@Ravaen: I used to be REALLY bad at making avatars, but I feel somehow more confident on here. I've made a few I'm happy with. Not sayin' they're GOOD, but I'm happy with 'em.
Donator — DemonQueen
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 21:34:56 )
@Dowan: hehe takes practice. I have another one ready to go but I won't use her till after the event. :)
@Lina: I got distracted...need to go look now. LOL Then I'll order. hehe
@Ravaen: I'm excited to see what you have in store for afterwards.
@Lina: Hehe, I think I'll make another one at least and maybe go a tangerine color scheme since I haven't seen that around as much despite it being the classic Halloween colors.
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/25 06:18:21 )
YESSSSS *_____*
can't wait! Also please remind me to accept the trade XDDD I tend to errr forget to finalize them because there are so many steps I think I finalized it, but I didn't