrange: I love Sims! Do you play on PC or console? c: Honestly about the same. I want to practice my art a lot more too though. I'm getting a Cricut soon so I can play around with that. :) I recently quit my job and would like to sell art/crafts. My boyfriend's job is good enough that we're comfortable enough so we decided I should take the opportunity to give that a go! I'm excited.
@genuine fake: welcome ^.^ we already met.. i hope u like it here and stick around .. been trying out other avatar sites lately because the main one i used to play is inactive and having trouble with glitches .. good to see you here ^.^
@LilMissKushy: Thank you! Yes I remember you :3
Same thing here! The inactive bit, at least, anyway haha. I got bored waiting on people to reply and thought I'd try finding another lol and had heard people mention this one, so! c:
I'm liking it so far!
Same thing here! The inactive bit, at least, anyway haha. I got bored waiting on people to reply and thought I'd try finding another lol and had heard people mention this one, so! c:
I'm liking it so far!
@genuine fake: i originally came from menewsha similar site to this one.. the artist and staff gave up i think quite sad as ive alot of stuff on there but doesnt let us change our avatars unless u use single items :/
I was glad to come here and see some familiar faces ^.^
I was glad to come here and see some familiar faces ^.^
@LilMissKushy: My first site like this was Gaia forever ago. I tried a couple other sites out but didn't stick to anything or really accumulate any items or anything before abandoning them lol. Then I didn't get on stuff like that for years, tried going back to gaia but it was way different and seemed all about making money. I do have quite a large inventory on there though. I still log in sometimes just to screw around with my avatar and see all my old stuff, but the forums seem kinda crappy now. But then a few years ago (doesn't feel like that long) I found Caedon and actually got into it the way I did Gaia. I take breaks for months sometimes (I'd get busy with work n life) but I always go back lol.
That's so crappy though about that site. ): I'd be sad if Gaia did that, even though I only get on maybe once every few years just to make sure my stuffs still there. It'd still make me sad if it was abandoned, or didn't work properly anymore.
That's so crappy though about that site. ): I'd be sad if Gaia did that, even though I only get on maybe once every few years just to make sure my stuffs still there. It'd still make me sad if it was abandoned, or didn't work properly anymore.
@genuine fake: thats one site i didnt try because i heard a lot of negative stuff about it especially the ridiculous prices xD
I love avatar community sites everyones so friendly and ive never seen any trolling or drama so its a nice peaceful vibe which i love.. i play some rpg power building games but i get bored of all the drama on the globe chats so i take breaks lol
Yes it is crappy and sad i made some friends on there and nobody really comes around anymore but im glad i found voltra and caedon ^.^
I love avatar community sites everyones so friendly and ive never seen any trolling or drama so its a nice peaceful vibe which i love.. i play some rpg power building games but i get bored of all the drama on the globe chats so i take breaks lol
Yes it is crappy and sad i made some friends on there and nobody really comes around anymore but im glad i found voltra and caedon ^.^
@LilMissKushy: yess the inflation went through the roof. they were trying to convert to a new currency or something but didn't make everyone do it? Idek. I don't know how that worked out lol. It's weird. I miss how Gaia used to be though. it used to be really fun. they did some really cool events! But yea if you went to gaia now you would definitely see lots of trolling and rude people lol. but i agree. that's what i love about caedon and this site so far. everyone's just nice, here to chat. c: i'm glad i found them too!
@genuine fake: wow thats crazy its sad to see a site go down hill then before u know it all thats left is the drama .. i miss menewsha at times too but between voltra and caedon it keeps me busy everyone was so welcoming and so helpful on here and caedon.. im usually kind of shy too but both sites have been so nice ive started to chat more than i usually would xD

@LilMissKushy: it is really sad ): I guess it's to be expected though! everything changes and it has been like 10yrs since I found Gaia so it shouldn't be surprising I suppose. Right, honestly now the only thing I really miss is those Gaia events and roleplaying. I'm trying to find rp partners on Caedon though, so hopefully I'm able to. c: I don't think I even saw an rp forum here? but I may have missed it. Doesn't seem as popular anymore.. ): Everyone is super nice and it does encourage you to chat more. (: I feel like I did chat a bit on gaia with my friends I had made, and new ones were always welcome of course. But still, starting out yea, I'd be more shy if it wasn't for how nice everyone is!
@Genuine Fake: Heyo! Welcome to Voltra!
