What languages do you;
Speak/read/want to learn/ recognize parts of?
(fictional ones count too!)
So, i have this weird thing that whenever i hear or see some language i feel the need to study them
(i mean i tend to give up just as quick cause i get distracted easily at times oops)
Anyway they're really interesting interesting to me so, please tell me about your experiences with languages!

(feel free to share sources for studying them as well, admittedly i just mess around with Duolingo, oops)
Personally: i speak Dutch (and one of it's dialects) and English
I can understand a little bit of German, reading it being easier than trying to understand people speaking german
But that's mostly cause it looks/sounds a lot like Dutch.
However i can not, for the life of me, speak it :'D
Currently: Lowkey trying to learn spanish [note to self to not give up on it just yet]
That and i have a tendency to recognize/decipher random sentences in languages i don't really know lol
Or at least parts of it/ some of the context i suppose. Not 100% accurate though
Would love to learn: Spanish, Russian and idk probably Japanese or something
Used to really want to study Latin as well, maybe some day :')
Was quite hyper writing this so let's just hope what i just wrote is somewhat coherent . (: