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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 16:12:35 )
@Hachi: Oh can imagine it would feel awkward then haha. :')
My sister already freaks out when i jokingly speak in dialect towards her lmao.
Ohh sounds like it's a good way to keep up with canto (:

Ah interesting o:
So it would seem like simplified is used more then right?

Yes, haha english got some funky stuff going on sometimes but also * cries in dutch * r i p

Ah so would you say trying to get into reading/writing characters as soon as possible when getting into mandarin would be the best way to go?

Germany is i think, half an hour away maybe? 45 minutes?
and belgium like 5-10 minutes away

When out an about i'd say german is more common than hearing french though
Belgians speaking dutch though (idk if i can call it flemish or if that's more of a specific dialect) , those are everywhere lol.
cause the part of belgium we live close to speaks dutch mostly
Although im willing to bet a lot of them know french pretty well since it's an official language in belgium as well.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 16:19:28 )
Oh i had no idea that is really cool, thank you for sharing that! ;o;

Like i would've guessed ASL was pretty common but had no idea about FSL and lots of SL being based off that o:
Also 'england being england' lmao

So from what i gathered a big difference between ASL/FSL and BSL would be that BSL uses mostly 2 hands?
(aside from what i guess would be completely different signs in general)

Now it just makes me wonder what we use around here/ what ours is based on
probably FSL then but i''ll have to look it up.


@Priestess of Pie:
Sounds interesting, Always thought latin was a cool language
might check Esperanto out some time even if it's just to see what it looks/sounds like o:

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 16:40:04 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Siron: yeah, I can see them being considered a dialect

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 17:43:08 )

@Siron: For what it's worth, it Esperanto did seem like an easier language to learn. It has much fewer exceptions than a lot of languages. Maybe someday I'll try again. XD

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 22:37:00 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@Siron: Mmhmm. *nods* Some people can roll the R word while others can't, so it's understandable. But that doesn't matter as long as everyone can understand each other regardless of whatever language :o

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 09:07:39 )

@Siron: I think so, if only bc mainland china is so big.

what kind of weird exceptions does dutch have? I don't think I know anything about the language or what it sounds like

haha yeah I think so. learning to write characters is hard and takes a lot of time... and remembering requires a lot of upkeep ADLKFJ I have fam members who are gradually forgetting how to write bc they've spent too long in america

ahh europe is so much smaller, I forget sometimes ADLKFJ
do different parts of belgium speak different languages? or does everyone learn all the official languages and use them all? I've always wondered if a country has multiple official languages, is it more like one main language and the other one is kind of on the side? bc how do they handle communication across different regions ALDKFJ


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 20:50:07 )

    @Siron: late replyyyy

    apparently quebec french is more uh... unrefined sounding compared to european french. that's what i heard anyway HAH

    yeah the dialects in chinese are craaaazy like almost not mutually intelligible
    i don't really have anyone to practise with wrt my dialect except listening to my grandma speak, it's kinda sad that i can't speak it tbh

    wrt jp, i'm just slowly absorbing new vocab as i read more game content, i should be writing them down to remember for later...

    i should read other things too but i'm too hobbyist


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 01:07:53 )
Rip late reply guys


i'm from the Netherlands (: How about you?
Looked it up and while it's is own it seems to be based on french from what i found
but at first when i looked up dutch SL it just showed a bunch of memes about it :')

But it's really interesting that some made up their own, it's amazing how these things come to be


Well it has a lot of irregular forms and exceptions to it

The word order can get very funky

And in a sentence if someone is doing stuff depending on who does it the word can end on t,d or dt (a lot of people tend to get this wrong, unsure why it's even a thing in the first place)

And when it comes to spoken dutch, it might not always be pronounced the way it's written, we tend to add lots of unnecessary words into our sentences when speaking plus ''swallow'' some of the letters making the spoken language probably even harder to understand :')
(like not necessarily silent letters like french we just, idk go fast haha)

When it comes to the word ''the'' we got both ''de'' and ''het'' idk if there are even any rules for it?

also when making words ''smaller'' (unsure how to explain this one haha)
like for example the word dog= hond if we're talking about a small dog it becomes hondje we just add those two letters
but for some words the letters that get added are -etje -kje all depending on the word :')

So imo dutch is not one of the easiest languages to learn
but to be fair i see native speakers struggling with some stuff from time to time
and occasionally hear ''how do i spell this?'' from them as well haha.