It's a bummer when our fav sites die off due to inactivity :(
It's a bummer when our fav sites die off due to inactivity :(
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@genuine fake: hi welcome to voltra! :-)
if you're looking for places to chat you can pretty much drop into any of the hangout threads whenever ~ and if people are online they'll be happy to respond, everyone here has been very friendly so far ^^
and there is an rp forum! 'role playing' - it's the third one under 'activities'
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@Totalanimefan: I do! I've never been to DC although it isn't super far away. Does anything draw you to DC, other than not needing a car? O:
@Lilykin: Hello there! Thank you n-n And it really is a bummer ):
@Kira: Thank you, and welcome back to you too, then. :D I hope to see you around as well!
@xvz: Thank you! I was actually scared to, I wasn't sure if they were kinda "private" or not so thank you. I will definitely have a look and maybe pop in somewhere. :D Ooo I see it now! Gotta check that out too XD
@Lilykin: Hello there! Thank you n-n And it really is a bummer ):
@Kira: Thank you, and welcome back to you too, then. :D I hope to see you around as well!
@xvz: Thank you! I was actually scared to, I wasn't sure if they were kinda "private" or not so thank you. I will definitely have a look and maybe pop in somewhere. :D Ooo I see it now! Gotta check that out too XD
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@genuine fake: i think ppl would be happy to chat w u in the hangouts threads ^^
like people would be happy to have you post in their hangout threads, they're there for casual convo / dropping in and out of, people are there to chat :-)
but i know what you mean about feeling scared to, i felt nervous about posting when i joined at first too!
everyone has been really friendly though, so don't be scared ~
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@xvz: Aww yay! :3 I will definitely do that. Thank you so much. <3 You definitely helped relieve some of my anxieties about posting there. :D
@Totalanimefan: Oh man I wasn't gonna mention state but screw it lol. I live in PA too, DC is only a couple hours away from here. We got family in another part of PA, it's about 2 1/2 hours away. So like you said, kinda like a buffer but close enough for visits without tooo much planning. That's awesome though that you found a place like that. c: Where I live now isn't even that big of a city, but where I lived before wasn't even a city at all lmao. So for me, this place feels big. *-* I couldn't imagine living somewhere huge like Seattle or NY. I think I'd hate it lol! I see the draw though. I got to visit Seattle and it's cool there, I can just only handle crowds and stuff in small doses so I couldn't live there. I'm too much of a hermit. >:
@Totalanimefan: Oh man I wasn't gonna mention state but screw it lol. I live in PA too, DC is only a couple hours away from here. We got family in another part of PA, it's about 2 1/2 hours away. So like you said, kinda like a buffer but close enough for visits without tooo much planning. That's awesome though that you found a place like that. c: Where I live now isn't even that big of a city, but where I lived before wasn't even a city at all lmao. So for me, this place feels big. *-* I couldn't imagine living somewhere huge like Seattle or NY. I think I'd hate it lol! I see the draw though. I got to visit Seattle and it's cool there, I can just only handle crowds and stuff in small doses so I couldn't live there. I'm too much of a hermit. >:
@Totalanimefan: I was worried about privacy a little but it's not that big of a deal to mention the state c: Oh cool! We drove through San Francisco once, though we didn't stop and do anything. xD We went on this trip where we flew into Seattle and drove along the coast to I believe it was Kingstown in CA. Stopped along at the beaches and this cheese factory in Oregon, drove through San Francisco like I said and stuff like that. It was a lot of fun!
Yea a two hour flight is nothing, really. Sure beats 6 xDD Ahh that sounds awesome, growing there. I'm jealous haha. I don't hate where I grew up or anything, we had a big yard and I was content. xD I just loooove the ocean so much. I haven't gotten to go in years, though. >:
Edit: Oops brain fart! I said we flew into Seattle, that was a mistake. o.O We flew into WA but I don't remember what city. Had family we stayed with while we were there before continuing along the coast c: This was 2011 and I woulda been like 14 so the details are a little fuzzy T-T
Yea a two hour flight is nothing, really. Sure beats 6 xDD Ahh that sounds awesome, growing there. I'm jealous haha. I don't hate where I grew up or anything, we had a big yard and I was content. xD I just loooove the ocean so much. I haven't gotten to go in years, though. >:
Edit: Oops brain fart! I said we flew into Seattle, that was a mistake. o.O We flew into WA but I don't remember what city. Had family we stayed with while we were there before continuing along the coast c: This was 2011 and I woulda been like 14 so the details are a little fuzzy T-T
@Totalanimefan: That must have been so cool!! A boat sounds like it would've been sooo much fun. My aunt and uncle had a boat, but they just took it on a lake. Me and my cousins weren't close enough (they were a bit older than me) that I ever went, and honestly I haven't been on many boats. I've done minor things like got on a small row boat to go through Lincoln Caverns when I was younger, and I've been on a ferry a few times like to go to Seattle. Local dams have those little peddle boats, too, so I've done that before. But never a sail boat, and especially not in the ocean/sea.
