Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 03:00:00 )
With a smile on his face and his capybara companion by his side, Vontell nods to the crowd before him, "Greetings, my friends. As always, I thought it would be a wonderful time to celebrate our togetherness and show our affection for one another."
He gestures to the message board beside him, "If you'd like to share some love but are too shy to do it in person, or you would like to brighten a fellow camper's day, I have the perfect solution for you."
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 03:00:00 )
The Rules
• Each user can send a DM to Vontell containing a nice message you'd like to relay to another Voltie.
• You can send messages to as many Volties as you wish.
• Please keep these messages heartfelt and positive. Negativity will not be allowed.
• Vontell will post your messages on this thread, anonymously. This will be updated daily.
• Everyone who participates will have their name entered into the raffle, which will end on August 9th at 11:59 PM.
• For the above reason, please refrain from using mules/multiple accounts. They will not be entered. • Winners of the raffle will be announced August 10th. The Raffle
• Winners of this raffle will be awarded a Breaker Beach '20 Bundle!
• Three winners will be drawn.
*Note: Mules do not qualify as participants. Use one account only, we will be checking IPs at the end, if you used more than one account to submit entries, you will be disqualified.*
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 03:00:00 )
Message Board
“You've grown so much as an artist and I'm very impressed by your work. Your pixeling work on items has improved so much and you come up with really creative ideas.”
“It's obvious you have such a passion for art and for your characters and it always shows. I admire your drive and energy.”
“You seem like a really cool person and I've always found you a little intimidating. Your items will always remain to be some of the best on the site, and your art is incredible.”
“D Thanks for checkin up on me every now and again, for being such a strong individual, caring and loving, still able to find joy and the ability to share it. Thank you.”
“I always look forward to what avatar you're going to make next, love them all <3”
”bonnie your avatars are always great! it’s always lovely to see you around and you make me happy about vegetables :-)”
”You are such a sweet person and I am so glad we became friends. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.”
”thank you for chatting with me this year! i know it’s not always easy to join a conversation, i appreciate your company! i enjoy seeing you making art and writing, i hope you get to make more this year!”
”Thanks for putting together a cute little awesome game! I loved seeing Vreg as a main character and Eugene was so cute with all the squeaking. XD The fishing game was challenging and fun. And I’ve always loved slide puzzles. I know it wasn’t just you, so please thank the other staff who worked on it too~”
“wookie I'm glad you back, the laughs were quiet without our resident clown, the town fool, the number one noodlehead...
I'm going to say this to you every single time so you NEVER forget but I'm really really glad that we met and instantly clicked the way we did. and I'm glad we still find the SAME stupid stuff funny and can bond over the weird things we find online.
once you have the time we're all going to watch SO MANY musicals together, we won't even know what to DO with ourselves. Cats will still be number one tho, can't wait until we meet and get to wear our new hats together and look like the absolute morons we are (and then fist fight in them, obvs)
okay but I gotta give you love now. you're way more smart and talented than you give yourself credit for. like you made a WHOLE game for this event and it's super impressive and you did a GREAT job. and you get better with every game you make and you're going to blow us out of the water with whatever you come up with next. AND I DEMAND TO SEE MORE OF YOUR ART, I genuinely love it and it makes me happy to see you draw dude. and share more of your writing, stingy
okay I need to close our this ramble. just remember that I love you and that these loving hands will destroy you one day.”
"You are the very model of perseverance. You've overcome many hardships and pushed forward toward a future you want and I admire that a lot. You're also really talented and funny and I really cherish our friendship. I'm really excited to see the things you create in the future because they're gonna be GREAT."
“I played the vreg game too many times bc its so good. you worked really hard on it and it shows. I'm super impressed by the interactive element you're bringing to voltra's events - it makes this site unique, it makes the events that much more polished. I can't wait to see what else you'll do!
you are genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever met, the speed at which you crack jokes is like
how does cookie come up with literally the best funniest response in the span of 0.2 seconds
it just seems NATURAL and it makes you incredibly fun to be around.
and your ART is just as cool and expressive as you are pls share more with us although I feel blessed every time even if it's a meme (esp if it's a meme)”
"You were one of the first friends I made on here, and I have enjoyed every moment of our friendship. Chatting with you is what gets me through the day at times. You are such a beautiful soul. :)”
“sweet baby dip... doesn't matter how old you get, I will never stop calling you that so you better get used to it. LEGIT THO I hope this isn't weird, but you've seriously grown so much since we met and I want you to know I'm very proud of you and all you have accomplished so far. I know it's not been easy but I believe in you, no matter what you do.
