Everyone thinks my school is haunted. The building was originally built in 1881 (dated in an old newspaper they found inside, which is now kept in a room along with other random old items) and its been through several changes. It wasn't a school until like, 30 years ago.
Whenever people start talking about it being haunted, I'm always a skeptic. One person asked me directly and I was like "no, I don't think it's haunted. I think there's just a lot of negative energy gathered here from all the stressed out students and staff" (and also the potent toxicity of some people that comes out a lot on campus).
Then some weird things happened to me right after I voiced that. Like hearing my name being called and "seeing things". I wave it all off like it's nothing, but there was one moment that I was alone and dressing a massage table. I wasn't even thinking about that sort of thing when I turned around and got hit with a HUGE wave of fear, as if something startled me, but nothing was there/nothing happened. It just pinned my nerves for a second.
Months later, today, I'm texting someone about ghosts (randomly) while sitting in the clinic basement, at a small dining table to eat on my break. And I was like
"lols everyone thinks its haunted here but I don't think so. There's just so much stress here, its bound to gather up in the atmosphere and make us feel tense"
Before I finish typing, I hear something make a loud click behind me, like something small fell on the hard floor. There's a small room a short distance behind where I sat, with the door open. Had filing cabinets and a coffee table in there. I turn the light on to check and there's no loose items that could've fallen. Aside from the plug end of a phone that wasn't hooked up. I tapped it around but didn't replicate the sound, so thought them walls be creaking. I go back to my chair, my eyes on the floor, and then I sit and go back to my biz.
I ran around for a bit, then came back down and sat in my spot again. Again, I hear the noise, a little louder. I don't pay attention. A moment later, I hear a fainter noise, I almost didn't notice it but it was the same direction.
Then I get up for the billionth time and that's when I found a pen sitting on the floor right behind my chair. It wasn't there before, because I DID look at the floor in that spot, and there were no surfaces behind me that it could've come from. I picked it up and dropped it a few times and replicated the sounds I was hearing, the last one that was more faint sounded like a short roll of the pen on the wooden floor.
I got excited like
duuuuuuuuuuuude :vanora_xd:
I still don't think its haunted but I love when weird shiz happens that makes you think for a moment