Sand is a paaaaaiiiiin but I don't mind too much. Honestly something that bothers me is my stupid sensitive skin gets all red/blotchy once the salt water dries on my skin. u-u So I have to stay wet until we leave so I can rinse off when we get back, or use one of those little stations/bottle of water to rinse off. But they don't usually have the stations where we go. We usually go to NC and find vacant stretches of beach all to ourselves, I love it! <3
Ahhh /: Yea, that sounds pretty crappy. I don't remember much from driving through there, really. I remember the housing looking skinny and they were all squished against each other, which was different than even the townhouses I'm used to seeing but that's all that really sticks out.
Ohhh yea the time differences when you're flying sucks! I flew to Alaska I think maybe 3-4 years ago? and the whole trip took like 17+ hours T-T But I had like 2 or 3 layovers because my best friend bought me the ticket to come see her, and that's what she could afford at the time(and I couldn't afford to throw in at all at that point). So I wasn't complaining, 'cause I hadn't seen her in years. But it was a little rough for my first flight alone! I don't enjoy flying by myself lol.
Oh man that does sound brutal. D: That would suckkk. It's not enough to just follow a new routine for a day, either. It's like your body is just so used to a certain routine for so long, it resists against the change and you gotta reallyyyy work at adjusting it. It's a painnn. It's not exactly the same thing, but I had to keep changing my sleep schedule for my last job. They bounced me from 3rd shift to 2nd, back to 3rd, and then I ended on 1st. -.- Needless to say I'd just start to get used to it and it would change again xDD My sleep schedule is always a little wacky though anyway so it wasn't a super big deal. I don't have kids or anything so I'd just sleep whenever I felt like it, as long as I didn't have chores/errands to do first.
That's so cool you've been to England and Japan though! I've never been out of the country. Been to another others? o:
Sand is a paaaaaiiiiin but I don't mind too much. Honestly something that bothers me is my stupid sensitive skin gets all red/blotchy once the salt water dries on my skin. u-u So I have to stay wet until we leave so I can rinse off when we get back, or use one of those little stations/bottle of water to rinse off. But they don't usually have the stations where we go. We usually go to NC and find vacant stretches of beach all to ourselves, I love it! <3
Ahhh /: Yea, that sounds pretty crappy. I don't remember much from driving through there, really. I remember the housing looking skinny and they were all squished against each other, which was different than even the townhouses I'm used to seeing but that's all that really sticks out.
Ohhh yea the time differences when you're flying sucks! I flew to Alaska I think maybe 3-4 years ago? and the whole trip took like 17+ hours T-T But I had like 2 or 3 layovers because my best friend bought me the ticket to come see her, and that's what she could afford at the time(and I couldn't afford to throw in at all at that point). So I wasn't complaining, 'cause I hadn't seen her in years. But it was a little rough for my first flight alone! I don't enjoy flying by myself lol.
Oh man that does sound brutal. D: That would suckkk. It's not enough to just follow a new routine for a day, either. It's like your body is just so used to a certain routine for so long, it resists against the change and you gotta reallyyyy work at adjusting it. It's a painnn. It's not exactly the same thing, but I had to keep changing my sleep schedule for my last job. They bounced me from 3rd shift to 2nd, back to 3rd, and then I ended on 1st. -.- Needless to say I'd just start to get used to it and it would change again xDD My sleep schedule is always a little wacky though anyway so it wasn't a super big deal. I don't have kids or anything so I'd just sleep whenever I felt like it, as long as I didn't have chores/errands to do first.
That's so cool you've been to England and Japan though! I've never been out of the country. Been to another others? o:
@Totalanimefan: that's still really cool c: I'd love to travel to different countries one day.
It was temporary so it wasn't too awful since I knew it wasn't forever. Might sound weird, but knowing it would be over soon made it much more bearable. I was working 11-12 hours, 7 days a week at the time as well. So if it hadn't been for being temporary, it would have been horrible lol. But I was just making bank while I had the chance. They wanted to keep me after the peak season, and things had slowed significantly. But like, too much lol. I went from 70+ hours a week to being lucky to get 38 or 40. It was normal to only get 27, AND they dropped the pay by like $5 after peak season was over, so it was not worth it at all to stay. xD
It was temporary so it wasn't too awful since I knew it wasn't forever. Might sound weird, but knowing it would be over soon made it much more bearable. I was working 11-12 hours, 7 days a week at the time as well. So if it hadn't been for being temporary, it would have been horrible lol. But I was just making bank while I had the chance. They wanted to keep me after the peak season, and things had slowed significantly. But like, too much lol. I went from 70+ hours a week to being lucky to get 38 or 40. It was normal to only get 27, AND they dropped the pay by like $5 after peak season was over, so it was not worth it at all to stay. xD
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