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Forums Hangouts Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 09:02:17 )
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈

Hello hello hello and welcome to Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu

Pull up a chair, a bean bag, or have a seat at the red couch and let's chat.

Don't be a stranger! Let's talk.....the Prince of Tides was neither about prince's nor tides......discuss!

But no really have a comfy seat, order a beverage, and gab with your groupies :) we are all friends here!

I will do my best to post random quotes, thought provoking interest pieces, and maybe the occasional tabloid talk!

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 12:38:36 )
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈

"By talking about your fears, thoughts and concerns together, and finding moments to laugh about the tough turn life has taken, you’ll strengthen your friendship while reminding each other that you’re in this together."

I do a lot of research and learning on the power of vulnerability. When we open up to one another, we are exposing ourselves but we are also showing and sharing our humanity. When we do this with our friends or even our partners, we are actually strengthening those bonds of friendship and love. We are allowing our friends or partner to be part of our life. They are entering into our inner circle and then have the opportunity to listen, validate, and understand you (their friend or partner) on a deeper more meaningful level. So what have you done to let your walls down and open up so that your relationships can grow deeper and more meaningful?

Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 16:44:59 )
"You've had too much of the digital love..."

Communication is very important in relationships - all of them! Platonic, romantic, professional, etc.

Also, I hope your morning's been good!!

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 19:04:32 )


I love this so much! Also loving your new look!

I guess to answer your question the most recent thing is something that I didn't consider much of a risk at the time? My best friend irl and I are building a tabletop system, partly because we needed it to run tabletop stories we couldn't find a good system for, but also because the act of making it is keeping us sane during quarantine. But we're getting to the point where we need outside opinions to make sure everything works, since we're pretty like minded.

We put together a little document of the pieces we needed opinions on and we posted it. We hadn't really told anyone that we were working on it, or that we'd be asking for help if people were interested, and tbh we'd been riding the high of being excited and proud of our work. But when it came to posting it, it was really like,, anxiety causing. We put it in a discord where most of our tabletop friends gather, and that community is like 98% people I trust to be at least friendly. The first comment was from that 2%, though, and that super bugged me. I called that person out, but I wasn't doing it for my own benefit, it was more to make sure my best friend wasn't discouraged. Of course either that or the late hour killed the channel, but it picked up again the next morning and I was relieved. I was afraid by actually asserting myself I'd turn everyone off of actually looking at the thing we made. Later in that thread, when that 2% kept being rude, my best friend also put his foot down, and honestly I'm glad. He has a really high tolerance for mistreatment (and I have developed a very low one), but I was more relieved that he also felt empowered to stand up for himself.

The funny part was that I didn't really realize the "risk" until my dad - also mad at 2% for being a butt - brought it up that we'd shared a little secret part of ourselves to the greater group. And, barring that one guy, all of our friends were really supportive. They even took the time to give us some really depthful feedback that's seriously helped us out. It's been really nice to find out who we can rely on, ya know? Because like also a couple other people helped kinda redirect that rude guy, and it was nice to not have to hold the fort alone.

Anyway, I'm not super sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for Xanthan, but i found the exchange interesting and reassuring.



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 21:26:05 )
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈

@0v7: my morning has been superb thank you. and thank you for popping in and sharing. I received your email, i just haven't had time to reply just yet.

@GodsandPunks: That sounds like fun. I am curious to know more about this table top game. Where are yall at with it? And as for opening up to a larger group for feedback. There is hella vulnerability there. You are sharing your creative work, hard work, and part of your soul if you will and the truth is, you knew you wouldn't end up pleasing 100% of the people. I can only imagine the anxiety of having a whole game and characters etc be put out there and scrutinized. I quake at times when I post my poetry. I am so glad you stopped by and said hey. I would love to chat about a comic or web based childrens series. Maybe tackling some sort of important social concept?

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 22:51:51 )


@Xanthan: Haha thanks so much for your words of validation I'm just glad it was so well received by the ones who did like it. If youd be comfortable with it, I'd love to check out your poetry sometime! Its such a subjective thing, and such a personal view into what someone values and how someone sees the world, I can absolutely understand anxiety when posting it!

We are actually really close to being done. We looked over the list last night haha, and its actually only a few items! Although some of them are kinda big items. But we went from 0 to this far in about 4 months! It's a system meant to be vaguely anime themed, but that is incredibly flexible and easily customizable. Ideally anything should be able to be made with it, but playtesting will tell us how much we've thought that through! He and I both have come against the problem that its hard to find systems that suit our worlds and stories, so we kind's just said screw it we'll make our own! x'D



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 02:24:23 )
❄🌈 ❄ Underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves! ❄ 🌈

@0v7: I replied to the email. Thank you so very much for explaining what you did for the most part. I do believe that with some time I can copy and paste my way to new creativity lol If i have any questions however, I will definitely be messaging you again. :)

@GodsandPunks: I think that is just truly badass. I love to see creativity in the works. To watch people, the innovators, the operators, the designers, and just soak in their process. The truth is, right now I am in no position to begin any art classes. So I stick to my written words, and admire the visual and auditory artists. I guess that would be musicians. hahaha and look at my words failing me.

I am so very excited for you and your game system. The fact that you also like anime.......I mean how do you feel about love at first post? jk. My special friend would definitely have a lot to say about that ijs :p when can I catch a sneak peak of this game? do you have like a top idk 3, 5, or 10 anime? I generally tell people I haven't watched much anime, but then I begin to rattle titles off and I shock myself by what all I have seen.

I sent you a friend request on discord. and I will like you to my poem posts on here. I have only put out a couple. but as an artist, I can be sensitive about my stuff.

Poetry Piece One
Poetry Piece Two

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 03:36:39 )


@Xanthan: Aww dude that's really flattering! Also im a little dense, what is "ijs"??

Honestly if you felt like self-study I can point you to some videos that have been useful to me. I've only taken a couple real art classes a while ago, the rest has been trial and error and practice x')

Honestly I'm not sure how we're gonna go about distributing it, so it might be just a bit longer haha. I'll keep you updated on the status, though?

Top 5 Anime in no particular order are "Eureka 7" "Code Geass" "No Game No Life" "Assassination Classroom" and "The Seven Deadly Sins". (Also yeah honestly, I made the mistake of listing everything I'd ever seen and it was absurd.) I'm never like "up to date" on anime. I'm really picky about what I spend my time on since i have wayyyy too many projects going on lol, so like i watch things sometimes years after they come out haha.

Thank you so much for sharing these with me! The imagery paints the scene really clearly, and the emotions clearly are really deep and powerful!



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 03:47:27 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@GodsandPunks: ijs is i'm just saying :) no worries. i got you. i would love some videos or any type of instruction. my ex did pixel art and i have considered that. my current special friend is a visual artist as well. they do a lot of really beautiful renderings.

I look forward to the updates and distribution. I may actually know someone who could help. I can reach out when it gets to that point if you like.

OK so on the anime. I love 7 deadly. I want to watch assassination classroom. is it really that good? the other anime i have not seen at all. i , too, am way out of date when it comes to my television and anime habits. but i enjoyed full metal alchemist, inuyasha, orange, bleach, juuni taisen, blue exorcist (which i got my son to watch as well), black butler, akame ga kill. those are just to name a few lol

I am glad you enjoyed the writings. They are literally a piece of me. When i cannot find the words, I can write the words, or they can be found in a song I know. I feel like I can't tell you so many people's names or how I know them or birthdays etc. but i can quote some lyrics like my life depended on it.


Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 15:33:14 )
"You've had too much of the digital love..."

@Xanthan: I'm sorry for the late response!! I was busy with IRL stuff ;v;
I hope what I sent you about 5? minutes ago is helpful!!

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/17 15:37:50 )


Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/18 02:57:40 )


@Xanthan: Thanks for explaining! Pixel art is something that I am not skilled at see art credit in signature, my skills are more driven towards manga art, but I'll tag you with some videos I used to learn from. But my experience with art is that I had to learn how to think about both art and physical objects/3d objects before I could actually get good.

Assassination Classroom is definitely top tier tbh, like to the point that I go around with the main character as my icon/name on pretty much every social media. That and I identify with the character a lot. I haven't seen Black Butler, Orange, or Juuni Taisen, but the others you mentioned were pretty good!



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/18 07:44:01 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@0v7: thank you so much. I will go check. I do appreciate it.

@DevilkinBoi: and a specially made coffee for the Lord

@GodsandPunks: i shall start assassination classroom based on your recommendation. Orange was so pivotal for me. Very well written. Juuni taisen....omg just amazing.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/18 13:53:46 )

@Xanthan: Whoo!

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/18 18:56:50 )


@Xanthan: Excellent! And I'll have to go find those two ^^


Nagisa | 25+ | INFJ
xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx

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💀 💀

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 02:05:45 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: did ya like that ?? ;)

@GodsandPunks: let me know what you think about em. They are amazing imo.

Today's topic is simply: What have you done today to make you feel proud? What have you questioned or what answers have you sought out to help yourself grow and become more and better?

We all get told that pride gets in our way. Not to be too prideful. It is a deadly sin. But I feel that we all need to take a little pride in ourselves. Take pride in our appearance. Take pride in our accomplishments. Take pride in our journey in life. We shouldn't let it become all consuming and all important, but like many other things, a little bit goes a long way. So again, what have you done today to make you feel proud? Discuss!!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 02:18:22 )

@Xanthan: Well, it's coffee made especially for me. Who wouldn't like that?

Uh... I don't know. I drew something without hurting my hand too much?

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 02:46:11 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: That is awesome. And yes it is special coffee for my special friend :) Today I actually reached out to some people I hadn't spoken with in some time. I let my son go stay with my family, which always makes me a bit weary. But most of all, I was able to say no without feeling bad. Too often we say yes when we don't want to. But I am learning to say "no" to people, and things, and whatnot without feeling bad about it. That is my proud moment for the day. Seizing back control of my time.

A Wonderful Article on SelfCare and Sleep During Covid

Just wanted to share that for anyone who wants a quick read on why sleep is as important as ever before if not more so during these times!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 02:59:52 )

@Xanthan: Just coloring left and it'll be done. Don't know if I'll resume working on it tonight or leave it for tomorrow.
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/19 03:27:44 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: OOOH do I get to see a preview?
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

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