*comes in default tones 2, 4, and 6, and a version without the jellyfish that comes in all 6 default tones* *comes in Left and Right poses as well* *comes with Bangs and Ponytail poses as well* *comes in Left and Right poses as well*
Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback. We at Voltra are always watching and listening, so the more responses we get to these sort of things, the more we can improve on your experience here!
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set you are reviewing, do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 rating to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories - those are just some suggestions for the direction in which you can take your feedback.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it," as it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
[b]Heartbreak Hammer[/b]
[b]Heartbreak Coffin[/b]
[b]Chrysaora Witch[/b]
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being extremely helpful!
We know that leaving a review might not always seem rewarding, so this time we are going to be holding a raffle the 1st week of September for all the folks that left a review. Winner will receive an August Crate!
Donator — Fox Lady
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/9 03:42:28 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★✩✩✩
Heartbreak Coffin ★★★✩✩
When I saw these were the August monthlies, I wasn't entirely eager to run and get them. It could just be that I'm picky, and it is kind of unfortunate that the Heartbreak hammer doesn't have a female version too. Like I get having separate male/female items, but essentially I think if it's a monthly item we're paying real cash for, there should be items that has clothing that's compatible with both male and female. I'm not saying make dresses that boys can wear, but have a male version. Also, it seems odd that we're getting a coffin item when it's summer time and not during October?
Chrysaora Witch ★★★✩
I LOVE the dress on this, but the addition of jellyfish seems a bit weird to me. The two don't seem to mix to me. Like if the dress/hat had a more aquatic design I think it would have worked better, but the blobs on the hat and the backgrounds, are a bit out of place for the design of the outfit. Also the eyes seem to look weird on my avatar when I try to use them.
Bubblenaut ★✩✩✩✩
I am really not a big fan of this one. It's another mix of things that kind of don't go together well. Bubbles and aliens. I got a couple of these but I really don't see me having a use for any of the items of this set.
Overall the poses and stuff are great. I like you're getting creative with poses and outfits but with the rare items this time around, the themes just fall flat with me. I would love to see more items that meshed better. The Fabled Beauty was PERFECT!. Keep up with items like these. I'm also new, and know little to what has been made before, but I've seen some past items that seemed hit or miss with me as well. I can also be picky so you can probably ignore a lot of what I'm saying.
For future items, I'd love to see male/female items included in the sets so it's not gender excluded and I'd like to continue to see new hairs, eyes and mouths too, to go with the sets.
Donator — she/her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/9 06:11:16 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★★★★
I enjoy the hammer and rose combination. It’s unique and interesting. A playful design. The hair has an amazing shape and I love the variety of variation! The outfit itself is a great design. Very hip and now, and masculine. I like the touches of rainbow added to some of the recolors, but that it’s still usable in non rainbow outfits because it’s not ‘only’ rainbow. Actually, the colors are great! Nothing I don’t like. The only criticism I can think to add would be that the top is very simple. But that fits the style so I don’t mind. Plus we have lots of accessories for upper body so I’m glad the focus was on the bottoms.
Heartbreak Coffin ★★★★✩
My first response was that the hair is amazing! I’m totally obsessed! I enjoy the delicate leg mod with the dainty shoes, adorable! The skirt is very cute, I like the details. Again the shirt itself is a little plain, but we have lots of upper body accessories so I’m sure it can be customized a lot; the hands dipped in color is brilliant though! I only wish we had more “dipped in color” type items to take the idea further! Inspired! Can’t wait to use the coffin background.
Chrysaora Witch ★★★★★
Witch and wizard hats are always my favorite, so naturally I love the hat. But I especially love the uniqueness and details! I love the ‘liquid filled’ thing, it reminds me of the Alice jar. But I can’t think of any other items like that, so I hope to see more in the future! The dress is beautiful and elegant, and hints at jellyfish without being too literal. I can’t get over how great the hair is. And the jellyfish themselves are cute. I assume the eyes were designed to be otherworldly or magical looking, which certainly they are, and yet somehow they’re too disjointed looking with the colored eyelashes to work for me, personally. I like them, but can’t seem to make them look right. I’m a little sad they don’t come in black eyelashes as well, but I understand it was a design choice and they’d lose much of the magical look.