I want you to have a lil more faith in yourself too, because you have a lot to be proud of, you hear me? it makes me very happy when you share your art with us, you improve every time you post something, honestly. and your writing is good OKAY? that's why you're on this team, don't worry! it's very obvious you put your whole heart into everything you do which is a trait I really admire.
hold your head high, it's okay to make suggestions, ask questions, or make statements with confidence okay? your feelings and thoughts matter, never forget that okay? and I always love to hear your insight or what you have to say about things, so don't hold back!
you're a very smart guy too, and it's clear you're very passionate about your interests. go off about them more, it's fun hearing your knowledge on them!
okay anyway I'm starting to sound like a proud dad so I'll just end by saying you're doing good, champ. and I'll scar you with Cats tomorrow.”
"Baby Dipdip, you are so great. Always ready to help however you can. Your hard work is truly appreciated. I know life lately has been weird and stressful, but I hope things improve for you soon. You are talented and I know you can go far, if you just believe in yourself."
“dipdip I hope you've been getting good rest lately, thank you for all the IT work you do to keep voltra on its feet.
thanks for rounding out the weebiness in this cursed squad, it's always fun to talk to you about anime and things.
it's fun when you talk a lot about things you really enjoy, like clocks and love live
AND I LOVE YOUR ART so please continue sharing it with us. it's super cute and your style is so unique. the writing you've done for voltra is also VERY GOOD and I wanna read more. someday you'll tell us about your OCs, right? RIGHT??
sweet innocent dip... this group has ruined you but maybe that's ok. I feel like you've grown a lot since I first met you so I guess you might not be little dipper anymore but now you're big dipper ”
“I appreciate your friendship through all those years and I hope you're happy every day”
“thank you for being a great friend and always there to chat, cuddle your cats lots for me ”
”I appreciate you and the friendship we have been able to kindle in such a short period of time~ You make me feel happy and comfortable in the forums. Keeps me coming back.”
“thanks for kicking it in team electric cabin ;3c you guys were really fun to talk to this past week during the event. I don't usually post very much but the conversations we had were interesting and entertaining so I ended up posting a lot??? thanks for a good time.”
“You're always so funny and considerate, you're a very positive person to be around! I love seeing what you come up with for items.”
”You really do need to take a break. You put so much into this site.... do you take time for yourself? I hope so.
Thanks for putting all the effort in, the events are awesome. (Yes, I know you're not the only one, but I know you play a big part.)”
"Ghost is best boy. You work so hard and hold yourself to a high standard. I honestly don't know how you do all the things you do. I'm always in awe at the things you make and I feel blessed that you share them with us. Don't forget to take care of yourself. You're always pushing yourself too far. Lean on your friends when things get hard ok?"
“YOU WORKED SO HARD ON THIS EVENT AND ITS AMAZING?? the graphics are gorgeous and this event is so well put-together thematically. please take a good long break soon or else I'll come up there and knock you out myself. ;3c
I'll say this always but
everything you do is top-tier, super professional, and always has a lot of heart. your illustrations, pixels, graphics, writing, and designs, on-voltra and off-voltra, always impress me. I swear every time I see something new you've finished, im like that heart attack meme and I go "hnnNNNN GHOOOOOOOOOST"
you hold yourself to a high standard, which is partly why your work is amazing, but also be nicer to yOURSELF YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB”
“I hope everything's been going well with your baby! You have such a unique personality and style, and the items you make are really cool!”
