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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/12 07:12:46 )
Micki Chiba:
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sure! here's the links:
CTA 1990&1997
CTA wiki
The whole thing don't mention about sexual stuff in this bill. it does mention about the ads and violence.

Quoting it now, there should've been ways to pin that.


I forgot about showing this.

If we need to changed this bill we need to regulate our show by
categories by age
primetime should resume back to family hour


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/12 09:10:51 )
Micki Chiba:
Micki Chiba:
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sure! here's the links:
CTA 1990&1997
CTA wiki
The whole thing don't mention about sexual stuff in this bill. it does mention about the ads and violence.

Quoting it now, there should've been ways to pin that.


I forgot about showing this.

If we need to changed this bill we need to regulate our show by
categories by age
primetime should resume back to family hour

That much is true, Family hour's gone down the drains in terms of channel-centric negligence, and needless to say, Cartoon Network and Nick were among the hardest-hit of all.
At least Nick's putting up more of a fight to get ITS reconstruction era right, I don't get what gives with Current Cartoon Network in general when its Dark Ages have died, so its first reconstruction era shouldn't have that botched out feeling.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/13 06:53:29 )
Micki Chiba:
Micki Chiba:
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sure! here's the links:
CTA 1990&1997
CTA wiki
The whole thing don't mention about sexual stuff in this bill. it does mention about the ads and violence.

Quoting it now, there should've been ways to pin that.


I forgot about showing this.

If we need to changed this bill we need to regulate our show by
categories by age
primetime should resume back to family hour

That much is true, Family hour's gone down the drains in terms of channel-centric negligence, and needless to say, Cartoon Network and Nick were among the hardest-hit of all.
At least Nick's putting up more of a fight to get ITS reconstruction era right, I don't get what gives with Current Cartoon Network in general when its Dark Ages have died, so its first reconstruction era shouldn't have that botched out feeling.
They gave children's hour from 5 am to 10 pm (which eliminates the prime time hour. ) if we ask the FCC, to reverse the CTA 1990 act and replace with idea that good qualities in our programs, with NEW rules on younger group, we will have great entertainment again (Make CARTOONS Great AGAIN!) the children's hour will be set back from 5am to 10pm to 4am to 6pm.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/13 08:21:42 )
@micki chiba: It can double as means to combat the clutter and the schedule-botching that made
everything taste like $hite, interesting.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/14 05:22:38 )
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Not All shows one-fits-all..
under the age 6 needs the i/e but don't sexual stuff in the programs (like verbal words that sounds sexual or relates to pedophilia)
same ones over the age 6 but they do not need the i/e rating they do need relivable entertainment.
and teens are dealing issues in school (peer pressure, pregnancy,etc.) that need the teen education/information
and Prime TIme need to use for the family. family learn good ideas (no Bad parenting!)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/14 05:47:22 )
@micki chiba: Teen Titans GO as noted does a worse job at trying to be One-show-fits-all than Spongebob Squarepants did, and in hindsight, that says a lot.

Still, good points though.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/15 04:18:43 )
What did I miss?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/15 04:57:57 )
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Let's also bring in MLP: pony life
similar to Teen Titan GO
, few 80's remakes like She-ra where they promote gay stuff to kids (more pedophia) and promoting crap in current lovely shows like Doctor Who (timeless child failure),Star Wars (stupid Ren crap), Star Trek (Discovery and Picard failure...)
@Fenava: We was talking BS in our cartoons due to the failure of 1990 Children Television Act.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/15 09:57:18 )

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 19:10:27 )
@micki chiba: You have GOT to be kidding!!!
Did no one learn ANYTHING on what not to do with TTG or Johnny Test, the first time around!?
Real talk, but as some friends of mine would note: 'Setsuna F. Seiei is what Kylo Ren wishes he could've been,' in terms of backstory matters and the like.

@fenava: Yo, welcome back, what's up?

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 22:39:48 )


Hey all, I'm a friend of Lupa's from Discord ^^ Just call me Bridgette, its nice to meet yall!

@Lupaprinceromulus: So i'm not terribly knowledgeable about the era's of cartoon network history, but the common thread to me has always been moeny. They realized with Johnny Test that they could produce basically garbage as long as it was bright and flashy, and it would make them a truckton. I think there was some scandal at the production side of JT that shut it down, otherwise i doubt it would have stopped.' Teen Titans Go is their refined product for the Johnny Test prototype. Its colorful and bouncy, so it sells to children. They play it 600 times a day, because it will absolutely get watched, which means they make bank. -- and while, yes, a new season of OF teen titans was supposedly funded on TTG, that's not really the end goal from cartoon network administration.

IMO, when the last vestiges of "Fridays" died out, so did the last true good in CN. Its an uphill battle for creators who want something valuable to get funded and produced. Steven Universe had almost 2 seasons of nearly no character growth, plot, or critical topics (ie blatant lgbt and POC representation) before it actually got to the important parts. All because R. Sugar had to basically sneak it in under CN's nose so that her show wouldn't get cancelled before she could tell her story.



Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 23:38:43 )
@godsandpunks: TTG got used to mutilate the scheduling, because AT&T-backed Cartoon Network actually puts Money as the secondary(albeit definitely Cover) reason, when the Primary endgame goal is basically to Wage War against the entire Cartoon Network fanbases, themselves.
You got links to share about the Johnny Test Production Scandal that happened so you can show them here?
Sounds like they're a must-read in the grand scheme really.