Bubblenaut ★★★✩✩
I like the colors, and the design is cute. I don’t think I’d use any of the poses though. It’s just not my personal style. If the head bubble had a solid version that replaced the avatar head, I would use that. (I like head replacements)
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/10 01:42:52 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★★★✩
My concern with the initial pose is that visually, what is being held in the avatar's right hand is a little difficult to discern. If you didn't know what the item was meant to be, it could be very confusing to see on an avatar. I think the petals and overall look is a little too small for the amount of detail you're trying to fit there. My other concern with the initial pose is that the hammer neither fits the oversized hammer aesthetic nor is a reasonable mallet size, so it's a kind of strange midground. I think it would have looked nice if it were either smaller or more comically large. That said, I like the way the colors are balanced on the hammer itself and I wouldn't mind more hand poses that utilize both hands like this. The hair looks good, I have no complaints because I like to use this type of partially shaved head look, though I think it pairs strangely with the ear mods on the site in my personal opinion. The next pose is simple, it looks good, something I'd expect from a hammer item. The hat item looks good and is something I'd like to see more of, though the bill of the hat seems a little off perspective-wise but I can't really describe how to fix it (apologies). I feel like there was an opportunity to have the back-half of the hat use the tertiary color (white) of the color schemes but I am still happy with how the hat looks overall. It'll layer weird with some hair styles but there's not much that can be done about that, though I recommend any future similar hat items have different orientations (work backwards, more side-ways, more lifted/barely on the head, etc.) so that more hair can work with them.
No complaints with the pants, I like the mulitple belt look and I think it overall suits the style of the item perfectly. Similarly, no complaints on the foreground item. I think the aesthetic of the roses doesn't quite tie into the rest of the punk look so overall the item concept is a little strange as one half is punk/spikey, heartbreak, big hammer while the other half is rose, thorn, heartbreak so there's minimal thematic overlap in my opinion. I think the shirt is a little overwhelming, the font is unclear and there's no rose, thorn, or hammer motif in this pose so only the style/cut of the shirt ties it into the punk theme along with the broken heart logo; combined, I just find it to be more like an after thought in terms of the item theme. All this said, I like the colors chosen and I've already purchased two of them so despite my criticisms, I DO enjoy the overall bad boy aesthetic of it.
Heartbreak Coffin ★★★✩✩
The conflicting perspective of the roses adorning the coffin (especially by the legs, where it almost appears to be in the back of the coffin but is, instead, overlapping the character's leg) is strange. The roses aren't carried in the rest of the item as a motif so it seems out of place and I wish the coffin had just not had the roses at all (though thorns could've been made to work, more of a dead flora decoration to an item surrounding death). The hair seems fine, I like the way the streaks were done and I think it'd look fine when paired with head accessories. I really enjoy the leg item which is my personal favorite pose, and I think it'd look fantastic with a plethora of skirts on the site. I'd like to see similar poses or some (high-waisted) shorts released that pair well with this. The collar is a little underwhelming, I'd like to see the hearts appear broken or just one half present (other missing) to really tie into the theme and name of the item. For the shirt item, I like the hand pose but visually the glove on the face is indiscernible to me. It looked like they were holding something strange at first. I love partial gloves as a concept but I think the execution of the hand pose on the face made it a little less impactful. It fits the vaguely victorian theme but I'd have liked to seen the other aesthetic/motif elements present on this pose. I feel the same with the skirt, like maybe a broken or half-present heart would appear better for the item. The frill on the third color scheme skirt is difficult to discern but I do like the presence of the large ribbon on the skirts. I think this item might have been a little more visually interesting if ribbons had been a larger motif on the item, personally. Especially with the possibility of tying up/untying a coffin (like a present?) because it'd be interesting.
I already answered the other two items in the previous thread; for your convenience, I've copied and pasted that below.
Chrysaora Witch
Concept-wise, this is a really good item. I like the jellyfish frill of the dresses (and the colors of the last dress are jaw-dropping), and I appreciate the simplicity of the arm pose. I do think the white eyelashes on the first two eye poses are strange, but they might end up looking really good based on skin tone so I guess the jury's still out on that one until I try it, haha. I think the hair pose is my favorite for this because all of the gradient colors look fantastic to me. I really appreciate the hair curls; not too much, but definitely enough to create visual interest. I also like the jellyfish background and how they converge on the avatar. I like the hat with the glass-liquid aesthetic but I do think the frill on the brim of the hat looks just a little strange in conjunction to the dresses since it doesn't seem to have that texture/'fabric' on it, so I think I would have expected something that looks more thin rather than plush-y.