I feel like the language is kinda lawless at times, some things are just the way they are just?? just because really :')

And the characters do seem more complicated than the latin alphabet, would you say it's difficult for native speakers/writers as well?

And belgium is dutch(flemish?)/french for as far as i know, i know one part speaks french mostly, probably the part closest to france haha.
But i think french might be a mandatory class over there?
Not entirely sure.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 01:16:10 )
Hmm if i remember i should look it up some time, there's probably vids out there comparing it o:
So would you basically say french with a more British/american- ish accent? (i really have no idea haha)

You might still be able to get better with it as time passes. (:
but i feel dialects being so different from each other
I kinda joke about having a different dialect over here every 10 minutes if you were to drive through NL
But to be fair it wouldnt be too far from the truth lol.
(some might be similar while others might be harder to follow, speaking at least one of them really does help though)

And reading/watching stuff seems like a nice way of picking up new vocab, especially if it's about things you find interesting!
Same for playing games with the language settings set to the one you wanted to learn.
Used to have an english teacher and at the start over every year she would ask who played games cause she noticed them usually being more familiar with the english language, so figured it might work with other languages as well.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 12:16:04 )
Hmm no idea where one would be able to find that info
Also i just read NGT or Dutch sign language isn't even officially recognized apparently o:
Read that they tried to push a bill in 2019 for official recognition of NGT
But im guessing it didn't get through yet, hmm.

Did see that there's around 15k native speakers, or well that was the number in '19

Oh which state? if you dont mind me asking c:

And it's called cute dress! ;v;
I'm assuming you meant the lower part but if not, the upper part is the Seifuku long sleeved top

Voltie — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 14:05:02 )
right now, i’m mainly learning Spanish for school. i am hoping to try and have Spanish “stick” afterwards and try and learn as much as I can, since i do wanna try and visit places like Spain and Argentina eventually.

as for a language i want to learn, I want to try and eventually learn either Norwegian, Russian, or Portuguese, though I am a bit worried I may end up losing some of my Spanish if I do.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/26 18:56:54 )

    @Siron: honestly i have no idea @ the french 'cause my exposure to both types is extremely limited |D

    i've see advice about working on languages via songs and tbh... it kinda works haha
    i'm always gonna have a mando accent to my speaking that dialect though tbh

    oh yesss extremely useful and effective !
    only downside rn is that i have no conversational partners to work on speaking ~_~


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 20:00:21 )
@Totalanimefan: Before i forget to reply because of the event i totally agree, i should be an official language.
I don't know how other deaf people here think about it cause i don't think i know any o:
Should definitely try and ask them that if i ever come across anyone that speaks NGT.

Also lots of luck with moving! c:
I'm not too familiar with the geography over there but i feel like (otherwise blame hollywood/mainstream media) both cali and florida are in the warmer parts right? o:
Do they still experience all seasons there, as in have snow and such or nah?

@Cattafang: Ah, spanish, nice!
Especially since you want to visit spanish speaking countries, i hope learning it will go well for you (:
Scandinavian sounds interesting, love the sound of russian, also isn't portuguese a lot like spanish? o:


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 20:05:57 )
@pachi: Oh is french not as common or just not in your region? o:

Ah through songs? That's an interesting one
Sounds like a fun way too, even if it's just to check how much of the language you understand.
Nothing wrong with accents, i like how they're unique to the person plus it shows people are trying to learn a language not native to them which i personally think is awesome (:

Ah yeah actually speaking it helps a ton
I'm not sure if you're into gaming a lot but if you're open to it you could try finding natives online and practice with them? (:
Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


Donator — xe/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/29 10:46:12 )
Fluent in: norwegian (my first language), english (i speak it everyday since i live in the uk with my gf),
also sort of swedish and danish because it's similar to norwegian

Know somet: Korean (Had classes for this for a few years but haven't practiced in a while so it's quite rusty)

Know a little bit: Chinese (mandarin), Japanese (had classes in japanese and chinese for a year, but haven't practiced lately), Icelandic

Want to learn:
Thai, French, BSL, Vietnamese

ps; this is a cool thread about such an interesting topic (i love languages), so i just had to add mine, heheh
please ping me, i am ditzy!


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