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Forums General Chit-Chat Parenting and School Starting

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/12 01:55:02 )
🌈 You gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day🌈

I am getting ready to start classes again. My son is also getting ready to start back. It got me to thinking, as I was compiling information and resources for myself, I wonder how many other parents on here would like some ideas on school lesson plans, curriculum, worksheets, and just about anything else related to having kids home for school versus in a brick and mortar building.

I was considering creating a thread with a list of resources and for others to contribute their findings with the content being school related and free of charge. I know as a parent during these times, I am not comfortable sending my kiddo to school. For me it was no question as to what to do with my son, but I also wanted to make sure I stayed on top of things because I am not a middle school teacher. LOL

Anyways, if there is any interest in this, I will go ahead and make the thread but in the meantime I just feel us parents need to stick together, for the kiddos and their education. After all, they are our future, we don't need to be failing them.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/13 04:46:04 )
My son is turning 3 in November and will be eligible to start attending school.
However, he's in an early intervention program for his delays in speech and communication, so taking covid out of the picture, this is all very anxiety-inducing for me. But putting covid in the picture, I'm not sure I even want him to start, but I worry about him not starting and missing out on the things he needs for his development.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/13 20:57:34 )
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oh are you thinking of homeschooling this coming school year? what grade would your kid be in? (or like elementary vs middle - no pressure if that feels personal to say)

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/13 21:00:17 )
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i'm not a parent but i think it's p interesting to see how ppl are navigating school n childcare during these times
some of my coworkers are parents and have been struggling a lot with childcare / having a hard time finding a sustainable solution
it's also been interesting to see how big of a role community care has been, like having extended family or friends be able to help out seems to be necessarily for situations where parents are all working full-time, and not having those options have been really hard on them to the point of moving as a response :0

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Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/13 23:46:08 )
🌈 You gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day🌈

@Aisukohi: In my area, well in the US as a whole, I personally don't feel we have a good enough plan to keep the kiddos safe. Granted my son is almost 14, however, I cannot risk his health and safety when I don't even trust the plans in place as a nation, my own state, my county, and even the school district. The only option I had that made sense was to keep him home :( In your instance, 3 is so impressionable and there is a huge need for social activity. Do you know any other parents that you feel safe with who have kids the same age? I spend time with maybe 5 people total outside my son and my bf. but we all have come up with ways to get through this and still be social.

@xvz: my son is in virtual school through public education. but yes, i will be teaching on top of that. i have the state curriculum guidelines down, and i have already supplemented his last years studies with my own curriculum. the school system simply does not have it all right in my opinion. Therefor, I will be doing my own thing, he will do his own thing via public school online, and then I will be adding to it. especially since part of the curriculum goes over very sensitive and important topics such as US history up until the 1900's. It also covers a lot of literature styles. I will be making sure that he dives deep into art history which i am familiar with, for his credits in the arts, he will be doing extra work on body language and communication styles, specifically digital body language, he will be writing more than what is required because texting is not the only way to write and should he go to Uni, texts and emojis won't fly. And finally he will be learning additional life skills such as personal finance, why we have tax, what it is all about, and how to calculate it. Things like that. He will be in 8th grade btw

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/14 00:01:27 )
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ooh it's nice to have a parent who cares and is invested in education, i hope he can appreciate it hehe
what do you mean by digital body language?? i haven't heard much about that before :0 is it bc so much is through video chat now?

personal finance will be super practical! i wish school did more to prep ppl for adult life
taxes, insurance lol, cooking, civic discourse,,,

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Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/14 00:01:57 )
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i hope the transition to high school next year goes smoothly too :0

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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/14 03:13:39 )
@xanthan: I'm in the same boat--no trust in the government or other powers that be in the practices (or lack thereof) for how to do things. My biggest concern is of course the opportunity for covid to spread. Even if it doesn't usually affect kids, I work with the elderly population for a living. If he brought it home, and I brought it to work...I can't even think of how shitty I'd feel. We've been very fortunate to not have any residents contract it, but a couple employees have unfortunately had it, and we've been very careful to keep it out of our building.

