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Forums Hangouts Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 22:35:42 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: Goodness, I hope you don't any issues with digesting sugars etc. LOL

@GodsandPunks: You got this darlin. I am not a fan of standardized testing either. I will take the GRE soon. I find out by Friday if I for sure am being allowed to pursue my dual Masters/PhD. I am nervous as all get out. Like my anxiety is running hella high but for so many different reasons and some are positive, ya know? It just seems things are finally progressing for me, and yet topsy turvy and outta control as well.

Which leads me to today's thought for the day. Recently my life coaching business has taken off, slowly but surely, and I have spent a lot of time listening to clients, and the issue of control comes up often. We all strive to control our lives, but the truth is, life happens, and it happens on its own terms. We can control how we act, and react, but not much else. We live with this illusion of being in control when in reality, there really isn't a man behind the curtain pulling strings. Being in control quite often requires us to be vulnerable and to submit. Then and only then are we able to see the illusion for what it truly is.

And lastly, all too often, we live life and we begin to get tired or anxious. We begin to make small compromises which is wonderful at its core. Until those compromises turn into settling. We see someone, not for who they are, but for who they could be, for who they dream to be, but not always for whom they are willing to put forth the effort to become. We end up in a lopsided relationship. We give and give and we support and build the other person up and help them to color their dreams in bright yellows and oranges and sky blue too. We animate their world and bring to life their 2d pixelated black and white images with varying shades of gray. All the while, they aren't doing the word. And we realize we have learned to love and accept a life with a half lover.

This poem hits home every single time I read it. Because we all know that half a drink will not quench our thirst, so why do we allow half lovers and half friends the opportunity to stick around and quench the thirst in our heart and soul?

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 22:43:11 )

@Xanthan: Nope, no issues with sugar whatsoever. The only thing my stomach can't handle well is spicy foods.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 22:50:29 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: So no jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and deep fried? lol

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 23:00:39 )

@Xanthan: Pretty much. My brother, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Doesn't care for sweets, but he absolutely loves spicy foods.

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 23:04:42 )


I'm not a huge fan of the existential, I got enough to worry about without having to worry whether my thoughts are even my own.

But I learned a long time ago that the only thing I can control in this world is me, and I hold me to pretty high standards. I refuse to be a hypocrite, so if I would look down on a quality of workmanship from someone else then I hold myself to that. And whereas that thought process came about when I was a child and had limited life experience, and so believed that someone could give their all into everything they did without killing themselves, some vestiges of it still remain.

I maintain that I am in control of myself. But I cannot choose for someone else, and I have no influence over my schedule or my life. It's always been this way because of the way my family works. I accept this. It frustrates me, and it limits me, but I accept this. I work with it, and I'm pretty good at averaging 25 years worth of "planned that, but xyz superceeded i again" into a pretty comprehensive mental tree diagram of what could happen and what's worth gambling on. I'm still wrong sometimes. I shrug. I move on. I'm right a large portion of the time though, and that's the important thing.

You do not have control over the world, the events that occur, or even truly what happens to you - but you can look at this wonderful machine we live in, throw down the rose colored glasses of "what you'd like to do/see/etc" and put on the welding goggles of "lets make it work". No its not always comfortable. Yes there's a lot of sacrifice and putting up with not getting your way. But you will be able to forge your way.

Yield when the tides of battle are not in your favor, but never submit. Never give up. Compromise is, indeed, different than settling; but stating it so passively is a step in the wrong direction. Being passive in this world leads you to dark places where the feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and powerlessness surround you and start to win. I learned that the hard way, and had to claw my way back out from that very deep dark hole.

Be serene enough to accept the things you cannot change.
Be brave enough to change the things you can.
Be wise enough to know the difference.



