Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/24 20:30:00 )
Pachi: MAYBE. I mean, I have like two weeks left before going back to work + school. Might as well do it while I can. Heheuhee. Once the event is running (and I’m not on my tablet) then I’ll set things up I guess.
Yeahhh. I didn’t have to take it, but $20 and it looks good with my boss. LMAO.
It was only 3 weeks for like an hour a day and 4 test things and a final writing piece? It’s not TOO bad.
I’m so heccin’ hungry. We’re supposed to be leaving for a birthday party thing, and here I am sitting here. I cry.
Donator — SIR
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/24 21:09:04 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈
@pachi: hey hey hey....i wanna know more about that game you were spesking of. I do love some disney and your fan art was really well done. I am not a visual artist but am completely amazed at the talent on here.