I like the concept and the colors chosen. I think the space suit itself looks fantastic and it's probably the pose I'm most excited for - the texture looks good, it seems comfortable, it's overall a great item for space. I think the little aliens are totally fun and in-line with what I expect for background-foreground companions on avatar items. I also love the bubble wand SO much, I think it's clever and unique and I believe the texture you guys chose for bubbles was a smart choice. In that vein, the bubble-head item is exciting. I'll need to see how it looks with regular items to fully decide just how amazing it is, but I am certainly a fan of the way it appears mid-motion. It seems pretty natural for being the unnatural phenomenon that it is. I think the spaceship was a logical pose for this item but the body of the spaceship feels 'flat' compared to everything else. The spacesuit feels more real than the spaceship, and I think that may be due to perceived lighting or shape, like maybe a highlight would've given the spaceship more 'shape'. I love the way the smoke curls beneath the spaceship though, I'd kind of be interested in an item like that that just generated cool smoke stuff in the background of the avatar (for dramatics, of course).
— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/10 03:46:08 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★★★✩
I LOVE the hair and hat combination, it's a good balance between romantic and punk!! The hammer also looks useful for more toon inspired avis, which I really appreciate!! I also like the style of pants, they look like they'd go well with pretty much any punk-y outfits or even just modern-ish casual outfits. I also love the ground roses, it's so nice to get more ground items!! My least favorite thing about this set though, is the hand holding a rose. I can't figure out any uses for it, since the silhouette isn't really clear - that's my only criticism of this set, though >w>;;
Heartbreak Coffin ★★★★✩
LOVE this set so much - it's not my style since it's very feminine, but it's still so pretty!! I love the dress in particular, it's neat and tidy and cute, plus the leg mod is really good for layering!! The coffin might seem out of place since it's still summer, but I don't mind at all 'cause it'd make a great Halloween/October item too :3 Though I think the gloved hand reaching towards the face could be more well-defined. Anyways, really lovely set and I look forward to getting it!!
Chrysaora Witch ★★★★★
Okay, so I might be a liiiiittle biased since this is the first rare set item I've been around to see, but I just.. love this set so much. The eyes are beautiful, as well as the outfit itself and the jellyfishies!! The hair is so lovely too, well defined curls and lovely value work on it!! My favorite item has got to be the hat, I love the glass-filled-with-mysterious-liquid thing going on!!! I think the arm mod is going to be very useful too, for cutesy avis. I wouldn't personally wear this since it's very feminine, but I think it's FANTASTIC and I know a lot of people who would wear it.
Bubblenaut ★★★★✩
I don't vibe with this one as much as the others, maybe because it's out of my avi style?? I do love how well drawn the rocket ship is, plus the bubble head item is sooo cute!! I'm not super fond of the bubble wand since the bubbles look too solid to me, but other than that, everything's drawn really well! This is a really good set for space-themed avis, too!! I think if I got my hands on the set, I'd use the space suit the most >w>
I hope I did this right, it's my first time rating Crate Items!!! ;w;
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/13 01:07:36 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★★★✩
I liked this item more so than the heartbreak coffin :>
The pose is cute!
I love the hair oodles and oodles! That fade gosh so nice! And really love that there are "extra" hair color combos!
The color combos in general are real nice! I'm a sucker for white, black and gold so like my fav color combo is there and I am happy!
Thooouuugggh a little sad that coal(i think its called coal, the black color) was a big presence in 2 color combos? a bit more variety would have been nice to see~! But that is such a minor gripe because the colors are all so nice and they play so very very well to this item!
//Also smaller issue that kinda bugs me is that the honey(I think its honey lmao the gold color) floor roses are darker than the honey colored rose your holding in your hand ;3;
The modern clothing is awesome! Big shout out to the hat! omg I love it ;w;
Heartbreak Coffin ★★★★✩
This item is cute :>
I like that the color scheme reflects the heartbreak hammer, 10/10 good couple/twinnning set!
the color combos are nice but like the hammer crate item, marshmallow (i think that's the name xD) plays a big role in 2 color combos
maybe for the grape combo you could've switched the marshmallow and the midnight color!
this is a minor gripe again because all combos looked nice together and played well with the item :>
The hair is nice! The colors are lovely, it's drawn beautifully, those highlights are so crisp and pretty!