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 23:36:12 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@GodsandPunks: "Yield when the tides of battle are not in your favor, but never submit. Never give up. " Very sage advice and sound words. And I didn't mean to come across passive. I do understand the despair and dark places that passivity can lead you to. Had I given up, or been passive, I wouldn't have the news I just shared. I would still be mourning lost family members, lost loves, unrequited loves, and I would be wallowing in selfpity. But I do know that i can bend and not break.
We just all want to make our place in this crazy world. Most often people want to be validated and have their voices heard. We long and yearn to belong, to be given a chance to be someone's someone. I am content and then some with my current standings in life, and with the people I have around me. I count you as a huge blessing. You and @DevilkinBoi: are both amazing people and I enjoy chatting with you day in and day out.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/20 23:43:10 )

@Xanthan: Sorry, dog was barking up a storm at our front door again.

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/21 04:42:30 )


@Xanthan: I'm sorry for being so i guess aggressive? about it. I used to try and be the perfect daughter, what i thought my parents wanted, a good and proper young lady and it almost killed me. I craved escape in that bad kind of way. Learning to be assertive inside myself and to be willing to fight - at all - let alone for myself/not get used up/for good treatment etc. was the only thing that saved me. So I guess I just try to make sure others know that its okay to fight, its okay to be ugly, get mean, its not greedy to not give all of yourself to other people, and you have the right to grant yourself the agency you need to do what you want and need to do.

I'm grateful that you count me as part of your people, honestly I'm very honored! And I think you're right, most people want to find the place they belong. Some of us are at odds with that, want to belong but don't want to be "granted a place", ya know? I'd rather make a place if I have to than figure out how to comply with someone else's place. But it means that, even if my "place" is patchwork, even if my people are all over - like you and the friends I've made here - its still mine and I still belong. Also I'm completely sorry to just always be dumping thoughts like this on your thread omg.

But more importantly than all that,,, CONGRATULATIONS DUDE!! You done so good! You should be so proud of yourself! I bet your kids are so proud too!



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 06:28:15 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@GodsandPunks: No you are 100% ok. Get it out. Share your story and perspective because chances are someone else out there needs to hear it and can relate. The place I make for anyone in my life is their own place for sure. Expectations lead to disappointments, and the worst thing you can ever do to yourself and another is love them and keep them around because of what they could be, should be, might be, etc. Meet people where they are at in life, don't hold them to your standards. I only ask that you be you and do your thing. That is what I like about all my friends, mobile and IRL. They are 100% themselves and they are beautiful for it.

Thank you for the Kudos. I have been super emotional since getting the news. I have had great support though from my bf and my son and all my friends. I just got my canvases back that were stretched and mounted for me. I am so stoked :)

Tonight's topic: have you listened twice as much as you've spoken today? After all, isn't that why we have 2 ears but only 1 mouth?


Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/22 18:04:32 )


@Xanthan: Thank you for always being so kind! <3 The world needs more people like you, who love both humanity and the variety in the human experience. I truly honestly appreciate being your friend!

Meet people where they are at in life

And honestly you are absolutely correct! These words really hit home for me. "Trust people to be who they are" is something that I've come up against time and time again in life. Its so much nicer to live along side people than to constantly be butting heads with what you wish they were. But that's still different than "meeting someone where they are". Meeting in the middle, both sides understanding and giving a little of themselves. Sometimes I give too much, others I give too little. I'm not completely sure how to learn, but you've inspired me to try again <3



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/24 01:20:32 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@GodsandPunks: Yes! All too often "we" the collective, will get with someone we know may not be right for us, but they have so much potential. They spin a good yarn. They have dreams and so on. And all of those things are great things to have, don't get me wrong. The issue here is, not loving and liking, and accepting someone for who they are and where they are at. What if they don't get their big break and are an unemployed actor living from gig to gig with prospects slowly fluttering away? Are they still good enough, and everything you still wanted in someone when you thought they were the next idk Robin Williams, or Jodie Foster? Ya know? I see potential in everyone, but it is latent potential. Not many really care to do much about it. More people, of those I do know and talk to, haven't done anything but sit around and maybe look for jobs during this pandemic. Me, I am taking free courses, paid courses, school stuff, I am wanting to better myself and the more that I can get free or discounted, the more i do, because I am poor. I don't mind my struggle, but I am definitely going places. Hopefully I found someone strong enough to love me as is, where I am, and also strong enough to endure the ride. LOL
And yes, compromise is totally fine. Just make sure the relationship dynamic doesn't become too one sided for long periods of time. That is when it begins to get toxic and you become used etc. I have friends that may not have much money, but they have a large yard, so hey, how about I'll get x y and z for dinner, let's do it at your place so the kids can play in the yard etc. and you come up with somehting that works for the best of the group as a whole unit, not the individual. You got this darlin. I know ya do. If you would like help on learning how to reach out, be vulnerable without being a door mat, and living your best life, you got my name and number.....hit me up LOL

Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/24 02:39:23 )


@Xanthan: Your a really great friend, and I'll probably take you up on that!

Honestly I've never been in love in love. (Crushes yes, but they never go anywhere lol) Most of my experience comes from friendships that I later realize I'm the emotional support pet, or the unpaid untraining therapist in, and I know I could never ask for the same because it would scare the other party away, or else they talk over me and never give back. Its hard to get past the "training" that I'm/my feelings are not valid and that I'm a burden for doing what every one does to me. I'm easy to use, because I love platonically very easily and quickly. Because I love humanity as a whole, and every person is special and deserves respect.

But you are right, i see people's potential, i see their goals and I want to help. I think on average, and by now, i just don't assume anyone except my Precious Few want to support me - but I believe in helping where you can, regardless of rewards. But that's not a foundation for friendship



Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/25 02:19:21 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@GodsandPunks: thank you for the compliment. I am learning how to accept praise and compliments instead of shrugging and blowing them off. It is still weird though, cause I am just me. LOL But definitely hit me up anytime. I love our chats. You're story rings so familiar with others I have spoken with. I, too, love all of humanity. Every single person has value and is special and worthy of love, respect, and equality.

It can be really hard helping others just to turn around and feel alone or isolated. To feel as if by sharing your own thoughts or story others would shy away, rebel, or not even pay attention. I am so sorry that you feel as if you cannot share with others. I offer you my discord and voltra messaging if that helps :) From my experience, I had to learn to stand my ground with people. I needed healthy boundaries. If you need me there for you, which is fine, but you cannot be there for me in return, that is a one sided friendship and I'd rather say goodbye and hurt really bad in the moment and let it dissipate over time, than to start to have hope only for it to be ripped away and have the pain wash all over me in an unexpected time of need. Take the bandaid off all at once, not slowly. I have also learned that there is not an S on my shirt and I cannot save everyone, ie I am not superman. The closest I have come to it is from my son, he says I have a B on my shirt.....not for that lol .....but for Best Dad Ever :)

I think you have something inside of you that you haven't yet seen yourself. And once you recognize that. Once you validate your own self and slow down with the saving people ;) you will see significant change in all areas of your life. I will make a post sometimes soon on the power of NO and what it means to those in helping professions and those who just help too much.


Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/25 05:03:21 )


@Xanthan: you are a very wise person my friend! And honestly I look forward to that post. Learning to say no, learning what healthy boundries means, how to set them, what even is reasonable is something that I've struggled with pretty much all my life.



Voltie — They/Their Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 04:49:03 )


How is everyone doing tonight?


Nagisa | 25+ | INFJ
xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx

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💀 💀

Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/31 22:38:27 )
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Hey!!! Just wanted to let you know - Glass Animals released a new song.

It's All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/2 07:28:11 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈


How is everyone? Sorry I been away from this forum. Been working on work and school and the team event. What's new what's shakin what's up?

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/2 14:53:17 )

@Xanthan: Just people here being outraged over the power situation. Some STILL don't have their power back.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/2 15:30:14 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@DevilkinBoi: That is horrible. Any estimated time for the power to get back on for them?
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/2 15:59:09 )

@Xanthan: Estimates are pretty meaningless. They give a time, doesn't happen, so they give another estimate... only for it not to happen again.
Lucifer's Pet

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