'Fridays' should NOT have died out in the first place, it was another casualty of the Cartoon Network Dark Ages, along with the Toonami fleet for a while before the First Reconstruction Era (rightfully) brought back the Fleet, albeit STILL in the weakened conditions the Dark Ages forced on it with.
Fridays and Saturdays TOGETHER should've been allowed to serve as Vestiges to hold out against the Dark Ages with, relegate matters to only one of the two days. and it's gonna backfire.

And we all know how notoriously atrocious the Steven Universe Tumblr branch ended up being, so bad that eating that fan-branch alive's far more preferable to letting them go unchecked, albeit granted part of that is due to botched network scheduling that AT&T-backed CN instigated by design.

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 00:18:56 )


@LupaPrinceRomulus: Honestly, i doubt companies are ever truly malicious to their fan bases, but cartoon network is notorious for rejecting the demographics that actually watch their shows because it's not the one they [i]wanted[\i] for their shows. (See all of DC nation and GL:TAS, the fanbase was mostly preteen and teen girls, but they wanted it to be 9 y/0 boys)

But also I don't really care about the fanbase for any show, tbh. I lived on Tumblr for 10 years and I left for a reason. But Perversion always happens, tbh the SU fandom isn't half as bad to be in as say the BNHA fandom.

But honestly?? Fan behavior is not controlled by the producing company, let alone the creator. The Ben 10 fandom was very dangerous to be in, lots of inc*st and actual p*dophilia art showed up untagged in the general ben 10 tags. Its about the only good thing about the Tumblr NSFW ban.

Think about parent companies like gods -- they don't really care what the mortals are doing, why should they? Mortals are nothing to them, but they do give the gods more power. So let them be and reap the rewards.



Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 01:04:51 )
@godsandpunks: That was Dark Ages Cartoon Network that did that, after Time Warner Cable did a lot of damages done when they took over CN and made a domino effect of bad decisions over there.
1 Domino effect's understating, try several, main gist applies though.

Truth be told, most fan-branches of S.U detest the Tumblr branch anyways, sounds like you've had bad branch experiences with a My Hero Academia fan-branch. (my condolences on that, too.)

Was noting on it in indirect fashions, but geez the P*do$hit is WTH territory going on.
And yeah, if we gotta get started on how underage mayhem was a thing in a lot of madoka magica art on tumblr, there'd be folks decreeing foul all over how unchecked it got, and next to the S.U Tumblr branch getting purged, is one of the only good things about the ban that happened when that stuff got removed.

Some Gods value results more than they'd value Power, yet that too can lead them to different kinds of troubles just as much as it can get them out of it, but that's another story.
What's rather clear is: Between AT&T and Disney, whichever one ends up taking full control of Time Warner Cable and ends up eating whatever's left, are gonna realize why results for long-term survival should've come before Money and Power the hard way.

It's mainly 2 things, a matter of WHEN that goes down, and IF we can live to see that happen when the time comes.
'For whom the bell tolls' as they say.

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 03:46:23 )


@LupaPrinceRomulus: tbh Tumblr is the worst of all humanity, and i'm basically only keeping my account because there are some useful posts there.

But also theres a low chance, right now, that Disney will take Time Warner, because its parent is owned by Universal (which is part of Sony but I do not know the relationship), and Universal is about the only direct competition that Disney has in its particular genre of services and properties.



Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 04:33:16 )
@godsandpunks: Same kind of reason why some of us unlucky to join the site would do this, some pics of our OCs/PCs are still over there, we can't ignore it.

So it's leaning more to AT&T at the rate things are going in this War of the Gods between it and Disney, should Universal be fully committed to Disney's downfall.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 04:42:38 )
If we want to rid this Crap, then here's my suggestion:
1.remove the 1990 CTA act and replace with new rules and regulations
2.introduce action and entertainment to the family hour (NO MORE PRIME DRAMA!!)
3. introduce children's hour from 5am to 10pm to 4am to 7pm
4.remove sexual content in cartoons that under the age 13.
5. introduce Relivable action/entertainment to kids at the age of 6.
6.introduce the good parenting act for beginners..(for babysitters and new parents) (babysitters at the age of 15)
7.introduce anti-terrorism act for our children of all ages.
8. all babysitters have to be at the 15 to babysit the children.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 04:48:17 )
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Oh BTW, I was doing based on this:
My Store

there's a Hunter who killed the queen of all gaia...whoever you are you will be known as "Killer of ALL gaia" and Have no respect. I know who you are! everyone will know that you killed my 17-year old account. what next? go after my friends? It's over, Killer Queen of All gaia...

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 04:52:48 )


@LupaPrinceRomulus: I sure hope not, I like Disney a lot - not just as a fangirl of the content. Disney, at least theme parks, innovates technology, sets standards, and supports communities across the world. I plan to one day work with their Imagineering department.

@Micki Chiba: Think some states are close to that. Used to be that like you could only get your Red Cross babysitting license/certificate at 14


Nagisa | 25+ | INFJ
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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 04:57:24 )
What feels clear, situations-wise is that whichever one survives from this proverbial God War between Disney and AT&T that's going on (cold war or hot.), it's gonna be a mess regardless.
That's a good point though.

Can you name which States have gone started on doing what Chiba noted?
Sounds like pretty good starts are going on, to me but further steps being taken to stop bad histories from repeating's not a bad idea.

@micki chiba:

Figures, called it like I see it.

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