"I am so grateful you found Voltra. You are a real gem and I am better just for knowing you. :)”
“HACHI MACHI... how dare you have a real life, need to see you around more tch... I kid obvs I hope things are going well for you. I know art fight's been kicking all our asses lately tho... SPEAKING OF LET'S GO OFF ABOUT YOUR ART NOW. how do you keep getting better?? you keep blowing me away more and more every time and I don't understand how you're SO GOOD? TCH? like amazing style and skill aside, your arrangements and poses, everything? it makes every piece so unique and full of life and energy and it's like, incredible dude?? I'm always so impressed by you
I don't know anyone with a cooler sense of aesthetic than you do, like big eyes at it I always think your designs are SO COOL and you come up with some creative outfits for your characters?? and it reflects on your avatars too you always come up with such COOL looks. like everything you do is so well balanced and stylized and like, BOLD? it's hard to explain but it's like, so chic
Im gunna keep saying cool in this but thats legit how I see you, def the coolest rat in the squad. also way too smart to be hanging around our dumb asses, BUT IM GLAD YOU DO and it always makes me happy when you pop in to chat, it's always an event
ALSO BEFORE I STOP RAMBLING, the badge thread is super cute and it’s obvious everyone’s loving it, great idea! you’re also so good to this community.”
"You are so rad. Like genuinely cool. Even though you're a weeb (which I also appreciate). You're so talented and smart. I always love seeing your artwork. It's so pro. I also love hearing your insight on things. You're very level headed. Thank you for blessing us with your presence."
“You have some fun ocs! And you always seem to work so hard as an item tech, it shows!”
“it's nice seeing you being more active on the forums and having fun, keep it up ”
“You have a very cute art style.”
”You're here in my heart and can always run to me. I will always cherish our friendship and all the wonderful moments we created.”
”//showers in hearts
I'm so happy you joined the site!”
“love chatting with you about art! it inspired me to see you making lots of art this year and it’s been encouraging me to do more too! thanks for introducing me to airfight this year too :-)”
"You're so helpful! Thank you for everything.”
"]”The world needs more of your art.
Also, I'm stealing Korryx. kthxbye”
it'll never stop blowing my mind how afraid of each other we were at first?? because I legit feel like we've been friends forever at this point. I seriously feel super blessed to have met you and to be able to goof off with you every day.
I want you to know right off the bat, you deserve better things in life and I GUARANTEE they're just over the horizon, honestly. and stop underselling yourself and your talents and skills, I swear you're like an AMAZING artist that I'm in awe over every day? you're going to do great things and be a success and everyones going to love what you put out there >;c because I know I do, and that's not just bias. even before we were friends I was always like "how the hell is she slumming it here?? she's GOTTA be a popular artist right???"
that aside you're like, one of the funniest people I know and I love memeing with you and redrawing screenshots and goofing on our ocs, legit highlights of my day when we do it. everything you come up with always has me in tears. WHY IM ALWAYS LIKE 'TCH' when you doubt your creativity, doofus. you're very creative, not even just with the goofs either. Im so ready for your comic, all your ideas for it and all you've told me has me big EYES over it man. better deliver soon, give us the gorls
can't wait for the day that we meet up so that I can dunk you in the trash, love you <3”
"You are so great and you don't even know it. You're talented and funny and humble and you care about people. Don't ever listen to that voice in your head that tells you you're bad, because you're amazing and you bring joy into many people's lives. Don't forget to be nice to yourself because if you treat my friend badly I'm gonna beat you up."
“BLESS thank you for working on this event! your chibis so cute...
every time I see your art, the aesthetic is so strong that I always wonder, "what's it like in kiwi's brain?"
I imagine that half of it is like this super cool fantastical worldview, and the other half is memes (which is also cool)
you're an amazing artist and I hope that more and more people see and love your art bc it's SO GOOD
im big eyes for the release of your comic, but I'll be good and wait patiently
you care a lot about the people around you, you're a really good person and you deserve all the good things in life. except 5 minute crafts stay away from that.”
“Thank you for the chats and friendship. I finally got a copy of Witchdame and have been enjoying it thanks to your recommendation. You are a wonderful person and I am glad I got to know you better.”
“You seem like a very sweet person and you give off nothing but good vibes, it's always appreciated.”
“It's always fun reading what you write for Voltra!”
“Thank you for your hard work with managing all the items! You can tell you care a lot about Voltra.”
”your writing style is very gorgeous, you are very cool and i hope to see you around more!”
“It's been awesome getting to chat with you here. You're so friendly and open, I really feel welcome here!”
“stay awesome and fabulous and most importantly, rainbow!!!”
“Really, I think you are pretty amazing
Always fun to talk to talk to a rad friend like you
In the future I hope we can continue to chat~
Nothing beats a silly conversation with you tbh
By the way, love when we are able to just sing song together lmao
Only you can be the one and only superior rainbowiest overlord
Waiting patiently to see your finally form!”
