Welcome one and all to the fabulous land of all things film and cinema! Old and new, great and not so great, big budget to the most modest of budgets. The only limitations are that we keep things PG-13 or lower, and maintain Voltra's ToS.
Here we can discuss movie news and what films you've watched that you really need to talk about. Get excited for new releases that you're really looking forward to, favorites, heck post me some gifs and recs if the fancy strikes you.
*obviously we can talk about things not related to movies as well. lol*
I will post some movie trivia every now and again for prizes. When a question is up, please only PM me the answer. Give everyone else a chance to answer. Questions to be changed on Tuesdays, and will run for a week.
Cinemaland's first movie question:
What is considered to be the first talkie?