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Forums Games Dude.. xD FF14 is getting more toxic these days

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/3 02:40:32 )
@Bioshock: xD dungeons.
There's no fear in this one cause family, and we're all new. xD I'd invite you with one of the pre-made sheets but it's supposed to be family day thing. And maybe I will build up my confidence.

Aweee! I had a foster for a while but I went through ajob thing and didn't have money for a while so I had to shelter her. She was very uniquely colored so she got adopted out but I just didn't have the cash at the time to get her fixed. I'd planned to but shit happens. Even to foster pet parents.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/4 03:41:38 )
@Bioshock: OKie smokies!

Yee! Hoping it all goes well~! Tried getting into it once but getting in with experienced players when you want to just play more to the story is kinda... not great. xD they will pick at your character. So I just.. avoid.

Indeed. And since I had a dog already that was my bby, it was a situation of pick and choose. And So I took her and she got to a better place. that's always the goal anyways. xD But yeah, my dog is a chonker that I have to get special food for and watch cause he'll eat literally anything. Poop, paper, tried eating plastic... I have to watch his little self. One day, and idk how cause I keep my pill up, he got an anti-depressant. So I had to take him in the for emergency trip during this time, which wasn't cheap. He was okay, but it was one of those situations where just everything at once, and Ollie is always my prioity. (Now he has a skin thing going on that I am watching. We think it's allergic reaction, but if it gets worse, it's another V trip."

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/4 09:00:29 )
@Bioshock: Indeed! It's very frustrating, and then there's complaints about not having enough people/people to step in when regulars can't, etc.

xD Ollie never will! This dog is nuts. He like, when he was a teeny tiny pup, like literally half the size of my forearm, this crazy dog stole a whole hamburger right off my plate in front of me, and just made his jolly way through it. I've since trained him better, he doesn't even eat his own kibble until I say so. But he's a good boy, love him to death. But he eats anything and gets himself into a pickle quite regularly. xD
And yeah, we're hoping that's what it is. I'm waiting for paycheck to pop in and see if I can take him in. It seems to be clearing up, but it was so weird because it wasn't mange, and wasn't ringworm or anything so what's left is allergy or fungal. Either way improving means trimming his hair, which I did, and keeping it clean so, we shall seeee....

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/5 07:54:52 )
@Bioshock: I agree! Lol.

Indeed! I had to like have him sit and stay while I got his food ready and had to like, be super attentive to take away, give back to keep him from having food agression. And we don't know why, the vet doesn't either, but my dog is always hungry. He will eat and eat and eat, and now he's a chonker and has a special food and he eats his allowance (which was more content than a typical kibble) and he'd still steal food from our other dogs, us, and then eat random things as if her were starving. I've had him since he was a puppy, he's always been fed regularly and got treats and played outside so it's so weird.
I asked my grams (she works at my dog's vet) and she said it seems like contact dermatitis. Like he's allergic to something. But it is clearing up slightly.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/6 20:41:31 )
@Bioshock: Could be. Dogs can also have thyroid issues but his blood work has always been normal. =\ Think my pupper is just a heavier set little guy. Some little dogs are girthy little buddies. xD That's just it.
And yeah! So happy it's going away but I did remember one day he rolled aorund in the grass while I was watering flowers so, maybe he got bit by ants or something.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/7 05:29:51 )
@Bioshock: Yeah. If it's thyroid he could honestly not be eating enough but gaining. My mom also has thyroid stuff so maybe I should get him checked again? Cause it feels horrible. On the one hand, I wanna give him more yummy treats and as much food as he needs ot feel good, but also I don't want him to get too big and end up not even being able to walk without being in pain, or going into renal failure, etc. It's a no-win situation for any pet parent. xD Either way you feel like a crap human.

