The nurse's cabin was quiet and uneventful. A couple of small injuries here and there littered throughout the day, but nothing major. Vivienne decided to take a quick break and stretch her legs. She needed some fresh air and something to wake her mind up a bit.
As Vivi strolled through the forest, she heard an odd sound. She stopped to listen better and perhaps find where the noise was coming from. The sound happened again and Vivi noticed it was to her left, off the path. She felt a little nervous going off the path, but something was telling her to go check it out.
The noise grew in volume as she got closer and she realized it was a kitten. But it sounded really strange, not how any of the kittens she'd been around sounded. This worried her so she moved faster to find the injured kitten and finally saw it clutching a branch for dear life.
The kitten spotted Vivi and started crying even louder, begging for help. Vivi could see that the kitten's back paw was bent at an odd angle, so it must have either been broken or sprained. She started talking slowly and sweetly to the kitten, letting it know she was there to help. Thankfully, Vivi had an apron on that she could wrap the kitten in to transport back to the cabin.
"Come on little one, let's get you fixed up." She reached towards the kitten, petting it gently with her apron at first to see if it would attack. It seemed to understand that Vivi was just there to help and didn't want to hurt it, so it stayed still while Vivi picked it off the branch and wrapped it in her apron. "There we go! I bet that was scary, little one, but you're safe now!" Vivi wondered how it hurt its leg, and if climbing the tree did it or if it climbed the tree to escape whatever had harmed it. She decided to rush back to the cabin in case whatever hurt the kitten came back to find it.
Once they arrived safely at the cabin, Vivi got to work examining her cute little patient. The leg didn't seem to be broken, just sprained severely. It would take weeks, if not months, to heal. However, Vivi wondered if some magic would help it heal faster. Maybe she could convince the Volties at the camp to help heal her new little friend!

art by Mica