- (Made an attempt at forum design, lets hope this turns out well haha)
@xvz: I appreciate the head's up haha! And yes, that's kind'a my hope! Right now we are in this weird place with human-machine interfaces (like Aelxa) where we have to couch our words to the commands that machines can interpret, and this strangeness is kind of reinforced by the fact that we are talking to a black cylinder, or an amorphus grey disk, or even our televisions! I want to use animatronics to make the machine recognizable as "something sentient" the same way we can accept like animal characters in a children's cartoon as "people"! And same, I grew up watching the Muppets Show and Sesame Street, and I love the puppets and how they "come to life". Jim Henson pioneered a lot of how puppets and later animatronics are used in cinema and television, as well as how to design characters to seem intelligent instead of just a pile of felt! Also I agree! I've never been part of an "avatar site" before, but I have to admit that the shopping aspect is pretty addicting <3
@LupaPrinceRomulus: There are actually 3ft owls! I can't remember what they are called, but they look like a costume xD Mine ended up tall because that's what it took to have a proportionally large enough head to make the articulations I needed! I still have it, but apparently no pictures of when it was in one piece ^^; I took it apart to change its design, but haven't finished that process yet, so it's a bit horrific to look at! (Also to your first post: yes, I've had such a nice reception! I wanted to make an introduction and see if I could make some more friends here ^^)
@Xanthan: Thank you so much!! It sounds like your working towards some really important stuff! It really is important to put out as many good vibes as possible, even if its just little things or just to a few people. It sounds like you're really going for what you believe in, and I have mad respect for that. Also I'm so glad you enjoyed my art! I'm really grateful for the kind compliments! I want to publish my own comics, so I've been working hard on trying to get better!
@Totalanimefan: @LilMissKushy: @pachi: @Alexis: Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! I'm really glad I joined, honestly. I've spent a lot of time in, shall we say, "unhealthy" communities on the internet, so I'm excited to find a place that is kind and gentle.
@0v7: That's really incredible!! I've made one or two, but I haven't settled on a method yet ^^; How do you make yours, if you don't mind me asking? I like how portable and versatile sigils are, so i definitely want to get better at making them! Also, yessssssss!!! Q.Q <3 I want to just look inside them for an hour to figure out how they work!! There are some good television specials I've seen over the years about the older ones like on the Carousel of Progress and Hall of Presidents, but I also wanna learn more about the newer ones. They have one that is DEFINITELY going to be Spiderman, which is being produced by Disney Research LA. These are the guys I wanna work with!