Wonderland wasn't how she had left it, their Alice. Not that it seemed right to be fetching a kid to come save their home (who knew, maybe this world was just as chaotic?), so Chez didn't exactly feel morally great about fetching the child to bring her down into their chaos once again, but it's what they were supposed to do. That didn't excuse it, they knew.. but what were they supposed to do? They weren't the protagonist in this story, they never had been.. they just had a part to play. And it was bringing the chosen one.
Being in her world, they took the form she would be familiar with. A white bunny in a waistcoat, with the same little pocketwatch they always wore. It's not that they had any form of magic ( but maybe the watch did? who knows??), but the portal, the one that Alice knew as a rabbithole, served not just as a literal portal between the worlds, but linked them so the nonsensical made sense to the rules of the world you entered. Maybe you could go elsewhere too? Chez had never really tried, it was scary enough to visit Alice's world, and that was the only other place except Wonderland they knew of.
It took a little while, but eventually, Chez found a girl that looked (for the most part) like Alice. Sure, the hair was different, but the face was pretty much the same as before. It's not like Chez was unchanged either, so they decided not to judge.
As they were sure they had caught her eye enough for her to be interested enough to follow, they muttered to themself
"Oh, I sure hope this is the right Alice....", not wanting to bring any more chaos with them back down through the hole.