Oh my gosh my sister expects me to do everything!! She leaves dishes in the sink when they could go in the dishwasher and I just finished putting dishes in the dishwasher, and she goes to make a sandwich and just leaves the peanut butter and jelly sitting on the freezer. She left her plate on the table too. She also hasn't done any work all week, and is playing games right now! WHILE I'M WORKING MY BUTT OFF TO CLEAN EVERYTHING AND DO ALL OF MY WORK!! I am almost done with my work but still it's just so stressful. I can't take it anymore. I don't get acknowledged for anything either. Am I the one that almost got sent to court? No. Am I the one with a bunch of absences? No, I have none. Did I not turn in some of my work? I have turned in everything whether it be a good or bad grade. Have I failed a class and have to go back and retake it? No, I have passed all of my classes. I just wanna scream and cry! I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LEAN ON! I want someone to care about me and acknowledge all the good things that I do, not the mistakes I make. I want them to realize how hard I've been working not just think I have been playing games all day. I can multi-task y'know. I want them to notice everything i've done, everything i've worked for.
I'm sorry for the rant. I can't stay positive forever. I can't keep bottling up my feelings.
I'm sorry for the rant. I can't stay positive forever. I can't keep bottling up my feelings.