I like the coffin, it's a really nice background accessory. I really love that the roses match the Heartbreak Hammer and pair beautifully with each other!
The legs/feet mod OMG it's so stinking cute! those dainty little feet! the adorable maryjanes! Gosh it's a shining star to this item! *A*
Chrysaora Witch ★★★★★
y'all killing me with these rare crate items!
It's absolutely gorgeous!
10/10 color combos
10/10 item poses
10/10 artwork
just a 10/10 item! I have no complaints for this item! Just praises all around >u<
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/14 18:55:57 )
Heartbreak Hammer ★★★✩✩
I'm not a big fan of this one, but it's got some poses I like and will definitely use. The whole "giant hammer" thing is not really for me, and if indeed it is a copy of that Gaia item, I'm even less interested, and the K-pop vibe doesn't appeal to me personally. That said, I think the art on this one looks good and I like the color choices. I appreciate that the hat is big enough to be worn over the hair, but still look good without it. Until we get some kind of hair clipping, that would be something to keep in mind for any future hat items IMO. I like the shirt, though it feels a little plain for the item's theme and for a CI in general. The pants aren't my style, and I feel like we have a lot of puffy pants already. I appreciate getting more short hair, even if this one is also not particularly to my taste. It's "boyish" and suits the theme, and doesn't look like every other hair we tend to get. The floor pose with the roses is pretty versatile, and I hope to see more ground items in the future. Overall I feel like this one is just OK. I can get a lot of use out of it, and it's not too samey in relation to other recent items.
Heartbreak Coffin ★★✩✩✩
This item also has some good poses, but overall I like it even less. I've been dying for a coffin, and while I am excited to have this one, I was kind of disappointed that there's no option to use it without the roses. They stand out pretty harshly to me and make the pose less versatile. Like with the other item, I appreciate that the hair in this one is not the same as all the other hairstyles we typically get, though it is not really to my personal taste. I could have done without more tiny-foot items, but I guess I'm in the minority there. I just don't see much difference between the legs/feet in this item and the other tiny footed legs we already have. Would have been more interesting for them to at least have some unique shoes/socks or be in a different position; I don't care for the way they're just standing their with the toes pointed inward. Almost looks like she has to pee, and I've seen this pose plenty before already. The shirt/arms look good, but I could have done without the gloves, or at least with an option that didn't have them. They also look a little jarring to me, and what I can only guess is the tip of the thumb on the hand closest to the face doesn't appear to be attached to anything.
I'm OK with having a matching CI set with one more masculine and one more feminine item, but I would still have liked to see more versatile clothing and pose options in this one.
Chrysaora Witch ★★★✩✩
I like the concept of this one more than the execution, though I don't really get what jellyfish and witches have to do with each other... but I appreciate the unique idea, assuming I'm not just missing some kind of reference. I'd have loved to see the jellyfish theming taken a little further, and for the jellyfish themselves to be a little more realistic. I feel like, without the jellyfish background pose (which I love), I would not have known what this item was supposed to be. I like the eyes, and I like that the colored lashes make them a bit different from our usual. I like the fact that the ponytail can be worn separately, but the hairstyle overall doesn't do much for me. It feels like more of the same. Would have appreciated some less feminine poses with this item, as well. The colors are hit and miss for me; I like the green and purplish one, and the blue/white/gold is OK, but I don't feel like black/red suits the theme and would like to have seen color schemes that remind me more of, well, jellyfish. Overall I like this item but probably won't get much use out of it.
Bubblenaut ★★★✩✩
This item is really cute, though that's exactly why it doesn't appeal to me (but a lot of people love more cutesy items, so there's nothing wrong with that). It gives me "classic avatar site" vibes, if that makes sense. Fun and unique, but not really practical. I like the rocket ship, and I have to appreciate the way the domes are made to look like bubbles in motion rather than just being round. That does make them less versatile, but I can't complain about a more interesting design that fits the theme. My biggest complaint about this item is that the poses all feel a little chunky and clumped together, for lack of better words. I would have liked to see more spread out background poses with it, and maybe a little more detail overall.