xD I wanna farm extreeeemes! I just helped an FC member through 2 dungeons where I, as dancer, was forced to tank. T-T And I just had a mini mental breakdown after tam tara. Tam tara is fun and not even that rough. I shouldn't be laughing/crying after because our tank wanted to DPS and emote at enemies I stg.... That healer was a friggin saint.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/7 21:35:28 )
@Bioshock: I know! It's super tricky but I am doing my best. Most recently, we had been told Ollie needs daily tooth brushing. So we started brushing his teeth. I took up learning grooming on my own so his hair doesn't get too over grown, trying to figure out like, nutrition so I can give him some treaties sometimes... xD I love him but ollie is the most spoiled pooch and he knows it.

xD I had to otherwise he would have stared across the abyss after the first tam tara rosary thing waiting for somenthing to happen endlessly. My FC member who was 2 months in brand new was long "what are you waiting for?" And he just stood there. Heals was like, "this way dude." and I was just jumping in the direction we needed to go.
Long story short, I was dancer. As long as I can kite stuff I am mostly ok. But I felt horrid for heals and they were such a saint adjusting to that. xD I added them as friend. I wanna tell them they were the best, but honestly I feel weird. xD

I unlocked Shiva extreme and working on unlocking all the others!

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/8 00:20:05 )
@Bioshock: xD Because bun buns naturally be brushin they own teeth. xD But nah bunnies have their own dental concerns. Teeth overgrowth being one. I always (when I had Sky) would make sure she had l=plenty of chew options. And when she was underweight when I got her, the way to get her to eat well was sprinkling some dry lavender flower. xD She looooved lavender.

I know... xD we had like, 50 minutes left by the time we finished it.

Yeah... I just mass accept the quests. xD

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/12 22:48:51 )
@Bioshock: Oof I just realized you replied but I've been like, under a heavy rock these last few days and haven't been on like, voltra or sites similar for a smidge.

But yeah, bunnies and most small animals with ever-growing teeth all have this issue. I feel like it's the one main concern. I just realized recently, if you can look into it, pet insurance is actually not that expensive and it's super good for dental things you might have to get done. Thinking about getting it for Ollie because at 35ish a month, he gets a lot of services covered. And with this skin thing he's got, I can't afford full cost of a vet visit so I'm thinking I'm going to have to bite th bullet. =\

xD I hate getting side quests whilst working MSQ. I think after I get to max and finish MSQ I want to explore side quests more, maybe really learn raids because I also love nice glamour.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 02:59:44 )
@Bioshock: Feeling a bit better.

So far we are looking and there's a bit of a deductable bit that's a pain in the arse. Lol. But, anyways, uhm... Trying. My mom heard about how they cover crematory services in case he needs to be put down, or when he gets old and passes away. And she's like "man, your mommy really loves you. I'd just bury you in the back yard." And I just... /.\ ffs. LOL.
But she was like "you know depending on the illness he gets that he needs treatment for, it may be better to put him to sleep." She almost had me crying. xD Ollie is only turning 3 this year so even thinking about him passing away is like. Nope.... He's living forever. xD I know 13 years is like his breed's max but still he is my baby. I just couldn't. xD

Shadowbringers is a whooole thing. I got half way through before starting my new character. But I haven't finished it yet so no spoilers! I was just happy minfilia is DEAD. I haaate Minfilia. omg she irked me since I first met her in the game she's soooo dense.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 08:16:51 )
@Bioshock: It's actually illegal in most places to bury them in your back yard.. For me it's better to like, have their ashes and scatter them in their favorite spot. xD I dunno I just don't like the idea of just like, not having something for them that's special. And most crematories give keepsake hair locks, and pawprint tiles with the deceased's paw prints which is just precious. Idk, it just seems like something my sentimental arse would od.

