@ghost: Paranormal activity detected!
/hovers over, sticks out arm, engages existential matter vacuum to suck you up
/hovers to the VIP box, deposits in a wet ploop of existential matter
/provides with a menu
What would you like, sir? /insert customer service smile
@Mica: Indeed!
Fried circuits with some delicious aged oil
Century old sockets steeped in high voltage currents
Crumpled vents with slight air current
...you really should know our menu.
@ghost: Then our infamous cabela alfredo with some fine Cacific oil for a nice twist. Only the best service for our dear guests.
/runs the vacuum over your body for a nice light suction massage before hovering into the kitchen
@ghost: Ah yes. Garlic is most delicious. You may know flavor, however. You are dead and yet somehow remained in a functional state. Perhaps your food is actually transcendent?
@Mica: You are operating most effectively if talk of cable and oil is exciting.