“thanks for kicking it in team electric cabin ;3c you guys were really fun to talk to this past week during the event. I don't usually post very much but the conversations we had were interesting and entertaining so I ended up posting a lot??? thanks for a good time.”
“You have been a really good friend to me the last few years. I know you aren’t a mushy person so I don’t express often just how much our friendship means to me. Thank you for continuing to talk to me and drag me down with you to everything you trip into.
I hope we can continue to be friends for many years to come. Even if we fall out of contact one day, I know that being friends has helped me in many ways and I will cherish those memories and times forever.
A grateful friend ”
“very nice to always meet you in those avatar sites
usually those friendships don't last!
let's then celebrate
viva la vida
all that”
“I'm so glad I was able to find you here. You've been so friendly both here and on DV, and it's made me feel really welcome in these communities.”
“You have a cute avatar! Reminds me of a colorful old-school cartoon. I hope you are enjoying the event. Let us save the kitty and collect all the items to decorate our avatars! GO TEAM SOUND!”
“i like your cat
thank u for putting up with me for so long
oh and chic c'est la vie”
”you were very welcoming to me when i first joined and i really appreciated it! you’re very easy to chat with, it’s nice to have you around the forums here. take care!”
“You're always so positive and helpful, and I appreciate everything you do for this site. You've really helped bring Voltra to life and keep it running! I also admire how much you consider and care for the feelings and representation of everyone.”
”You're always pleasant to talk to. I enjoy our chats and running in to you around the forums! :)”
“you really are the glue that holds us all together and keeps us all alive, but I'm sure that's not news to you. sometimes I'm shocked that you put up with our dumbassery, but then you crack out a good meme or joke and I'm like "oh yeah, she's a goober too" ... but you know, a respectable goober. and outstanding goober. a goober worth writing home about.
I'm glad that you joined as a pixelist, you've already improved so much since joining and I know you're always working SO HARD on your sets and always trying to grow and I really respect it, and I respect how open you are to critique. it says a lot on your character and abilities as an artist, really. WHICH BY THE WAY, you are an amazing artist and I love when you share your work with us. you have so many range from your beautiful painterly pieces or your amazing pixels (which I'm very jealous of they're SO HARD)
you're legit the best at giving advice too, like I know if I'm having a problem I know you'll always have something sage to share and keep me grounded. I really appreciate it and I want to thank you again for it, really, I imagine it can get exhausting at times but you're always so patient and caring and it SERIOUSLY means so much to me. and I'm gunna find a way to better repay it all one day just you WAIT
we def gotta have a fancy rat squad tea party one of these days with all the finest, weirdest tea sets we find online.
May the Great Frog bless you.”
“PRIESTESS OF PIXELS thank you for blessing voltra with your lovely pixels. i can't wait for more pie items in the future. I also love seeing your work in the interactive games! thank you for always working hard.
you're really fun to talk to, esp about weeb things. and you're willing to give me all the ketchup and cold coffee and that's nice of you.
you're super grounded, level-headed, and give killer advice. it's like you always know what to say at the right moment...
I always love seeing your art, it's got this nice soft cozy vibe. the colors and lighting are always on-point! don't get me started on your avatars...
anyways what I really wanted to say is,
you're cool beans”
“loooooooooove your art and also everything that you and the team do around here! cheering you on always!!”
”just wanted to say i LOVE your art!!! i just love looking at it, you have a really wonderful style and it brings me joy to see it”
“You're def already missed on staff, but we're just gunna hold on until you're able to come back don't worry. I wish you NOTHING but the best with your schooling, you got this and you're going to do great.”
“You're such an amazing artist and I love seeing the beautiful pieces you create.”
”You're always quick with a smile and a compliment. It means a lot and it's appreciated. Keep being "you"!”
“Thank you so much for being so welcoming and kind. I've really been enjoying my time here on Voltra thanks to you.”
"You've done so much to make me feel welcome here on Voltra. I get so excited to read your posts when I lurk in the forums. Please keep being a wonderful beam of light in our lives!"