I have told people, Minfilia is literally a nerd's eye candy in this game. She has no point. I mean she stood there in front of a portal in shock long enough to be pushed through, she COULD HAVE DODGED! I believe she is to BLAME for the death of the one character I loved and I just... I will never forgive that. When I heard she died I praised eevery ff14 god. But I never trusted thancred after the lahabrea thing. And I don't think he's old so much as older than her. Maybe in the teens of difference in age. But honestly he's just not an intriguing character. Y'shtola doesn't get any credit for being such a strong female character. She just like... oh she's good. Most of the other characters are great but Thancred and Minfilia were both what killed the story for me. I literally was like "if I have to save this useless damsel one more time, I quit." Cause I swear, that's all a lot of the "save the companion" quests were about. Minfilia is missing. Minfilia got kidnapped. Minfilia... She's cursed for sure.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/14 22:38:52 )
@Bioshock: Yeah.. Idk specifics but when we lived out in the boonies in MO when I was like, 3-10 we had to not tell anyone if we buried our dogs/cats because we'd get in trouble. OwO

I will never... and I mean NEVER get over moenbryda. I literally wanted to end Minfilia myself when Moen-bear died. She was literally the ONE good character in that whole scene. The one character I instantly adored. Like, if anyone should come back to life in this game, they better fucking bring my Moenbryda back or I will friggin riot. (I just realized I cursed in this but that's how strongly I feel about that.)

But Y'shtola is just like, attractive, smart, powerful... Like she doesn't take crap from anyone and I love her. Y'shtola can step on me, I'm ok with that. xD

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/15 04:17:21 )
@Bioshock: Who. Knows. But it seems dumb. xD

I don't wanna spoil because ShB, I did get half way through almost... But it sets a precedent in a way. So like, I'm hoping. Bring her back, or make a main side character like her. Because her sass and her handling things was brilliant.

xD I died. Y'shtola with Thancred is such a mood, telling who the what's where all the time. But yeah, no one would mind it. OwO

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/17 03:43:51 )
@Bioshock: Lol! I love that. I stopped getting too into the RP side of the game a while back. A lot of people are just kinda like, there for the raids. so it got boring suuuuper fast.

Lyse disappointed me soooo much in stormblood. Like, I liked her initially because she was ditzy as a front, but smart af and everyone underestimated her and she always showed them up. And she was silly. Now it's like they are slowly turning her into minfilia and I just can't... I feel like she was far better when she was masquerading as Yda. Alisae is okay. she has her moments where I wishe she'd pipe down a bit. xD But I do think they are pretty strong characters. Idk, moenbryda just just like, different from all the other NPCs in the game. She like like... idk if you watch vampire diaraies, but she was like Lexi. Just sassy, confident, funny, unafraid to show both raw strength and mental aquity and I girl crushed soooo hard. TwT

lol. Estinien was eh... I liked Hauchefaunt quite a bit for my character's romance. I always say "they killed my hubs in ff14 and I shall not forgiveee!" xD But yeah I wish there were more NPC romances tbh. Y'shtola deserves happiness.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/21 01:42:59 )
@Bioshock: I actually once started a "save the bootie" petition in a dungeon chat before. Everyone wants a fucking butt slider, just give it to me already.

Fair. It's still annoying that the one character I actually liked in the game that was a main was still like, ruined by the writers. Alisae is ok. xD I know she has that cute little crush thing going on but she's honestly not my fave. Doing dungeons with her she'd limit break so many times I just couldn't even take her anymore. xD But she's okay I guess. xD for a straight WoL or bi she might be cute... Well, I don't know their ages. It seems like they are supposed to be teenagers (in that case eek.) but it also sounds like they are technically young adults?? I have 0 idea.

LOL! My WoL rn was a dragoon who had to fite him and she hates his internal organs so much she wouldn't feed them to an enraged primal. But I mean, otherwise he's kinda meh. I think Urianger has far better tall, dark, and mysterious vibes. And he's attractive, and SMART AF! Like holy lickity splitz! :viohearteyes:

She does, and I agree. I wouldn't ship WoL but I think her finding a male or female S/O would be adorable. Even if she was poly or whatever just to keep fans entertained would be like... I just feel like she scrifices soooo much for the team and people kinda take her for granted sometimes.
Ping me for fast replies!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/27 09:08:09 )
Any idea what's causing the bad behaving?

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