I don't personally know of any parents with kids in his age group other than this kid who lives across the street from my parents (they watch him while I'm at work). I've contemplated arranging a playdate with them, but I'm not sure how to go about it since our schedules seem to be so different. My son's early intervention used to have play groups for kids his age and their families, but this was all before covid. Now of course, those are postponed indefinitely, and so he doesn't have much opportunity to be around others his age. Sometimes we'll take him to a park in the area, but I'm leery about him interacting with most people right now.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 01:11:18 )
🌈 You gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day🌈

@xvz: digital body language is conveyed through things like zoom meetings and the like, but more importantly it is how we write and express ourselves through written communication. the way we us ! more often than ever before, or using ....more often than before. It is communicating clearly and effectively through written communication in many styles. So email, versus texts, versus a quick sticky note scribble etc. You get a message from your boss, it simply says "We need to talk. There will be a meeting tomorrow morning at 8am sharp." What does that mean? what is the tone? how is it interpreted? how else could it be interpreted? now what if your mother sent a text and said simply, we need to talk. again how do you interpret it? what if it were a message from your partner? That is what digital body language is. The tone and interpretation of digital and written messages via medium of message, words used, words not used, and all that combined with punctuation, emojis, gifs, etc.

@Aisukohi: have you considered local home schooling groups? meetup groups? I cannot think of the website off the top of my head but it is similar to meetup but is for homeschooling. A lot of those parents do meet ups once a week or month and so on. Even if it were virtual, I feel something is better than nothing. If at the least, you can engage other parents, learn how they live essentially, and then determine the risk.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 03:29:02 )
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ooh i see, so not really about the "body" language part but just like, digital communication styles in general

it is pretty interesting as a topic, especially from a linguistic perspective! practically i know a lot of young people can pick up on it intuitively but i can imagine that not being true for everyone, i guess in particular i'm picturing people who may be on the spectrum

i also feel like for older people, we're used to "professional" digital communication but for younger generations, being so immersed with casual text style being such a huge/primary component of digital communication that it can be harder to codeswitch in other settings (like writing a research paper or professional email) if that "muscle" is relatively never exercised

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βˆ˜β—¦α΅’ .β‹†ο½‘Λšβ˜½β € {β €buying / questing: capricorn β €}β €β˜½Λšο½‘β‹†. α΅’β—¦βˆ˜

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 15:58:39 )
@xanthan: I've never really thought about finding homeschooling groups. Actually I haven't really thought about homeschooling because I don't think I can afford to. I feel more secure knowing we have dual income for our household, because if something were to happen to either one of us, at least we'll be okay, financially. But I do think I can find support groups for parents in similar situations. My son's current program does virtual support groups once a month, and the person who runs them also frequently shares support materials via email, so I can always fall back on those.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/17 00:47:06 )
🌈 You gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day🌈

@Aisukohi: get involved with those groups even if only to network.

Voltie — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/18 02:59:39 )
Hey there! I just wanted to give some support in the matter of trying to gather resources for parents in education, especially since the times are a little rocky. It's nice to see that you're trying to get things up and running. I may have English learning resources for anyone who may need it, as I am a student who had taken courses in such - cert in ESL.

Donator — SIR Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/27 20:11:25 )
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@cartymar21: wow. I am so sorry for just now seeing this. Thank you for offering up your help and support. It seemed as though things kinda died here. I have since opened a webpage just for my family ( me, my son, and my boyfriend), to keep us all in line and keep my son's resources up to date. His school is a joke and so I spend about 10 hours a week or so just going through and supplementing his curriculum. UGH. What do you study? You are a certified ESL teacher?
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/27 21:21:14 )
If it helps any of you, I am a veteran homeschooler and might have resources or suggestions available if anyone is looking for something specific as you guys do the "school at home" thing with your kids - please feel free to @mention me, PM me, etc. Please note that I by no means have all the answers or all the resources, but who knows? - my kids have definitely challenged me over the years and my collection of educational bookmarks is vast!!! Maybe I can help. I can certainly sympathize!!

Anyway, just making myself available as a potential resource :3

And by the way - you guys got this. ;)

β”€β–’β”œ Hangout with me! β”€β–’β”œ

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