”You're one person that it doesn't seem to properly matter. If I get a ping from you, I can't help but smile a little. You're so damned lovely and awesome, that it's hard NOT to love who you are. Thanks for being so damned awesome~<3333”
“you are very friendly and easy to talk to :-) and your avis are very cute as well! i hope the move goes as smoothly as possible and that dc welcomes you warmly <3”
"You are so sweet. I hope you never leave because it just wouldn't be Voltra without you! You're always nice to everyone no matter what and you make every conversation feel genuine, which is truly a feat considering how many conversations you participate in! You keep the site moving. Good luck with your moving and I hope the transition goes smoothly."
“thanks for talking to me even tho I dip 80% of the time ALDKFJKL you're a big part of voltra's community, and one of the nicest people I've met here. you can talk to everyone about anything, that's some kind of crazy superpower you have…”
“You always make me laugh with your silly banter and poppycock. Thank you for being you. uwu”
“You’re so funny and it’s been a while since we last spoke, so I hope things have been well for you!”
“I may have been off Voltra for a bit but, I hope you have fun during the event if you are, even if we're on different teams. I've never participated in an event here before so I hope we both have a great time. Have a great rest of the summer!”
“You’re always so sweet and kind and I hope you’re having a wonderful day.”
“You have amazing art and I always love to see it when you post it! You're also very generous with freebies.”
“You are just downright an enjoyable and interesting individual to conversate with. Doesn’t matter how long one is gone, when interaction is continued, it is as natural as the wind in Autumn. Thank you for blowing through our lives over these internet airwaves.”
“You're always so generous to users and it shows how much you care.”
“Thanks for always making sure your brother takes part in events. I’m glad he’s not secluded himself and Volties get to interact with him from time to time. It’s nice to get to know him. You’re a good sister. ”
"This site quickly became my home away from home, and it's one of the only sites I'm actually... social in (What is sociability? it's a type of cake, right?). Thank you so much for running it, even with that little hiccup early on! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that you do wonders for the site, and the community. Thank you so, so much!”
“Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the site. You can tell you put a lot of care into Voltra and it shows with how much it's grown.”
”thank you so much to all of the voltra staff! so much work must go into running voltra smoothly, and it’s clear a lot of time and effort goes into planning these events. i bet there’s a ton going on behind the scenes, just wanna send some recognition and love your way! thank you all so much for all of your hard work, for listening to the community, for all the lovely pixels and npcs, and for everything you do to make voltra a great place to hang out on, it’s been super appreciated :-)”
“thanks for being such a great friend throughout all these years, I can't believe it's been so long already OMG”
“You're a really cool person!! I look forward to seeing your posts :)”
"Your avatars are always so amazing looking!!! I think you're a pretty rad person as well, and I hope this message makes you smile!!"
“Thank you for checking on me and asking how I've been doing since I joined. I really appreciate your kindness, and I'm sure there are others who do as well.”
"Although we met online despite our differences, I still enjoy your company and chatting with you as you're a very nice and friendly person. I also do wish to see your art more in the future since I admired your art at the beginning! <3"
“you're really nice to talk to! also your art is *chef's kiss* gorgeous”
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 21:38:04 )
@Bonnie: An anonymous message has arrived for you.
“D Thanks for checkin up on me every now and again, for being such a strong individual, caring and loving, still able to find joy and the ability to share it. Thank you.”
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 21:39:12 )
@Unicorn: An anonymous message has arrived for you.
“I may have been off Voltra for a bit but, I hope you have fun during the event if you are, even if we're on different teams. I've never participated in an event here before so I hope we both have a great time. Have a great rest of the summer!”
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 16:41:44 )
@pachi: Several anonymous messages have arrived for you.
“You have been a really good friend to me the last few years. I know you aren’t a mushy person so I don’t express often just how much our friendship means to me. Thank you for continuing to talk to me and drag me down with you to everything you trip into.
I hope we can continue to be friends for many years to come. Even if we fall out of contact one day, I know that being friends has helped me in many ways and I will cherish those memories and times forever.
A grateful friend ”
“very nice to always meet you in those avatar sites
usually those friendships don't last!
let's then celebrate
viva la vida
all that”
“I'm so glad I was able to find you here. You've been so friendly both here and on DV, and it's made me feel really welcome in these communities.”
Npc — He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 16:42:56 )
@xvz: Several anonymous messages have arrived for you.
"Your avatars are always so amazing looking!!! I think you're a pretty rad person as well, and I hope this message makes you smile!!"
“Thank you for checking on me and asking how I've been doing since I joined. I really appreciate your kindness, and I'm sure there are others who do as well.”