My parents have that "family is always welcome no matter what" idea which, sounds great until you realize your family sucks xD
Literally ever since I was a small child, every time they have a family member, old or young, come to stay with us for a night or more, THEY DO SOMETHING RUDE OR WEIRD.
I've had my blankets shredded, other items broken, shower curtains sliced repeatedly with clean cuts that we could only assume were from a knife once (which mom blamed on the cat even though they were above my head. We replaced the curtains and it happened again--then stopped after that person left lol)
I've had money stolen and found... gross things and stains in my bed that someone slept in. I was 15 at the time and a prude so I was extra pissed =__=
I've even had visitors that were so awful, I had to come and go through the window of my bedroom to go to work at the time cause if I passed by him he would harass me to hell.
This time its someone my parents haven't seen since they were kids.
My first impression was that they're kinda rude. They always have their backs to me and don't let me speak at all when I was trying to greet them for the first time. They act like I'm not even here lol When I leave for work or when I come back, they just act like no one is moving past them trying to wave to them.
The guy, I guess he's my mom's friend or something? idk if they're legit family or not.
He's using the jack and jill bathroom between my sis and my room (she isn't home so he goes through her room to get to it, plus I have less walking space cause I sleep on a floor mat lol).
and he like, rapidly locks the doors and just starts GROANING.
I'm thinking okayyy... maybe he's just struggling with moving around cause he's kinda older. Maybe late 50's, probably older if he takes after the family's young face syndrome. But this groaning continues, and continues, and in the shower it gets even weirder sounding and I'm just cringing. I want to DOUBT its what it sounded like but I never know.. My family has been known for doing the wrong things in the wrong times or places -___-
When he's done, he sprays axe on
I know its axe cause of the smell.
continuously spraying
for a solid minute
its seeping through the door and its burning my eyes IN THE NEXT ROOM ENTIRELY
Why are people so annoying.
I need to shower for work but god damn, if I can break through that cloud of chemicals just to pop open the window..